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The joys of randomness


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So I've gotten in over 10 games wth the new dex, and aside from a miserable game playing 1k sons I am quite happy (being tabled turn 3 was not fun).


Every game I have played I purchase gift for anyone I have points for, and although rarely gamebreaking (rolled into 4 extra gifts on a champ and got shrouded, wound, toughness and strength) it is almost always a pleasant boost. Through challenges I have done fairly well so far, barring a few no reward rolls.


My latest game had my most interesting rolls. I was playing pure nurgle against my wife's blood angels (she runs a good mix of tanks, jump, and tac squads). Most gift rolls were respectable. Lord got strength which was nice. I then preceded to head for her mephiston with him (he had murder so figured I'd have a shot). After some average rolling on her part and lucky saves from me I preceded to kill the lord of death. And how was I rewarded for this service by father nurgle?


Spawnhood. My wife's anger instantly turned into hysterical laughter as my nearly 200 point murder machine was reduced to a gibbering spawn. Suffice it to say, it was worth the kill but hysterically saddening.


So how is everyone else enjoying the table? Any good stories to share?

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Last night I won 4 challenges and got 3 'nothings' and an 'eternal warrior' on my one wound model.


Game before one of my champions turned into a deamon prince infront of a tau railgun and gave opponent free KP.


Random table blows. Should have just been allowed to buy daemonic gifts.

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370 point Tzeentch Daemon Prince with ML3, PA, Wings and Scrolls. First turn casts Boon. Gets Spawned. Assaults BA bikes. Gets killed by Overwatch.


Much consideration given to taking solace in Nurgle.

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So I've gotten in over 10 games wth the new dex, and aside from a miserable game playing 1k sons I am quite happy (being tabled turn 3 was not fun).


Every game I have played I purchase gift for anyone I have points for, and although rarely gamebreaking (rolled into 4 extra gifts on a champ and got shrouded, wound, toughness and strength) it is almost always a pleasant boost. Through challenges I have done fairly well so far, barring a few no reward rolls.


My latest game had my most interesting rolls. I was playing pure nurgle against my wife's blood angels (she runs a good mix of tanks, jump, and tac squads). Most gift rolls were respectable. Lord got strength which was nice. I then preceded to head for her mephiston with him (he had murder so figured I'd have a shot). After some average rolling on her part and lucky saves from me I preceded to kill the lord of death. And how was I rewarded for this service by father nurgle?


Spawnhood. My wife's anger instantly turned into hysterical laughter as my nearly 200 point murder machine was reduced to a gibbering spawn. Suffice it to say, it was worth the kill but hysterically saddening.


So how is everyone else enjoying the table? Any good stories to share?



LOL it could be looked at that maybe Tzeentch had plans for Mephiston and well, you ruined them :)


It is certainly hit or miss, I have only played four games with the new codex and each time the Boons have been widely different. One game I got the best possible results, one game I got nothing but useless crap, another game awesome results, another bad. Just seems to be either great or blah. I have yet to turn into a spawn though, that may make me very sad and put a bad taste in my mouth when it happens.


I did roll up to become a Daemon Prince in my last game however. Was kinda nifty :P

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For champions the table isn't that bad. Afew funny fluffy gifts and rewards here and there.


For IC's though, the table is quite meh. Afew rewards are helpful, most are useless/won't matter, and both Spawnhood or Dark Apothesis are usually bad.


Dark Apothesis is supposed to be a "YEAH!"-thing, but for most IC's it's a "Noooooo!"-thing.

Champions don't mind it though.


Overall I like the table, but it could do with afew tweaks. Instead of 28 results where the majority are useless, I would prefer that it was like 14 results where most of them actually benefited the champion who rolled it.

I also think that's 10 pts for GoM on champions is way overpriced, and that GoM in general should also allow you to reroll the 11-16 result.


Forcing our champions to issue/accept challenges though...sigh. :)

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For champions the table isn't that bad. Afew funny fluffy gifts and rewards here and there.


For IC's though, the table is quite meh. Afew rewards are helpful, most are useless/won't matter, and both Spawnhood or Dark Apothesis are usually bad.


Dark Apothesis is supposed to be a "YEAH!"-thing, but for most IC's it's a "Noooooo!"-thing.

Champions don't mind it though.


Overall I like the table, but it could do with afew tweaks. Instead of 28 results where the majority are useless, I would prefer that it was like 14 results where most of them actually benefited the champion who rolled it.

I also think that's 10 pts for GoM on champions is way overpriced, and that GoM in general should also allow you to reroll the 11-16 result.


Forcing our champions to issue/accept challenges though...sigh. :)


Definitely has way to many useless things on there, the reroll should be allowed on the 11-16 as well for GoM.


At first I thought the forced challenge thing would be a big deal, but as I have played I found that it hasn't adversely effected my games in any way shape or form. In fact it seems that people really do not want to get in a fight with the Chaos Lord and will throw just about anything in front of him just to prevent their HQ from accepting (only five or six games with the new codex though). The rest of the stuff it seems like usually i would have either challenge with the champ anyhow, or accepted if they had challenge anyhow, so sorta a moot point.


Just my experience so far with it.

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I played a game last night, was kicking my buddy's fellow Chaos army across the table. My Terminator Champ beat a CSM squad champ and rolled Unworthy Offering. Then, one of my CSM champs killed his Berzerker champ and became a Spawn. We got a chuckle out of that. Then his Khârn killed my Termie Champ. . . . and rolled Spawn. Much cursing and laughing later, we called the game.
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First turn casts Boon. Gets Spawned.


Actually that can't happen, you can't get Spawnhood or Dark Apotheosis with Gift of Mutation; you just get to roll again :)


I love the table. It's rarely given me anything good, but I love the fluff and it makes the game more interesting and exciting. Also it lets me bring an extra Daemon Prince to fights, and when my opponent asks if he's part of the list I get to say "Perhaps... perhaps :P"

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First turn casts Boon. Gets Spawned.


Actually that can't happen, you can't get Spawnhood or Dark Apotheosis with Gift of Mutation; you just get to roll again :angry:


I love the table. It's rarely given me anything good, but I love the fluff and it makes the game more interesting and exciting. Also it lets me bring an extra Daemon Prince to fights, and when my opponent asks if he's part of the list I get to say "Perhaps... perhaps :cry:"


Nonono. He cast the Tzeentch spell "Boon of Mutation," which forces you to reroll Apotheosis, but not Spawn results.

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First turn casts Boon. Gets Spawned.


Actually that can't happen, you can't get Spawnhood or Dark Apotheosis with Gift of Mutation; you just get to roll again :angry:


I love the table. It's rarely given me anything good, but I love the fluff and it makes the game more interesting and exciting. Also it lets me bring an extra Daemon Prince to fights, and when my opponent asks if he's part of the list I get to say "Perhaps... perhaps :cry:"


tzeentchian power i'm guessing is what miko meant. that can (and does happen. my 1k sons game).

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370 point Tzeentch Daemon Prince with ML3, PA, Wings and Scrolls. First turn casts Boon. Gets Spawned. Assaults BA bikes. Gets killed by Overwatch.


Much consideration given to taking solace in Nurgle.


Wow... that's a quite example of bad luck, indeed...


Rule number one of the Daemon Prince's guide to Galactic domination.... never cast that power of you.... Murphy law still applies to 40k universe and it can bring your career to an end alongside with your dreams of glory :angry:


Seriously, the risk, even though minimal, is to high. I wouldn't bet 370 pts on a two dices rolls :cry: , especially if that model is even the warlord. Just my opinion, though.

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Haven't gotten a game in with the new rules yet and won't for about two months yet. But overall I think it is something that adds something interesting to games. Most of the time it is not going to be something that affects things overly much but occasionally it will be something extraordinary. I'll gladly pay the cost to add the Boon to all my Champions for that added excitement. I especially like the fact that the Possessed Champion can take two.
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As I told a friend the other day, at least right now the boon table is fun to roll on with a character, even though I've had 1 spawn and no princes yet. It feels like a special form of happy dance and taunting the enemy.

I can recommend gift for champions that expect to see close combat, usually get beneficial results.

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Well, I have not been lucky nor unlucky yet. Mostly i get such as +1I for a fist lord or eternal warrior for a champion. I however enjoy the table really much. I am always eager to see the effect of killing something. Gift of Mutation is always on my chaos lord and if I have spare points I go for it on champions as well.
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I had Typhus and a battered squad of PM fighting hth with a GK HQ and a couple of paladins. The combat lasted 2 turns before the GK breaking. I then caught up to them and another 2 turns of combat ensued. Finally at the very end my champions killed theirs. The PM champ after suffering through those miserable rounds of combat with a powerfist and FNP received no gifts. I think I forgot to roll for Typhus.
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370 point Tzeentch Daemon Prince with ML3, PA, Wings and Scrolls. First turn casts Boon. Gets Spawned. Assaults BA bikes. Gets killed by Overwatch.


Much consideration given to taking solace in Nurgle.




Thats epic luck indeed, Miko :)


I am suspecting that you managed to make your opponent smile or even chuckle, so you can view it as a good deed :)

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I had my first game with the new codex today and I managed with two nice rolls:


1) My warlord got the warlord trait Hatred Incarnate.

2) His Gift of Mutation became Multiple Rewards.

3) His Multiple Rewards became Cosmic Fate & All-consuming Hatred. (Man, did he hate?!)

4) He slayed a Grey Knight.

5) I rolled 66.


Not bad at all to go from doubble hating Chaos Lord to I9, 5A, AP2 Daemon Prince against those bastard halberd wielding Grey Knights.

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The problem I have is on the dark apotheosis. It's supposed to be a good thing, but for HQs at least it generally isn't - suffering from offensive and defensive downgrades when they lose all their gear (even gear that princes can take), losing their mastery levels and psychic powers (even though princes can have those, too), and getting shunted out of your unit and out of combat altogether to get shot up by the enemy, assuming you can be placed at all since you've got to get that big base w/in 3" of the lord, not overlapping any allies, and more than 1" away from enemy models, when you were already engaged in close combat to begin with....


Yeah, your chaos lord going prince should be a kick ass moment of awesomeness and most of the time it just won't be, and that really takes the shine off an otherwise cool bit of special rules for the faction.


The prince should have kept options princes can take, and should have been allowed to deploy into close combat with the unit the lord was already engaged with.

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I...don't think you can cast boon on yourself, can you? It has to be a friendly character within 2".


Why would a sorceror boon himself with the risk of being spawned? Much more fun to boon that cultist leader...


Sure you can. He's within 2" of himself, isn't he? And besides, if you roll that up on a Thousand Son squad leader, what else is he going to cast it on? And to support my argument, imagine a Sorcerer with Biomancy who rolls up Endurance -- also a Blessing, with a 24" range. Can he cast it on himself? Sure can.

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The problem I have is on the dark apotheosis. It's supposed to be a good thing, but for HQs at least it generally isn't - suffering from offensive and defensive downgrades when they lose all their gear (even gear that princes can take), losing their mastery levels and psychic powers (even though princes can have those, too), and getting shunted out of your unit and out of combat altogether to get shot up by the enemy, assuming you can be placed at all since you've got to get that big base w/in 3" of the lord, not overlapping any allies, and more than 1" away from enemy models, when you were already engaged in close combat to begin with....


Yeah, your chaos lord going prince should be a kick ass moment of awesomeness and most of the time it just won't be, and that really takes the shine off an otherwise cool bit of special rules for the faction.


The prince should have kept options princes can take, and should have been allowed to deploy into close combat with the unit the lord was already engaged with.


I agree with this. prince would barely be better than spawn for an overpowered lord or spec character. On a champ though it is awesome. Though I wish they were locked iin combat at least.

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