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New dex in mail, Spawn question


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I know that spawn are still probably not a number one choice out there, but i have a few models and i like them and would like to put them in my list. Are they any better in the new dex? If they are is it cuz of new rules or better use of universal rules from teh BRB?



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Furyou- I think he is talking about Spawns not Possesed.


Spawns are now proper Beast, no more fo this beast+S&P weirdness...


Unfortunally they still don't have a save, while i think that a beast with everchanging flesh and scales could have an armore of5 even 4...oh well.


They are still though with a T5 and W3,They follow the beast rules, so they are fast even in terrains.


A unit of 4-5 can be a good distraction to small units like Devs and stuff.

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They're fast, controllable, T5, with a respectable amount of wounds and attacks. They've got a random roll for extra abilities each combat round which are nice but incidental to their effectiveness in their primary roll (fast, cheapish distraction/harassment, or a delivery system for a lord on jugger or steed of slaanesh)
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In the 2 games I have usd spawns with the new codex, they roamed around killing chimeras and such.


Quite nice unit. Only 150 points for 5, which is too powerful a unit for your opponent to ignore, so very effective distraction.


If you play with a lot of terrain, they just get better.

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I used 15 MoN-spawns in a game, and I felt dirty.


Spawns are imo one of our best units actually, they can be killy eventhough that's not their area of expertise, but 15 fearless T5/T6 (MoN is imo by far the best mark for them) wounds that move as beasts are very hard to ignore.

They rush ahead and lock shooty units in combat while our slower units advance.

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I have used Spawn in three games. In the first two, I used two 4-spawn units. In the third I had one unit of 5.


In the first, they provided cover saves for my units behind them. Also, they destroyed a couple of rhinos and reduced the size of the units inside before being killed themselves.


In the second, they provided cover saves and then destroyed a Leman Russ.


In the third(a 500 point game) they killed off a 10-man Tac Squad, making use of their terrain movement.

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Bikes as well, they are more shooty than melee, but have a similar survivability and cost less...and is more upgradeable...


This isn`t about bikes.

I have notcied you come with your bikes every single time spawns are being mentioned. OP asked if spawns are better than they were, and they quite clearly are. They can function very, very nicely now.

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Bikes as well, they are more shooty than melee, but have a similar survivability and cost less...and is more upgradeable...


This isn`t about bikes.

I have notcied you come with your bikes every single time spawns are being mentioned. OP asked if spawns are better than they were, and they quite clearly are. They can function very, very nicely now.

Do you have an agenda against me or something? It was a reply to Killax since he was mentioning Heldrake...did you comment on that? Nooo...


Yes, spawn are better than they were before, yes they have their uses(mainly threat and cc slaugter of non-blob units), yes they are cheaper, yes they can do well. There, happy?

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Bikes as well, they are more shooty than melee, but have a similar survivability and cost less...and is more upgradeable...


This isn`t about bikes.

I have notcied you come with your bikes every single time spawns are being mentioned. OP asked if spawns are better than they were, and they quite clearly are. They can function very, very nicely now.

Do you have an agenda against me or something? It was a reply to Killax since he was mentioning Heldrake...did you comment on that? Nooo...


Yes, spawn are better than they were before, yes they have their uses(mainly threat and cc slaugter of non-blob units), yes they are cheaper, yes they can do well. There, happy?


Didn`t notice. I am noticing your extreme bias though, as the poor guy just wanted to know if spawns were easier to use than previously. I was hardly rude there and I have no agenda at all.Just pointed to the fact that Spawns are a decent unit.

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You know what the funniest thing about the Chaos bords is?


The damned hatred between all the posters. It's just like the meddling of the Chaos Gods.


I think the awnser is given, but one should also look at the other FA options before thaking the Spawns.

They are a good choice, but so are the Helldrakes (6th = You need Flyers) and the Bikers.



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Spawn are an excellent choice, the possibility of 40 str 5attacks on the charge combined with 3 wounds at a T5-6 and fearless is way too tempting to pass up. Even better if you roll for the poisoned trait and can reroll failed wounds. They can be both hammer and anvil.




However, bikes fill a much needed tank hunter role and the drake can nuke dev squads in a building and give decent anti flier support with the str 7 vector strike.


Personally, I need the resilience/strength of the spawn in my army, they make a great bodyguard unit to a bike sorc or khorne lord. I might switch to a drake if entrenched heavy weapons squads start to pop up again.

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Spawn are an excellent choice, the possibility of 40 str 6 attacks on the charge


How do you get Spawns to attack at S6, except for the slaanesh-blessing?

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You know what the funniest thing about the Chaos bords is?


The damned hatred between all the posters. It's just like the meddling of the Chaos Gods.


I think the awnser is given, but one should also look at the other FA options before thaking the Spawns.

They are a good choice, but so are the Helldrakes (6th = You need Flyers) and the Bikers.



Hah, seriously. So much for the happy chaos family! :P


I really think that the FA slot is a shining beacon of awesome in an otherwise drab 'dex. Which is odd, because our old FA stuff was terrible.

I . . . I think I might have to start throwing together some chaos spawn . . .

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I really think that the FA slot is a shining beacon of awesome in an otherwise drab 'dex. Which is odd, because our old FA stuff was terrible.


To be fair, the HS-slot still has some sheen in it, since all the choices are actually viable in some way or another.

Agreed that our FA-choices went from zero to hero though.

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