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My Dark Mechanicus pledge...


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Alright, I recently had to put my more ambitious modeling projects on hold when personal life took a turn for the worst and drop out of the 'Tale of 20 pre-H parallel thread' dur to the strain these events had put on my family's budget and the time I am now able to devote to this hobby.


However, considering this here would not involve a single expense on my part and actually give me something to look forward to during these difficult weeks (although my girlfriend's condition has since stabilised and greatly improved, we are still going trough much emotional stress).


I have thus decided to get started on a project I've been looking forward to since, well, pretty much forever... Using what bits I have collected as well as the DV boxset content, I'll start building a new Dark Mechanicus army. The new Chaos 'dex has opened all kinds of possibilities in that regards and made me more eager than ever to get this project on its feet.


although this pledge is very basic and straightforward, I'll try to customise most of the involved models and, if time allows, maybe eventually add a third item to this pledge. Alas, my current budget constraints mean I cannot afford any of the new releases...


My original pledge is, thus, as follows :

1. A HQ model : in this case a Warpsmith bearing the Burning Brand

2. An infantry unit : 20 cultists/conscripts


Very straightforward, I know, and not much of a pledge to begin with. Still, I'm looking forward to giving life to some of the conversions I have in mind and hopefully will be able to get more out of this small pledge than most would first expect... :)

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