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Wait, the world ends in December? Is there scientific evidence of this? But but but but but but but but but but but there's so much to do! Like finish school and say goodbye to Orlando and move to Nostramo!

Actually, it's all a big misunderstanding; it's Nostramo which blows up on Dec 21, 32012... ;)



My God..... :)

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Wait, the world ends in December? Is there scientific evidence of this? But but but but but but but but but but but there's so much to do! Like finish school and say goodbye to Orlando and move to Nostramo!

Actually, it's all a big misunderstanding; it's Nostramo which blows up on Dec 21, 32012... :)

But that means I won't be able to go there. CUUUUUUUURZE! CUUUUUUUUURZE!






Ok, Wrath of Khan reenactment is out of my system.

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Wow, lot of people being kinda insulting here.


I'm not trying to gain some kind of unfair advantage, I don't even USE the bloody things. And as for the clearness of the wording, I have taken it to a mate of mine who is a full-on language nerd, and even he agrees it's a bit weird.


So yeah, I'm not a damn powergamer, I'm not an idiot, and some of you can take your condescending attitude and shove it.

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Wow, lot of people being kinda insulting here.


I'm not trying to gain some kind of unfair advantage, I don't even USE the bloody things. And as for the clearness of the wording, I have taken it to a mate of mine who is a full-on language nerd, and even he agrees it's a bit weird.


So yeah, I'm not a damn powergamer, I'm not an idiot, and some of you can take your condescending attitude and shove it.

Your first post was answered in post #2, now we are talking about the end of the world(either Earth or Nostramo)...

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Wow, lot of people being kinda insulting here.


I'm not trying to gain some kind of unfair advantage, I don't even USE the bloody things. And as for the clearness of the wording, I have taken it to a mate of mine who is a full-on language nerd, and even he agrees it's a bit weird.


So yeah, I'm not a damn powergamer, I'm not an idiot, and some of you can take your condescending attitude and shove it.



Apologies for turning your question thread into a veritable battlefield, diabelmo. :)


I think no one means any insult to you or your question. It was a reasonable one and you had the right to ask.

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Wow, lot of people being kinda insulting here.


I'm not trying to gain some kind of unfair advantage, I don't even USE the bloody things. And as for the clearness of the wording, I have taken it to a mate of mine who is a full-on language nerd, and even he agrees it's a bit weird.


So yeah, I'm not a damn powergamer, I'm not an idiot, and some of you can take your condescending attitude and shove it.

Your first post was answered in post #2, now we are talking about the end of the world(either Earth or Nostramo)...

Why Curze, why? Why would you blow up a planet filled with crime-ridden streets, murders, rapists and thieves and... Oh. Nevermind.

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Am assumed that the RAI was "one blastmaster in a unit of at least ten, two if the unit is twenty strong", but the strange wording left that a bit nebulous. Having my intelligence compared to that of a 4th-grader was, frankly, insulting.


If, for some reason, I do end up taking a unit, they will be used with that interpretation of the rules, but the wording is still odd.

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if gw were to use fool proof iron tight wording of rules that left no room for interpretation how much more expensive and bigger do you think the books would be? and to be fair to them, if our government seems to be unable to have laws written tight enough that still has loop holes that allow tax evasion etc in them with full time lawyers and the sort of people who know this stuff how well do you think a gaming company could manage to do it? i really dont see a problem here and its not the first time gw have changed the similarity in rules in multiple unit entry's(think every linantes of blood rule in the ba dex is written differently for example and they are all essentially the same rule, ok maybe bar lemartes)

regardless is anyone ever going to play a squad larger then 10 anyway? youd be as well just going for a second squad tbh...

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GW writes rule A as X. In this one instant, they wrote rule A as Y. X =/= Y, therefore the intent is unclear.

I will ignore your try to make an insult and focus on the math, because in this case, X = Y...


To make things clearer, here is a graph:



Just because you think something is so, doesn't make it so. :ph34r:


"and if you take 10 and only 10 nm , you can take 1 blast master".

A more accurate translation would be "for every 10 models in the unit you can upgrade one to carry a blastmaster by exchanging his boltgun for it"...or something like that...


Good thing I wasn't trying to insult you then <_< Nice graph BTW. Not sure what it has to do with the weather system on Jupiter, but it is a nice graph.


I hope a FAQ will be out soon to put this one to rest.


Why where you so mad at me? I didn't say it was the fault of your education, or that it should include a coloring book. I didn't make a mention to 4th graders either.


I also AGREED with you. I said in the 4th post that I thought it was 1 per full 10.


A little confused as to why you are mad at me.

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