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starting Chaos


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I havnt posted on here in a while, as i stopped collecting warhammer all together, but since the beginning of this month ive been stolen by the new chaos space marines.


Now ive had a very quick scan through my mates codex, and i like the feel of the book as it seems a lot more balanced. Now onto the reason i posted :L i like the look of a nurgle lord and a khorne lord on a bike each with a group of bikers with the same mark, and then berserkers and plague marines as back up? do you think that would be effective?


Also as i want to create my own renegade chapter, how do you think them two would go together? i was playing around with the idea that the two lords were brothers that pledged their souls to seperate gods and fight together to kill the enemy?


anyway thankyou for your time

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Well Khorne and Nurgle don't bite each other, the only disadvantage could be the costs (game wise).


I think you can create 2 good hammer units with Lords on bikes. Backed up by Beserkers and Plague Marines.

The question you have to ask yourself though if is you are willing to use it for tournaments to.


If you like your own story, just go for it. Bleached bone + Bloodied models would work for zombie/bloated Nurgle and butchers of Khorne.



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