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Chaos colors too stereotyped?


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I know we have the Night Lords, Alpha Legion, Iron Warriors, and renegade chapters who are every color under the rainbow but for an army that's truly scary looking you really have no choices do you?


I mean, say you want your force to LOOK LIKE the artwork within the gorgeous new chaos space marine codex, that visceral, dark, malign appearance that we all know and love. How could you do this without using black, red, dirty metallics, and more black?


How do you make green or purple into an "evil" color for example? Some ideas would be great.

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Depends on what emphasis you want. Generally going for dark colours is the visual cue for dark motives but then again I think disco pink is an evil colour...


So, making purple or green 'evil' generally boils down to making it darker. If you're looking for brighter colours looking evil, you're going to have to look for other visual cues, imho, like spikes, faces in the armour and trophies. Of course, there's extra layers, such as representation of grime or blood which might help.

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Personally, everything "evil" is supposed or assumed to be dark. The bright colors for Chaos remind me of evil clowns or something of that ilk. Sure a huge guy in black is scary, but a maniac in pink with a gun that fires sound running at you with lust in his eyes would be a little more terrifying imo...lol!
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i like to darken the colours. Especially gold, as it just pops too much of loyalist. It needs to be dark and gritty. Luckily your washes (badab for blue/grey colours, brown for red tinted colours) do this perfectly. YOu can just apply more, to make it darker, or less to keep it lighter. If you do more, you can easier apply contrast later with a highlight/drybrush, giving imo a nice result.
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How do you make green or purple into an "evil" color for example? Some ideas would be great.


For green: http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/The_Purge#.UIO6eMUxo_I


I started using this colourscheme for my MoN-units (except for Plague Marines themselves), and it looks rather malicious.

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"Scary" is subjective. What type of frighting image are you want? Do you want the brutal, bloody barbarian in earthtones? The sadist with a pinch of class in vibrant hues? The cackling magician in rich, royal colors? As Olisredan said, the menace can come from thematic elements as colors themselves are not inherently scary.


Unless you have chromophobia. Then they might be.

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I'd always thought different reds and scarlets would work for Khorne Berserkers. The whole red with brass or black trim is overplayed. I'd love to see bersekers with red and crimson trim, covered in years of gore, so it would stain the front side dark brown.
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Brighter colours can be scary, Emepror's children do not need to look like clowns Emperor's children marine, it all depends how you want them to feel. To fluorescent colours will make them look silly, but making the colours look less bright will get them look more "evil". Vibrant poisonous can make the chaos worshippers look evil, but I think it is hard to pull off.

Mu Slaanesh marines are decadent and cruel, and I use very little black and I still think I can pull off an "evil" vibe. Ok, trophy racks, spikes, tusks, slaves, horns and skulls dangling from the armour, all help to get the more evil feel. Plus if you have a daemon prince with a huge axe there is very little discussion if he is evil or good no matter what colour it is wearing today.


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Oh yeah. There is no way I'd want to be chained to a slaaneshi daemon prince. That seems like an eternity of bad times for sure. Sometimes reputation is all that is required to make them scary.
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Personally, everything "evil" is supposed or assumed to be dark. The bright colors for Chaos remind me of evil clowns or something of that ilk. Sure a huge guy in black is scary, but a maniac in pink with a gun that fires sound running at you with lust in his eyes would be a little more terrifying imo...lol!


Especially on a dark rainy night in a small alley :ph34r:

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Love that Prince. Unfff. :)

I don't really think there are "stereotyped" colors in this game at all, especially given that the SM Chapters use every color under the spectrum for themselves and can look just as menacing as anyone else. If there's a perception of certain colors being the remit of certain factions, I think it's only in how those colors and factions have been represented to us as a whole. I haven't got much use for green, for example, except for a couple of bits of it on some Plague Marines, but even I have to admit the picture of the Chaos Marine from The Purge up on pg 79 of our Codex looks pretty wicked, and he's just basically green and black. I think presentation has a bigger impact than just simple color choice.

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I love the white / bone armor look. I'd like to try something similar for my demon engines.

On topic, I've always attributed the four cult legions color scheme as something similar to the traditional four elements.

Red = fire = Khorne

Green = earth = Nurgle

Blue = water = Tzeentch

Pastels = wind = Slaanesh


And yes, that would make Abbadon the equivalent of Captain Planet :tu:

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I love the white / bone armor look. I'd like to try something similar for my demon engines.

On topic, I've always attributed the four cult legions color scheme as something similar to the traditional four elements.

Red = fire = Khorne

Green = earth = Nurgle

Blue = water = Tzeentch

Pastels = wind = Slaanesh


And yes, that would make Abbadon the equivalent of Captain Planet :tu:

"With your powers combined, I AM CHAOS ASCENDANT!"


Who's heart though?

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... Blue = water = Tzeentch?


What's with all the Blue Fires and the Pink Fires and the Warp Lightning then?


I always thought the ever changing nature of Tzeentch meshed well will the Bruce Lee water and being formless so that's part of the reason for the connection. Then again Chaos is just 101 paradoxes so anything and nothing can be true.

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With gw having such a long paint line available to you, you could make a war band with any colors you want. Test models for the win. If you have a local gw, go there let them know what you want to do, they may have a spare old marine model, you can ruinate to your benefit.
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