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Melee Wound Allocation question


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My question is thus:


If you have 5 Space Marines attacking 5 Space Marines -

Player Joe. Player Bob. Joe.Bob

SM:A. b2b. SM:1. A. 1

SM:B.Cpt b2b. SM:2. B. 2

SM:C. b2b. SM:3. C. 3

SM:D. b2b. SM:4.Sgt D. 4

SM:E. b2b. SM:5. E. 5


Let's say 5 wounds are done to Player Joe's squad can Joe assign wounds on his Cpt (who for the sake of argument is wearing Terminator armor) until he fails enough wounds to die?


For example assign wound 1 on Cpt...rolls the save, assign wound 2 on Cpt....rolls the save, assign wound 3 on Cpt...fails the save and takes 1 wound, assign wound 4....rolls the save, assign wound 5....rolls the save.




Does Joe assign a single wound to each model in b2b and rolls the saves.


LET'S say there are 8 wounds done to Joe's squad:


Does he do the first example until 8 wounds are resolved? Or does he assign each model a single wound first then allocate the remaining 3 to any model of his choice in b2b?



Sorry if this doesn't make too much sense...I have had little sleep and I went through all this on my phone.

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It is an incredibly confusing rule. However, the summary section at the back of the rulebook makes it clearer. Also, remember that Mixed Saves means that you've got to differentiate the Captain from the rest of the squad.
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Let's say 5 wounds are done to Player Joe's squad can Joe assign wounds on his Cpt (who for the sake of argument is wearing Terminator armor) until he fails enough wounds to die?


Yes he can. But the rules for allocating to multi-wound models come into play so if the captain takes a wound he has to keep getting them allocated to him. Although as a character you can then use "look out sir"


It's not the most elegant system really...


Does Joe assign a single wound to each model in b2b and rolls the saves.


No there is no requirement to do rounds in that manner anymore.


Hope that helps.

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Note that Look out, Sir! is done before you save the wound.


So, allocate to the character, roll for LO,S!, then save the wound using the save of either the character (if the LO,S! roll failed) or the model that the wound is allocated to in lieu of the character.


Of note is that Independant Characters succeed on their LO,S! rolls on 2+, whereas other characters (like sergeants) succeed on 4+. Not everyone notices the little note about that in the small section on Idependant Characters.

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Related question, sorry if was already answered in another topic: If the character has the same armor save as the rest of the group, do Look out sir rolls still need to be made before armor saves, or can they now be done after?
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Per the latest FAQ for the BRB, any squad with a "character" counts as Mixed Saves, and thus always takes LoS! tests before armor saves. Also, Feel No Pain causes this even without characters, so you roll the first guy's armor, then his FnP, and if he lives, you do it again until he dies.
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