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Huron Blackheart


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Hello there,


With the Call of Chaos V, i promised to make a lord, and i have decided upon Huron as my lord. But i have no idea on how to make him.

Does anybody know of any cool looking Lightning claws and power axes? All i can think of are the rather silly wolf claws, or the one from the Chosen from DV.


Also, shall i go for the heavy flamer in the gauntlet? or are there better ideas? :angry:


Thanks in advance

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I don't have a pic handy, but I kitbashed my Alpha Legion Huron counts-as using a Chaos TDA power axe and a lightning claw from the new Raptor/Warp Talon box, and body parts from the schmoe CSM kit. Looks pretty cool. I'm going to eventually mount him on a Terminator base (wazzat, 40mm?) so there's room for the little itty bitty dragon whelp from the High Elf Dragon sprues on there too -- there's my combat familiar and heavy flamer!
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I'm usin the new aspiring champ models axe. And for the lightning claw I'm using one from the raptors/warp talons kit. And the warp talons lightning claws already have lightning designs, inherently night lords-y. And I'm just going to sling a TDA heavy flamer slung on his backpack
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When I made my Huron count-as he had a powerfist. He's too pretty to pull apart, so I'll just leave it. The heavy-flamer is slung under the fist. (I also have a legit Huron model, but who can resist a good kitbash :D )
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anybody know of any cool looking Lightning claws


You have see the new warp talon kit, right? ;)


Just checking other options, as there is only 1 set of claws i like from that kit, the others i dont think fit aswell for a Tyants Claw :P

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Here is my Huron. Still very much WIP, and even tho he is truescaled, it may give you an idea on how you want to go with him.







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