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Palanquin vs. Biker Lords

Circus Nurgling

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I've been playing several games now with a lord on palanquin with PA, VotLW, and Sigil of Chaos, and I must say that it's a truly disgusting combo. His statline is just outrageous, and he gets 7 attacks on the charge, which is just hilarious! I think my luckiest assault was when I hit a squad of terminators and killed five of them with him alone, as they were LC termies. They hit me first, but I honestly didn't care with 5 wounds, a 2+ AS, and a 4+ invul! I hide him in a full squad of foot-slogging nurgle chosen behind a 21-man squad of nurgle cultists, and then throw him at the biggest, nastiest threat I can. Also, I never go without gift of mutation anymore, as you re-roll apotheosis and spawnhood results, essentially guaranteeing yourself a boon that will be useful.


Also, I support him with a lvl 3 sorcerer kitted out in exactly the same manner, and I run biomancy on him, making it possible to quite often give my lord and the chosen FNP. Not all the time, of course, but often enough.


I tried the lord on bike, and he's not bad, but I run him dirt cheap now with a mark of nurgle, axe and sigil, making him a hiliarously cheap 140 points.


Edit: I forgot to add that my lord started the game with the boon for extra armor, making him a 2+/4++, 5W's. After he killed the termie champ with disgusting ease, he gained an additional wound from the 'bloated' boon before slaughtering the remaining termies my chosen didn't kill.

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I've been playing several games now with a lord on palanquin with PA, VotLW, and Sigil of Chaos, and I must say that it's a truly disgusting combo. His statline is just outrageous, and he gets 7 attacks on the charge, which is just hilarious! I think my luckiest assault was when I hit a squad of terminators and killed five of them with him alone, as they were LC termies. They hit me first, but I honestly didn't care with 5 wounds, a 2+ AS, and a 4+ invul! I hide him in a full squad of foot-slogging nurgle chosen behind a 21-man squad of nurgle cultists, and then throw him at the biggest, nastiest threat I can. Also, I never go without gift of mutation anymore, as you re-roll apotheosis and spawnhood results, essentially guaranteeing yourself a boon that will be useful.


Also, I support him with a lvl 3 sorcerer kitted out in exactly the same manner, and I run biomancy on him, making it possible to quite often give my lord and the chosen FNP. Not all the time, of course, but often enough.


I tried the lord on bike, and he's not bad, but I run him dirt cheap now with a mark of nurgle, axe and sigil, making him a hiliarously cheap 140 points.


Edit: I forgot to add that my lord started the game with the boon for extra armor, making him a 2+/4++, 5W's. After he killed the termie champ with disgusting ease, he gained an additional wound from the 'bloated' boon before slaughtering the remaining termies my chosen didn't kill.


Cant take THE axe if you have MoN.

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I've been playing several games now with a lord on palanquin with PA, VotLW, and Sigil of Chaos, and I must say that it's a truly disgusting combo. His statline is just outrageous, and he gets 7 attacks on the charge, which is just hilarious! I think my luckiest assault was when I hit a squad of terminators and killed five of them with him alone, as they were LC termies. They hit me first, but I honestly didn't care with 5 wounds, a 2+ AS, and a 4+ invul! I hide him in a full squad of foot-slogging nurgle chosen behind a 21-man squad of nurgle cultists, and then throw him at the biggest, nastiest threat I can. Also, I never go without gift of mutation anymore, as you re-roll apotheosis and spawnhood results, essentially guaranteeing yourself a boon that will be useful.


Also, I support him with a lvl 3 sorcerer kitted out in exactly the same manner, and I run biomancy on him, making it possible to quite often give my lord and the chosen FNP. Not all the time, of course, but often enough.


I tried the lord on bike, and he's not bad, but I run him dirt cheap now with a mark of nurgle, axe and sigil, making him a hiliarously cheap 140 points.


Edit: I forgot to add that my lord started the game with the boon for extra armor, making him a 2+/4++, 5W's. After he killed the termie champ with disgusting ease, he gained an additional wound from the 'bloated' boon before slaughtering the remaining termies my chosen didn't kill.


Im curious, how are you modeling the palanquin?

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@John_f- My apologies if you thought i meant the axe of khorne. I never use it. losing weapon skill is never worth it to me, as i feel qualitative is always better than quantitative.



Power Axe


Sigil of Chaos

Total: 140


@scoobyshag- I modeled both of my HQ's on 60mm bases because I took a corpse cart and turned it into a palanquin, replete with zombies carrying it forward, and nurglings happily cavorting around it. This is way bigger than a 40mm base could ever hold, so 60 it was. My excuse was if regular models are on 25mm and termies, which are Bulky, are on 40mm, shouldn't a Very Bulky model be on 60mm?

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@John_f- My apologies if you thought i meant the axe of khorne. I never use it. losing weapon skill is never worth it to me, as i feel qualitative is always better than quantitative.



Power Axe


Sigil of Chaos

Total: 140


@scoobyshag- I modeled both of my HQ's on 60mm bases because I took a corpse cart and turned it into a palanquin, replete with zombies carrying it forward, and nurglings happily cavorting around it. This is way bigger than a 40mm base could ever hold, so 60 it was. My excuse was if regular models are on 25mm and termies, which are Bulky, are on 40mm, shouldn't a Very Bulky model be on 60mm?


That's some solid logic right there. Hadn't even thought of that.

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That's some solid logic right there. Hadn't even thought of that.


Thank you, sir! Everyone I've played with so far has agreed with me, so I'm hoping I don't have to change them out for a particularly obstinate opponent anytime soon, as I love how they turned out.

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I'm not at home, nor will I be for at least ten hours, but I do have some photos of my Sorcerer, so I'll share those, since my Lord is roughly the same, just a modified version of the WFB Nurgle Lord with greenstuffed power armor. Obviously I haven't painted him yet, but I'm not quite done GSing things yet, so he's still a WIP model.







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I'm not at home, nor will I be for at least ten hours, but I do have some photos of my Sorcerer, so I'll share those, since my Lord is roughly the same, just a modified version of the WFB Nurgle Lord with greenstuffed power armor. Obviously I haven't painted him yet, but I'm not quite done GSing things yet, so he's still a WIP model.







That is seriously awesome cant wait to see him painted,

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That's some solid logic right there. Hadn't even thought of that.


Thank you, sir! Everyone I've played with so far has agreed with me, so I'm hoping I don't have to change them out for a particularly obstinate opponent anytime soon, as I love how they turned out.


Well there's plenty of evidence for 60mm. It's 25/40mm palanquin that really needs an argument, imo.

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Well, when/if GW release a palanquin model, then we'll know for sure. The one I'm making seems fine on a 40mm base, and spawn are on 40mm bases and are very bulky too. The one on the 60mm base looks good too so who knows?


Knowing GW they will release it on a square base or something...

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@teutonicavenger- Thanks! The first time I ever saw a corpse cart I thought, "That could be the most bad-ass palanquin ever!" I'm just glad it turned out like what I had envisioned, a turn of events that is not as typical as I'd like ^_^


@Circus Nurgling- Yeah, I honestly don't think it's a big deal either way. I mean, if your model has a huge base like that, and doesn't have some kind of 'all models in base contact' kind of effect, your opponent just has more opportunity to get more attacks in, so who cares, right? But, I know some guys are absolute stickers for the rules, which I don't blame them for, just curbs my creativity sometimes......


@nurglez- That would be so cool! I'd love to buy such a model, just so I could see what their vision of a palanquin is. I don't think it really matters, just like you said. A palanquin's base size has not been specifically quantified by GW, and if it was becoming a problem at tournaments we would have heard, I'd think. So, I'm going with, 'build it on whatever size you feel is right.'

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I agree, I mean I have 2 daemon princes, both based on the bases they came with, and they are different. not even mentioning my old terminators...


here's my WIP


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Well, when/if GW release a palanquin model, then we'll know for sure. The one I'm making seems fine on a 40mm base, and spawn are on 40mm bases and are very bulky too. The one on the 60mm base looks good too so who knows?


Knowing GW they will release it on a square base or something...

Well that puts a damper on the 60mm=very bulky argument... yeah at this point I'd say it's fair game for either 40 or 60mm.

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@Nurglez- That's a sweet palanquin. I kind of thought of doing roughly the same idea, but I had this extra corpse cart sitting around in my house, I just had to try it out, and I loved the result. What is that thing he's riding on, BTW?


@Circus Nurgling- I'd say yeah. GW, in their INFINITE wisdom, have not seen fit to supply us with a model for it, so we can make it however we dang well please, if you ask me, lol.


@Verbal Underbelly- Thanks! Also, I agree, at this point, it's up to the guy modelling it, for the above already stated reason.


Back on the original topic..... I played a game the other night with a palanquin lord with the black mace, and....... oh my...... there are no words for how EPIC that combo is. For me, that sealed the deal. I was already leaning far more towards the pally lord than biker lord, simply because of his high resilience, but after that game, there is not contest for me. I hit a squad of sally termies with my chosen, and proceeded to annihilate everything in my path. I put 7 wounds on his libby, killing him through sheer number of wounds, while my chosen killed three termies through 24 regular attacks, re-rolls are amazing, so you should DEFINITELY always take VotLW. I rolled for boon and got +1T, which was hilarious. Immunity to ID achieved!!! Then, I lost one chosen to the remaining 2 termies' attacks, while slaying them through 8 PA attacks and 3 PF attacks. One turn of cc killed 5 TH/SS termies and a termie libby w/ SS. Then, I proceeded to mow my way through another tac squad and his sternguard (killing Vulkan with my lord, which gave me a wound I had lost back) while my plagues mopped up what was left on the other side of the board. It was an epic game, but my lord was definitely MVP of the YEAR that game! I think I'm going to start a tally of IC's my lord kills.

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@Nurglez- That's a sweet palanquin. I kind of thought of doing roughly the same idea, but I had this extra corpse cart sitting around in my house, I just had to try it out, and I loved the result. What is that thing he's riding on, BTW?


He's riding on a rhino side hatch.

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