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Chaos colors too stereotyped?


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... Blue = water = Tzeentch?


What's with all the Blue Fires and the Pink Fires and the Warp Lightning then?

Fire, in its own way, is the same interpretation of water. Formless, yet potent, flowing wherever it pleases, they are useful when placated but nigh unstoppable when they rage. Both of these forces are simply so out of their nature - Calypso was another god-like representation of the sea and water and could not help herself when she abandoned Davy Jones. Neither fire nor water have a goal in mind when they ruin our lives or nourish our needs. So too does Tzeentch plot and act as he does, without any care as to what his schemes might affect.


Fire is more often destructive, as Chaos is, and so when the daemons of Tzeentch go to war it is this energy that they take up. Perhaps if Chaos were more peaceful, they would use water instead. But that is not the nature of the Warp, and thus, the most common representation of the feathered god is that of flames and burning, as you say. To deny that other forms of him exist, however, would be folly.

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... Blue = water = Tzeentch?


What's with all the Blue Fires and the Pink Fires and the Warp Lightning then?

Fire, in its own way, is the same interpretation of water. Formless, yet potent, flowing wherever it pleases, they are useful when placated but nigh unstoppable when they rage. Both of these forces are simply so out of their nature - Calypso was another god-like representation of the sea and water and could not help herself when she abandoned Davy Jones. Neither fire nor water have a goal in mind when they ruin our lives or nourish our needs. So too does Tzeentch plot and act as he does, without any care as to what his schemes might affect.


Fire is more often destructive, as Chaos is, and so when the daemons of Tzeentch go to war it is this energy that they take up. Perhaps if Chaos were more peaceful, they would use water instead. But that is not the nature of the Warp, and thus, the most common representation of the feathered god is that of flames and burning, as you say. To deny that other forms of him exist, however, would be folly.

And this is why Thirst is a Dark Apostle. Preach it, brother!

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Wathering powders, glazes, and the magic that is Agrax Earthshade.


Even the brigthest of pink looks pretty sinister if you build up a glazed layer of reddish browns (like Scorched Brown) in the recesses. Likewise, giving all metallics a thin wash of Agrax will matt it down signifigantly, give it a feel of "wear and tear", without interfering too much with the main colour. And weatering powders can do wonders to dampen colours on a natural palette, be it rust, dirt, soot, blood or just plain wear. The main trick, I find, is to keep the bright tones matt rather than glossy, and use gloss (such as on running fluids, daemonic flesh or what have you) only as a contrast.


I've seen som terribly scary Slaanesh Marines in my day, sporting pink like you wouldn't believe. The only thing girlish about them was the sound of my Tyranids running away ;)

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I agree, it would have been better had the World Eaters kept their original colors, something about a horde of axe-murder psychopaths bedecked in white and sky blue really amuses me. As it stands, the only really neutrally colored traitor armies are Alpha Legion and Dark Angels.
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