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armor saturation


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My LGS is starting a 500pts per month escalation campaign in November and I plan to try an armour saturation list. It's no secret I have a love affair with Marine vehicles, but I think mech lists still have a place. For the modest cost of a Rhino and a few bits of gear and you add so many more targets. I won't assault from them, just push up and unload mid-field; dig in from there and shoot or push on foot as needed. naturally some are going to get popped, but once the squad is out it starts seeming like a low value target. But what if it's lobbing Havoc shots, taking a linked-melta shot, and finally Bolter plinks. And that doesn't even mention the roll screen they can provide; again, hopefully taunting and/or forcing the opponent to pop an empty can instead of a scoring unit. Plus, I can't wait put Warpflame Gargoyles on them all and try to light everything on fire. Just because I can. ;)


The list at 1750 should look something like;

1x can't leave home without him, Lord

1x Sorcerer with Wings for mobility

3x10x CSM; Melta, Flamer, CCW, VotLW - Rhinos; Havoc launchers, Combi-meltas, Gargoyles or Casters or nothing

2x Predators; Auto-cannon, Las'cannons, Havoc launcher

5-8x Havocs; still working on just what mix

20+ Blob of Cultists or a Helldrake if they don't prove useful enough


The Marines might not even start in the Rhinos, just use them for cover while they advance. It's been a while since I played, so I'm sure I'll take some lumps while I get the feel for it again. But I think that's enough redundant hard and soft armour, to force a lot of annoying split firing. They can't ignore the empty Rhinos, but they can't ignore anything else either.


And it's true, you can't even really think about the really fun toys until 2000+ points. I just can't ignore the cost of a Auto-Las Predator. Can I please take a formation of them? No? *Walks away muttering*

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