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Harvey Two-Face


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So this topic has a dumb title but it kind of goes with a question i have. I plan on making a Julius Kaesoron mini after he kills the Iron Hands capitan.I was curious at what his face looks like. When i read Fulgrim i thought i read half his face was burnt off( Hence why i said Harvey Two-Face from batman.) but also i have read that his whole face is burnt off! Now i apologize ahead of time if this is a stupid question I just need some help :) Honestly i prefer the idea of a 40K Two-Face, for some odd reason i feel like half ugly/scarred side and half beautiful side adds to his fall to Slaanesh may just be me though. Found this Picture somewhere its kind of the idea i was going for, It should be the top one out of the group. http://m.photobucket.com/images/julius%20kaesoron
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Holy crapnuggets! I remember doing that sketch when I was 14... :L


Although this may be a biased opinion I would personally go for the half melty-faceyness, something on par with the Chaplain Cassius model. Although after reading the short story in Primarchs I did get the image that maybe more of his face had fallen off post Isstvan V, either through necrosis or just because Kaesoron got bored.

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Haha well never the less it was a good picture to go with his face when ever i read about him, But yeah Primarchs does make it sound like it got alot worse for his face! I am interested to read what he looks like(If there will be more details) in Angel Extermiatus, Really excited to read this book.
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