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Psychic HQ rampage


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I've played a bunch of games with 6th Ed, the latest ones with the new Chaos codex, and until now I've completely ignored the Psychic stuff.


I wanted to put the Brand of Skalathrax into the list and considered putting it on a Sorcerer for some added lulz. But the more I look into it the more exciting it gets.


Consider this unit:


Chaos Sorcerer

  • Terminator Armour
  • 3 Mastery Levels
  • Brand of Skalathrax

That's 175 points and he doesn't need to take a Mark, so he could get 3 powers from Telepathy. 5 out of 6 of those powers are Blessings or Maledictions, so at the very least he gets to cast one power at the start of his movement turn (more likely 2) and still shoot Skalathrax in his shooting turn. Potentially he can buff/debuff 3 times before he's even moved (Mental Fortitude a friendly unit, then Dominate and Terrify an enemy unit). With the new rules he can even do this to units locked in combat.


He's in Terminator armour for added protection (cheap for a Sorcerer) and you can wrap him in cultists to keep him safe. If an enemy gets close just unleash the cultists and let the Sorcerer go somewhere else, even another cultist mob.


What's even more exciting is if you give powers to a Daemon Prince. Check out this pricey but savage unit:


Daemon Prince of Nurgle

  • 3 Mastery Levels
  • Wings
  • Power Armour

All for 295 points. But what you get is pretty impressive; he can Jink freely because he probably isn't shooting, so he has a 2+ cover save (Nurgle) along with his normal 3+/5++.


He has to take a Nurgle power which has a 2/3 chance of being a Malediction, so he can debuff an enemy before he moves (potentially with a 48inch range). Then he's free to pick 2 powers from Biomancy, Pyromancy and Telepathy. Biomancy gives him some great possibilities; Iron Arm would be imba on him and there's a 4/6 chance he'll get blessings/maledictions that he can use even if he Jinks.


Pyromancy looks good if you don't expect to Jink too much and still has blessings in there that would benefit him. With wings he has great mobility so the close-range witchfire powers can be used with much greater reliability.


And at his most basic he's a CC monster - his attacks are AP2 as standard and he'll usually be hitting before most of the people he challenges. And he can wreck tanks without even thinking about it.


What would work well with these Psychic Terrors? I think even standard Cultists could run riot on a battlefield where enemy units are shooting eachother, having their weapons explode and suffering strength and toughness debuffs. What do you guys think? I'm definitely going to try these guys out and see what carnage they can wreck!

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