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CSM FAQ 1.0 released!


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Heh, did tell everyone that it was totally obvious that Daemon Princes could take that Axe...


Glad to see the FAQ come to us so fast ;)


This opens up nice builds.


Sad to see no points reduction for the Sons and maybe the Possessed, but meh.


Hope people waited with the "ripping off hands on termies" job ^_^

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But by saying "change MoK or DoK" it confirmed exactly what everyone else saying that "daemon of" is not the same as "mark of". But I wish there was more on this FAQ. I think I foresee a few more in our near future.


Why? The Axe was the only glaring problem on the artifact list. DPs can already take the rest there, so what is missing in your opinion?


Edit: I misunderstood you. Sure, they could have changed some costs here and there as I said. The obvious problems were fixed now though,

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But by saying "change MoK or DoK" it confirmed exactly what everyone else saying that "daemon of" is not the same as "mark of". But I wish there was more on this FAQ. I think I foresee a few more in our near future.


Why? The Axe was the only glaring problem on the artifact list. DPs can already take the rest there, so what is missing in your opinion?

Scroll ^_^

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But by saying "change MoK or DoK" it confirmed exactly what everyone else saying that "daemon of" is not the same as "mark of". But I wish there was more on this FAQ. I think I foresee a few more in our near future.


Why? The Axe was the only glaring problem on the artifact list. DPs can already take the rest there, so what is missing in your opinion?

Scroll ^_^


Heh, I had the post edited before you posted this ;)


I thought he meant the "Daemon of" being a problem, which it no longer is.

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Well, glad GW can get this kind of clarifications out pretty quick. Still are a few unclear points here and there and possible slipups but overall pretty nice.


Just saw one thing that has me wondering if it's an overslight or not : I wonder now if power scourges are supposed to be Specialist Weapons... :)

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I find it highly highly odd that they would flat out lower the points cost of the Hellbrute. That is just something that does not happen very often (if ever).


Yeah, I think the only explanation is that it was a true misprint, and that it was always supposed to be 100 points.


Changing actual unit costs post-codex, is not something I believe will happen. Because then they could take a peek at Thousand Sons and Possessed. As in just a careful glance :D


Cool news about the brute. I'm not sure its a deal maker/breaker for anyone but since I intend to field at least one, I'll take the discount.


True, but it makes me very happy that it indeed, was an error, that our terminators lost their weapon flexibillity! This means not only that I dont have to rip up one of my termies, but that I can use them the way I want to use them.

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I'm surprised to see the FAQ so soon, and shocked to see the points reduction on the hellbrute. I mean, was anybody asking for it? Not that it was 'good' already, but if they were going to address units that are painfully overpriced, the possessed, thousand sons, and warp talons all seemed to be further ahead in that line than the hellbrute. And a 5 point reduction, on a 105 point model? That doesn't really seem to be worth the hassle of having to fish out the errata for it. The hellbrute wasn't terrible before, and it isn't good now, so why bother?


Still, gives me the barest hope that someone might actually take a look at possessed and talons. Wouldn't even take that much of an errata, just "add grenades to the wargear' and maybe drop a point or two, and they'd sell a lot more of them. Then again, this is exactly the kind of whining they've opened themselves up to from any player in any book for any arguably overpriced squad. It just seems like a can of worms that they didn't really want or need to open, all, again, for a modification to the helbrute that's hardly even noticeable.



Otherwise, the DoK + axe, Zombie, and Termie fixes were expected. I'm still expecting a fix to the noise marine champ and DoT + scroll, and keeping my fingers crossed for that 'must' to become a 'may' on prince alignments, and for Dark Apotheosis to let the new prince keep boons, rewards, artifacts, & psychic powers that a normal HQ prince would have been able to take.

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This errata is just GW fixing the worst foul-ups in a poorly written 'dex. Not sure if it was rushed or whether the proof-readers were asleep.


The helbrute thing has me scratching my head. This sort of thing is almost unprecedented- a rare few FAQs changed the cost of bits and pieces of wargear in the past, but that is quite rare. Of course, maybe it was always intended and they simply forgot to tweak the points cost when they were cut n' pasting in the loyalist dread rules.

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I am really surprise to see the hell brute get a point reduction. Still cant get a 120 point Lascannon and Missile Launcher dreadnought but a slight improvement :D. Also the change in wording for the terminators is also cool. Gives me hope for future FAQ's. Here's hoping that they will get rid of the obliterator weapons rule.
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Just realised that they did not fix the Scroll of Magnus and the Tzeentch Daemon Prince connection. Bah! Well, the axe was a start. Just one more to go, and the artifact list is fixed...


As I said above, I am pretty certain the Helbrute point reduction was a mistype in the original codex, so it was always meant to be 100 points from the start. Thats the only explanantion on the points reduction.

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I am really surprise to see the hell brute get a point reduction. Still cant get a 120 point Lascannon and Missile Launcher dreadnought but a slight improvement :D. Also the change in wording for the terminators is also cool. Gives me hope for future FAQ's. Here's hoping that they will get rid of the obliterator weapons rule.


Obliterators won`t be changed, as they are okay already and there is no obvious error there. They got a 5 point reduction and that slightly limiting rule and lost fearless but gained assault cannon. They can however be marked into true T 5. Oblits is still a good unit

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Even so, it just doesn't seem to be worth the hassle of the errata or the precedent it sets. Maybe if it had been off by 25 points, but five points? If I were them, I would have just let it stand. Being five points overpriced doesn't make a serious difference on the brute. Even without, it was still functional enough for casual games, and even with it isn't viable in a competitive environment, so why bother now?


I don't mean to be complaining about a points drop. It just seems weird is all.

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