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Help with the Scourged


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Hello there brothers. I was not to sure were this would go, but this forum is probably the best since the Scourged are a Tzeentch warband. Basicly, I'm looking to paint my Dark Vengeance chosen up in their colors, but I would like a little bit more reference than the terminator from 4th edition. I do not have a copy of the new chaos codex in hand although I have flipped through it a couple times and in the gallery there is a picture of a Scourged line marine. Not sure what page, but I would really appreciate it if anyone provides a pic!


Thank you.

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Looking at the pictures of the Scourge line marine and the Sorcerer Lord on the previous page, they look like a weird parody of the Crimson Fists. Dark blue armour, the lower part of both arms are painted crimson, along with the helmet and the shoulder pads. The sorcerer lord has a lot more gold for decoration of the armour.


I've found a picture online of the Sorcerer



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I haven't seen a pic of a line marine, only the Terminator pic that was carried over from 4th. That is on page 75 in the 6th Edition.


There is still the picture of one on page 70 of the 4th, right next to the Skulltakers and Night Lords.

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However, posting the image would require posting a scan of the codex, which is against forum rules.


Just in case you were wondering why no-one was being more 'helpful'. :P


He should have been here during the pre-release picture spam we had on Chaos Ascendant ! You know, the furious frenzy where we all forgot ourselves, leading Kurgan to post his dire wanring :tu:

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