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Juggerlord Unit

Commander Krag

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This is for when I go up against a non-space marine army. What I got for a lord is: Axe of Blind Fury, Plasma Pistol, Melta Bombs, Gift of Mutation, Juggernaut, Sigil of Corruption, Mark of Khorne. Now the question is should I put him in a unit of 5 Chaos Spawn or a unit of 7 Khorne Bikers with Icon of Wrath, Gift of Mutation, LC, Meltagun. Any help is appreciated, Thanks!
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should I put him in a unit of 5 Chaos Spawn or a unit of 7 Khorne Bikers with Icon of Wrath
Put him in the first but move with both?




That, but if you're in a "x or y" situation, I'd say go for the spawns.

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should I put him in a unit of 5 Chaos Spawn or a unit of 7 Khorne Bikers with Icon of Wrath
Put him in the first but move with both?




That, but if you're in a "x or y" situation, I'd say go for the spawns.

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I don't see the reason why spawn are soooo much better than bikes in peoples eyes, I think that they are very similar and are for different situations. Bikers are a lot more stable as a retinue for a lord/sorc too...


*Similar survivability outside melee

*Melee speciality vs shooting flexibility

*No champion to tank enemy characters

*no champion that gets stuck in IG blob sergeant challenges

*no grenades vs rage

*both can take marks


Anyone care to enlighten me?

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I don't see the reason why spawn are soooo much better than bikes in peoples eyes, I think that they are very similar and are for different situations. Bikers are a lot more stable as a retinue for a lord/sorc too...


*Similar survivability outside melee

*Melee speciality vs shooting flexibility

*No champion to tank enemy characters

*no champion that gets stuck in IG blob sergeant challenges

*no grenades vs rage

*both can take marks


Anyone care to enlighten me?


Yes. Easy. You can, if you play with a modicum of tactics, shuffle your spawns for slightly decreased movement (i.e. you have lost 2 wounds on one, you pull it backwards and move full wounds models forwards).

Edit: Then there is the advantage of running them into cover.


For non-biker lord delivery (i.e steed), spawns seems to be rather better.

In many other situations, bikers will be better (primarilly because of guns/melta/jink and the posibillity of having a biker lord/sorcerer)

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You do know that such a shuffle will slow the unit down significantly. Also, that doesn't do anything towards their total survivability, which still around is the same as bikers. GK will completely butcher a unit of spawn in cc, as will a shooty army at range. Heck even against an IG blob they will have a hard time, since they will strike last in most cases and have to eat a lot of overwatch...
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I think that depends Excessus. Vs shooting I think bikers have an advantage but vs CC spawn would. Sure vs GK they'd get eaten alive but against gaurd I think their higher toughness will help them out alot. Plus the juggerlord will be going at initiative with all those attacks. This unit isn't all that expensive either so if your opponent wastes alot on them that means the rest of your force is free to do what they do best...(respectively).
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You do know that such a shuffle will slow the unit down significantly. Also, that doesn't do anything towards their total survivability, which still around is the same as bikers. GK will completely butcher a unit of spawn in cc, as will a shooty army at range. Heck even against an IG blob they will have a hard time, since they will strike last in most cases and have to eat a lot of overwatch...


Topic is delivery system for Juggernought lord. Perhaps you missed that ?


Who on earth would be stupid enough to assault a unit of Grey Knight with spawns without first giving them the MoS? What you write there doesn`t really make much sense, as those bikes will be just as easilly butchered to say the least.

You have an extreme bias, I understand that. But please.

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Againt an IG blob he'll be stuck in challenges for 5-6 turns before even having a shot at killing rank and file though, and overwatch alone will do a few wounds on the spawns not to mention the cc attacks since they hit first. I agree that spawn have their uses, but assaulting blobs, hordes and elite melee specialists aren't really a part of those. Vehicles will have a hard time against them though, strangely enough I think they'll do better against those than maulerfiends really with their d6+2 attacks on the charge at S5...glancing them to death...unless they are walkers though. Non-nurgle spawns will be popped like blisters by walkers...


Topic is delivery system for Juggernought lord. Perhaps you missed that ?

And I still think that bikers make a better delivery system than spawn! They can handle as much shooting as spawn, and when they assault, they can let the champion take any challenges so the lord may do his mayhem at maximum efficiency.

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Againt an IG blob he'll be stuck in challenges for 5-6 turns before even having a shot at killing rank and file though, and overwatch alone will do a few wounds on the spawns not to mention the cc attacks since they hit first. I agree that spawn have their uses, but assaulting blobs, hordes and elite melee specialists aren't really a part of those. Vehicles will have a hard time against them though, strangely enough I think they'll do better against those than maulerfiends really with their d6+2 attacks on the charge at S5...glancing them to death...unless they are walkers though. Non-nurgle spawns will be popped like blisters by walkers...


Topic is delivery system for Juggernought lord. Perhaps you missed that ?

And I still think that bikers make a better delivery system than spawn! They can handle as much shooting as spawn, and when they assault, they can let the champion take any challenges so the lord may do his mayhem at maximum efficiency.


Alright. We just dissagree then. I think they are pretty much equal with the spawn slightly better (for this particular use).

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I don't think there will be a "best" delivery unit for ALL lists. If you have room for bikers OR spawn I would take bikers. If you have room for bikers AND spawn I would put him in the spawn and let the bikers charge on their own.
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