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Nurgle and Dark Eldar


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I was considering using Dark Eldar as allies for Nurgle CSM. I was curious as to whether DE could ever fall to the power of Nurgle instead of Slaneesh fluff-wise, or if they are forever apples and oranges. One major hurdle is that DE are typically fast and fragile pirates which matches Slaneesh (+init), while Nurgle is slow and strong (+T, -init).


Game-wise, I would have to ensure to keep DE shooty and backfield, and the Nurgle CSM mid-upfield to avoid One-Eye-Open.


Model-wise, they have enough spikes, meathooks, and silent-hill inspiration going on to make interesting conversions. Could rust out and plague ravagers/raiders.


Thoughts on the fluff aspect?

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Despair. Nurgle is, at his core, an entity composed of and derived from the emotion of despair. Perhaps the Dark Eldar in question have realised the futility of their being, constantly having to consume the souls of lesser entities in order to sustain an existence they loathe, and have stopped doing so. However, rather than withering into nothing, they are suspended in a condition of perpetual decay by Grandfather Nurgle, who claims them as his own.


Alternatively, perhaps the Dark Eldar are diseased: perhaps a Haemonculus was experimenting with some hideous new viral weapon that escapes and infects a small portion of Commorragh, which is then sealed off by the other Archons, left to rot and decay in its own little sub-reality. However, rather than dying, the infected are sustained in a condition of perpetual suffering, forced to subsist off of one another's rotten souls, until they call out into the void for release...

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