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OuThere's Great Chaos WiP


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Hello there Chaosy Brothers!


I had put my CSM army on the backburner since the new codex and DV came out, however since their release, I've been working feverishly to put together the models I now have.

I had originally started a pure Word Bearer force. I loved the fluff, painting wasn't too difficult and they were just all around awesome. After starting the Horus Heresy series from Black Library, I started wanting to add forces to my original Word Bearer Host.


This morning, I received this:

A Box




For those interested, thats:

4 boxes of Raptors/Talons

3 boxes of Terminators

2 boxes of Berserkers

1 Forgefiend

2 Landraiders

2 Predators


and not pictures are 3 Chaos Bikers and the Aspiring Champion.


On top of that, I have the contents of this drawer to put together:



That is 1 DV box,

3 DV chosen sets

3 Chaos Bikes

20 Plaguebearers

1 FW Decimator Siege Engine

1 FW Contemptor

WFB Chaos Knights and Warriors for conversion bits

~12 old AoBR marines (To be converted into plagues/EC


And I believe that's it. Currently since school started I've managed to put together the following:




Thats 1 full DV LE box, raptors, some converted AoBR plagues, converted DV Noise marines, some Scibor Count As models, metal Khârn, Finecast Lucious, Ahriman and Typhus, 3 converted DV plague bikers, some Tzeetch flamers and Epidimius.




WHen I first started collecting CSM, I had invisioned a HUGE WB host, however that's changed.

My new goal is the following:

4 squads of each cult troops

Lots and lots of bikes

Chosen deathstar with Abaddon to go in landraider

Truescaling as much as humanly possible

10x Alpha legion chosen with lizard cloaks (have all the bits)

WB posessed kitbash

Lots of combi plasma on the termies

Magnetize the Forgefiend and maybe the Predators so they can be switched into Rhinos (doubt I'll do the latter but who knows)

I hope to eventually sculpt a few models in the coming months (More on that later)

Eventually I want to start painting this gigantic horde


That's all for now, I'll be working on stealing my GFs camera so I don't have to use my phone for future pictures.


I'll leave you with a picture of my hastly painted AoBR plague squad.



This was my first fully painted squad and I managed to paint them in a record breaking (forme) 2 days. They're kind of bland but as a first squad I'm proud of them, especially the tabard on the champ (REALLY lucked out with that).


Best of luck!



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Looking good, especially the Mistborn books. Wonderful books.


Can't wait to see that Contemptor assembled. What mark are you going to go for?


Oh man I've heard so much about those books! Seriously backclogged on the reading though with all the assignments I have per week and trying to keep up with modelling.


I'm really not sure what mark I want to give the contemptor. Since I have another coming in the mail I figure I'd make one a Word Bearer - makes sense that the most intact legion (minus possibly alpha legion) would still have contemptors. The other one I'm torn between alpha legion (Undivided again) or World Eater. Since both the contemptors have 2CCW, it only fits that one would be a bloodthirty manic haha.

Either way I want one of them to be in this pose, probably on the Dragon Forge dreadnaught base I have - city rubble look.


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Just a quick update: Decimator is almost completely done - just waiting on the arms to magnetize it up.


I'm thinking about making some Warp Talons next. I read an idea earlier about a Tzeetch sorceror with lv3 psyker accompagnied with 10 Warp Talons infiltrating via Huron's warlord trait. What are your thoughts on this? On the surface all I see is a gigantic point sink, however this unit has the possibility of wreaking some serious havok. This would be more of a fun unit to field, and very situational - would never field it vs. mech guard, obviously.


I'm also thinking about a few Black Legion Chosen to run with Abby as a mini-deathstar. Again - HUGE point sink but awesome unit just for kicks. I'm thinking 1-2 axes, some LCs, 1-2 maces and maybe rest power swords. I doubt this would ever see any time ingame however it'd be an awesome squad to show off for fluff purposes (Abbadon and some ex-Sons of Horus that fought with him during the siege of Terra - however have never gotten their hands on terminator armor or simply decided they didn't want to give up mobility for extra armor).


Best of luck.



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