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Praise be to the Plague Father!


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Hey guys, this'll be my first log here. A little about myself: I started playing back in '98 when i turned 12 and one of my friends who desperately wanted someone to battle got me a Bloodthrister for my birthday. Two things haven't changed since then: 1) he's regretted starting me off with that axe wielding murder machine, and 2) I've played exclusively Khorne based forces. So here i am now at 26, and i've always been kind of envious of all the modeling possibilities afforded to those who chose Nurgle as their patron. Since the new codex just came out, I thought now would be as good a time as any to start a new force dedicated to the god of disease.


I should note, that in 14 years of playing, i have never once finished painting an army. Hell... i've never finished painting a squad. So I thought this new call of chaos might just be that extra, external motivation i need to at least finish one squad worth of painted models.


My list is fairly vanilla for a Nurgle force: Typhus, zombies, plague marines, blight drones, havocs, and terminators. The termies i'm excited about though. I'm a big fan of the game Bioshock, and given the relatively similar build of 40k termies and Big Daddys, i'm surprised to have not seen more of these:






for those unfamiliar with a Big Daddy, heres what they look like:




I ran out of paper clips after finishing the cage on the first one, so i had to call it a night on them. i'm a little stuck on two things with them, and could use some suggestions.


A) Anyone have an idea what to do for the drill? I have a scratch idea for it, but if someone can think of a pre-existing one i can use instead, that would save me a lot of work. I was thinking maybe the ones from the talos, but they aren't really the right shape.


and :tu: any ideas for the air tank on his back? Again, i have a scratch idea, but any time saver is good for me.


My plague zombies will be represented as Plague Bearers, but i'm not crazy about the new plastic ones, so i've been working making some different ones. Nothings final on him yet, including the paint, but you get the idea:



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@Lunch: Hey thanks man, those look great. Do you have any idea what the size is like by any chance?



Wow! Those look really fun! How did you do those big daddy heads? Are they blobs of modeling putty with thin slices of tubing, or . . . ?


Yeah, its just aves apoxie with tubing. Looking at the pics, the paper clips i used for the cage looks too wide... i should use slimmer ones.

If I do recall, and it's been awhile since I had my warmachine army, the arm should be about the right size for a termie (maybe a tad big). And for the caging on the helmet being too big, try wiring from old headphones or headsets. If the outer diameter is too big the inner wires might be a better shot and after a thin coat of supper glue they should hold up well.

Getta some more work done on my Big Daddy Terminators.


This guy is kind of a test paint scheme, but i think its what i'm going to end up with. The pictures kind of washed out some of the detail and made the yellow on his view ports stand out a bit more than they do in person, but over all i like him, considering i'm not a great painter.








The termies are going to look much more corroded than the rest of the army, so this guy is significantly more grimy than the normal PMs will be. I wanted the termies to look the oldest, so thats that. I think i'm going to go more with this "corroded" look over the usual Nurgle diseased look. Don't get me wrong, i love the bloated, pox covered, plague infested look of Nurgle stuff, and the original plan was to go with that using some forge world pieces, but its just looking like i'm not going to be able to afford that stuff, so rusty and corroded is what we'll be going with.

Double update!


About done with a trooper. Here you can see what i meant about not being as corroded.





Getting a little more work done on these guys:







Just finished up my counts as Typhus: Mortanius the Ferryman. Made him out of bits from several sets, namely CSM Termies, Chaos Knights, and Blood Letters. His fingers on his left hand are from the Hellbrute. I ripped off his head design from the fantasy Nurgle Lord, and his sword and giant clawed hand are inspired by Nightmare from Soul Calibur. He's been given some extra width and height, but i don't think i went far enough on either front, because at first glance, he doesn't really seem to be much larger than a normal termie. Hope you guys like him, Critiques are welcome.









Wow that is an awesome idea with the Big Daddy termis and they look great. Your lord is good as well, Soul Caliber was the first thing I thought of even before I read what you wrote. Overall though he looks rusty and gross, just like any child of Nurgle should!
Wow that is an awesome idea with the Big Daddy termis and they look great. Your lord is good as well, Soul Caliber was the first thing I thought of even before I read what you wrote. Overall though he looks rusty and gross, just like any child of Nurgle should!

Technically that's a Soul Edge. ;)


Awesome job with the big daddies and the lord. I am not usually a fan of nurgle, but I love the big daddies.

Thanks dudes


@Dez: By off balance, do you mean the composition, or like he's going to tip over? If you mean the latter, i can definitely see where you're coming from. I agonized for a long time over whether to have him stepping on the pole he's on now or the middle one. The middle one looked a little more stable, but the angle he'd be standing at that way had the trophy rack blocking a good view of him, so i went with the edge pole.


@Iron Warrior: you know your soul calibur stuff. Definitely not going to call it the "soul edge" though... what a lame, generic name that is for whats supposed to be the sword to end all swords.


Up next i have a WiP champion for my Plague Marines, converted out of the DV Tactical Sergeant. I'll just say it now... i'm hopeless at painting power weapons.







Technically that's a Soul Edge. ;)


Yeah yeah. Was talking about the game though. :P


For the newest guy, only thing I would do is paint some sort of power weapon effect on it. Seeing the rest of your models it really isn't too difficult. Just start with black and blend to whatever color you want. For the usual power weapon effect, black/blue/white, I just go from black to kantor blue, ultramarine blue, ice blue and then white. Blending all the colors of course it doesn't look too bad.

I love seeing people convert their miniatures into game characters!

Great idea with the Big Daddy Termies, they look awesome as does the Nightmare inspired lord.


I really like what you've done with the DV Dark Angels Sarge, his Plas pistol in particular is very well done.



Awesome idea and great execution! Is there a chance your army will include splicers as plague zombies? The DV chaos cultists could do nicely with some carnival masks sculpted on- this would fit in nicely with the "carnival of chaos" nurgle carnival troupe (featured in mordheim at one point i think).

Thanks guys.


@Puma: Thats a good idea. I wonder if i could find just those bits...


@Chaoz: Thats a damn good idea... and of course i already started on cultists with out doing anything like that. Time to start over.


Heres a couple more DV Plague Marines. Pretty much done with these three minus the bases. Ignore the terrible flocking and stuff on one of them, that was an experiment gone horribly awry.













Double update. Finally worked out a pose for the final Big Daddy, started putting some paint on some cultists, and finished up a Plague Marine Sludge Rifleman (plasma gun). Plus, i just realized that with him done, i have, for the first time ever, painted an entire legal unit. Obviously I'm not going to field a 5 man PM squad, but still... its a big step for me.


I really need to repaint the eyes on all 4 of the PMs though, they're looking pretty sloppy. My detail brush called it quits, so i've been trying to make due with a bigger one, but its just not cutting it.















Hope this helps and that I don't break any rules.




It's a bit (haha see what I did there :lol: ) more than just the drills but a step in the right direction at least.


I will defiantly continue following this. Super excited to see big daddies completed.


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