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Bolters, CC weapons and pistols...


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Depends on what you plan to use them for really. Assault-oriented marines together with a HQ, bp/ccw I'd say. Plasma-toting gunline marines, standard equip. Flexible jackofall trades, get them everything...
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I am open minded. It depends on a lot of things, just like Excessus said. I tend to give larger squads extra cc if I have the points, if not, I dont.


One of the things that makes our new codex a very good one, is indeed these options we have. There is no single superior set up with marines. It all depends on what you are trying to achieve.

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I'm going for a mix of the three at the moment. Right now my 10 man squads typically have two special weapons with BP & ExCCWep, four models with Bolter & Bolt Pistol, and three models with Bolt Pistol & CCWep. The champion comes with supergrit by default, and when I take icons, they'll have supergrit, too. Basically, special models get the supergrit upgrade, and then I'll go with a mix of non-upgraded equipment on the rest, trying for a troops squad that's versatile but still shaves some points.


In game experience could shift this either way, though - towards more specialized squads or towards full supergrit.

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I'm doing two armys in the new codex. One is my old standard jack of all trades army where all troop squads have bp, cww and bolters. The other is a newly renegaded Space Marine army using the 70 odd AoBR minis I have where I'll be running 4-6 units of 15-20 bolter marines with dual specials and no marks in an attempt to just swarm the table and have the HQs providing CC/Psyker support where needed, 100+ PA guys ftw!
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It was nice when ultragrit was free. Now though, I dont pay for it. If my marines are getting into assault I don't feel like I'm using them properly, unless it's just for clean up. I take 12 man dual plasma squads as my standard loadout, stock champ. I keep them out of combat whenever possible.


As an aside, I don't pay for VOTLW either. It should be free too, and give rerolls to leadership tests, not +1 leadership and Hatred(SM). Hatred is useful in assault, but you shouldn't be using your basic CSM's in assault anyways. There is way better assault options in the book, and CSM squads make excellent firing platforms. Sturdy, and BS4.

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walking without ultra grit is less efficient then trying to run mono bolter[may as well play SM] or ccw/pistol[bA can do the same and get a free wall that moves fast]. on support stuff like havocks ultra grit is not important , but considering the fact that we are still runing 2-3 units of csm the army does cost more.
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Looking at it, I would suggest the combination of bolter/bolt pistol, and VotLW with dual specials. If transported then 10 men, if not then go larger, but not too large. I think it's inefficient to take 20 man squads, because really you're paying as much as two 10 man squads, but losing half the special weapon options. Perhaps, as previously suggested, 12-13 men.


VotLW is just about keeping them on the table when it hits the fan. They don't have ATSKNF, so getting more leadership is pretty important. Obviously icon of vengeance is an option, fearless is much better, but of course having the icon sniped is a pain.


Since I don't think that 6th is a melee edition I wouldn't take bolt pistol and close combat weapon. I might consider bolter, bolt pistol and chainsword, but only on units escorting melee characters. Even then, I think chosen are a better choice.

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Looking at it, I would suggest the combination of bolter/bolt pistol, and VotLW with dual specials. If transported then 10 men, if not then go larger, but not too large. I think it's inefficient to take 20 man squads, because really you're paying as much as two 10 man squads, but losing half the special weapon options. Perhaps, as previously suggested, 12-13 men.


Unless your running them with a Icon of Vengeance I'd recommend 13 as you need to lose 4 guys to take panic rather then 3 guys when your 12.

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I face Grey Hunters all the time and I want to dish out as good as I take in most combats. So on my troop units, I am paying a point more per model than the Wolves are for the chance to roll better than my opponent does; the boost is the Hatred on the initial round of combat.


I agree with Jeske, Havoc's don't need ccw's if carrying heavy weapons.

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I kinda have to because my squads are modelled with a mix of bolters and pistol/ccws. I also think it's fluffy as hell and essential "flavour" - I basically think CSM squads should always have it, wish it was still free.
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Thanks :) What's that got to do with the term super grit though?

I have not one clue. I had to ask someone else to find out a little while back.

It's a reference to the 3.5 dex. DG units got True Grit, they counted as having 2 ccws by having a ccw and a bolter(but no pistol) but did not get the extra attack when charging, I think it started the trend of Chaos players modeling their CSM w/ bolters held in pistol grips with a chainsword in the other hand, and pistol was either holstered or an assumed b/c almost everything in gavdex had all 3, so getting to have all 3 is now referred to as ultra/uber/super-grit, that's my best guess anyway. Personally love the name

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If memory serves me correctly* waaaay back in the day, there was True Grit for Astartes and on the german language board i used to frequent, it was called "Über Grit" due to the codex translation. It seemed to have bled across and stuck so that anythign better then True Grit was "Über Grit" or UltraGrit.


As they said above it means we rock the 2CCW and a bolter so we kick arse on 3 fronts, but we dont get ATSKNF to watch our backs unlike our brainwashed lackey cousins that serve the corpse god.


*according to "Iron Warrior Chef".

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