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Librarian Powers


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God... are you serious? A libby with the epistolary upgrade is still a libby. He is an Epistolary-level Librarian. His army list entry doesn't change to "Epistolary".


Look, I'm not saying it makes any kind of sense for the furioso not to be able to get BRB powers. But GW are too damn lazy to answer a bunch of FAQ questions, so they don't get them. Playing it any other way is plain ol' cheating. Its the same argument I get from :cuss who insist that Grey Knight squads can exchange Warp Quake or the like for Prescience...

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Except the rules for Epistolary explicitly say that the Librarian is upgraded to an Epistolary. Not a Librarian Epistolary, but an Epistolary. If you upgrade one thing to another, it ceases to be that first thing. There is no RAW that says an Epistolary is a Librarian. None at all.


A butterfly ceases to be a caterpillar once it grows wings.

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Issue I have with most of these replies is the suggestion that you get to choose your powers. I guess that in friendly games/groups this may be permissible but in correct form you have to roll for them.


The only one people are assuming they'll get is Prescience, which given that it's a primaris power, you can always take it. Not really sure what else this comment could have been referring to.


Welcome back, dude. Havent seen you post in ages.

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You're claiming that the Furioso isn't a Blood Angels Librarian because it's never explicitly referred to as such despite being a Librarian from Codex:Blood Angels but you're willing to be loosey-goosey with the Epistolary because it fits with your preconceived notion of how things should be.


You insist on RAW on one hand (though it is your misinterpretation of the RAW and not true RAW) and not on the other.

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The Furioso libby doesn't have access to BRB powers. See the FAQ.


I see "A Blood Angels Librarian (including Mephiston) may use the

psychic disciplines found in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook,

instead of those in Codex: Blood Angels. If he does so, generate

two new powers from the Biomancy, Divination, Telepathy or

Telekinesis disciplines (in any combination) before armies are



Are you saying a Furioso Librarian is not a "Blood Angels Librarian"?


I skipped many of the replies before my post as I didn't feel like reading the bickering back and forth.


To me, the Furioso Librarian is obviously a Librarian, has two powers, and could swap to the BRB powers listed if he wished. Reading the excerpt I don't see anything that would lead me to think that is false. The inclusion of Mephiston - in how I read it - is not a clarification of 'Librarian/Not-Librarian' but more a powers thing. You would think Mephiston gets three powers from the BRB, but this makes it clear that he - like all other Blood Angels Librarians - get two if he swaps.

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I think until it is FAQ'd Res Ipsa is correct in principle, but Deschenus is correct in application.


To knock this on the head i would suggest each plays it however they and their opponent want, agreed to before the game kicks off.


Personally i'll stick with wings and lance/shield anyway...

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Do we actually feel that the Divination table (Prescience in particular) is worth dropping Shield (and Rage/Sword) in this configuration? Does the maths add up?

Is it the same for a ten-man squad of Jump Pack marines with a Priest? Can you honestly afford to lose Shield when you no longer have a (now flimsy) tank?


I'm quite interested to know what you think about it.

Well its not a simple straight-up Comparison of Unleash-Rage versus Prescience. There are some external factors which promote the dominance of Prescience.


That fact that Prescience can cast onto shooting units helps promote utility until the power is required in melee (Something U-Rage can't do). Not only that, but the power can be cast onto units which the Librarian in not joined to. Tactic Example: 20 Jumpers, one forward one behind. Lib attached to back-unit casts onto forward unit. That unit charges, but will receive damage. Next turn, Librarian casts onto the back unit and 'rescues' the engaged squad. This ensures that the Force Multiplication is always active on the most amount of attacks (the more dice to multiply, the more observed benefit). Unleash Rage requires the Librarian to be engaged, and will lose effectiveness as the squad he's in loses members.


For the Shield of Sanguinius discussion, now that the Aegis Defense Line (deploy midfield) exists, combined with Jinking Attack Bikes and the fact that Terrain placement is part of the game, there's been literally SO few times where I've missed that power to be honest.

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His point about the epostolary holds a lot of water. And it extends even further when nitpicking with the rules in this manner.


Assuming having the entry as "Librarian" for your statline is the qualifier for being a librarian:


When upgrading a command squad veteran which has it's own stat line to a company champion the syntax is "One veteran may be upgraded to a company champion"

The company champion's stat line is listed as well.


When upgrading a librarian to an epistolary the syntax is as follows "Upgrade to an Epistolary" and then lists the point cost.

No stat line for an epistolary is given.


So essentially we can in no way play with an epistolary character since no statline has been given. It also stands that even if a stat line existed it wouldn't have librarian as it's title.


The furioso Librarian is in the same boat. We have no statline for them.



The point that GW included this as an intentional restriction for Furioso dreadnoughts is pretty silly as well. I rarely see them used to good effect in highly competitive environments. They are just a fluffy fun unit, and scrutinizing their rules in such a manner is needless except to protect yourself from extreme rule lawyers. Even all the biomancy powers would work fine for them. Give them +3 toughness. Even though they have it the rules for fighting walkers/vehicles negate any need to worry about the fact that he has 3 toughness.

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Welcome back, dude. Havent seen you post in ages.


Thanks Mort! I've been around (posted in the BA 6th discussion), but not posting as much lately. Flog me for heresy, but I've been playing Crons for much of 6th. I started the army with tournament winnings a couple months before 6th dropped, and ended up lucking into an amazing codex. It's been an interesting experience, but BA are still my first love and I intend to get back to gaming with them in a couple weeks. 6th finally gave me motivation to build up that pair of Ravens I've had sitting in a box for so long. :P


And not sure if I posted in your national thread or not, so if I forgot to, congratulations on your awesome win! Really enjoyed reading your batreps.

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His point about the epostolary holds a lot of water. And it extends even further when nitpicking with the rules in this manner.


Assuming having the entry as "Librarian" for your statline is the qualifier for being a librarian:


When upgrading a command squad veteran which has it's own stat line to a company champion the syntax is "One veteran may be upgraded to a company champion"

The company champion's stat line is listed as well.


When upgrading a librarian to an epistolary the syntax is as follows "Upgrade to an Epistolary" and then lists the point cost.

No stat line for an epistolary is given.


So essentially we can in no way play with an epistolary character since no statline has been given. It also stands that even if a stat line existed it wouldn't have librarian as it's title.


The furioso Librarian is in the same boat. We have no statline for them.



The point that GW included this as an intentional restriction for Furioso dreadnoughts is pretty silly as well. I rarely see them used to good effect in highly competitive environments. They are just a fluffy fun unit, and scrutinizing their rules in such a manner is needless except to protect yourself from extreme rule lawyers. Even all the biomancy powers would work fine for them. Give them +3 toughness. Even though they have it the rules for fighting walkers/vehicles negate any need to worry about the fact that he has 3 toughness.

An episoltary is still a librarian, just with an upgrade.


A furioso librarian is still a furioso, just with an upgrade. A furioso librarian is not a librarian, can not take librarian upgrades is not an HQ unit.


So, Res's argument is wrong.


Now, I personally think this is just a case of poor wording anyway and GW did not intend to restrict the Furioso librarian from access to BRB powers.


I think until it is FAQ'd Res Ipsa is correct in principle, but Deschenus is correct in application.


To knock this on the head i would suggest each plays it however they and their opponent want, agreed to before the game kicks off.


Personally i'll stick with wings and lance/shield anyway...

Basically this is my opinion as well. GW forgot the Furioso libby when writing the 6th update and didn't include it.

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I have stopped using shield on my Librarian Furisio. I got the impression from reading the rule book that I generate a warp charge per game turn, not per player turn and therefore, unless I have saved some warp charge up, only use wings (my other power), or shield in a game turn.


Am I wrong?


Also for the record - It seems obvious to me the dreadnaught is a librarian for the reasons given by other posters - though I use codex powers as I want wings. Not that you would take my opinion seriously if I can't get the former rule correct.

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I have stopped using shield on my Librarian Furisio. I got the impression from reading the rule book that I generate a warp charge per game turn, not per player turn and therefore, unless I have saved some warp charge up, only use wings (my other power), or shield in a game turn.


Am I wrong?


Also for the record - It seems obvious to me the dreadnaught is a librarian for the reasons given by other posters - though I use codex powers as I want wings. Not that you would take my opinion seriously if I can't get the former rule correct.


You are indeed correct in that you only regenerate your warp charges at the beginning of your turn. It turns out I played this way in 5th also (oops) so for me it's not such a big difference :P


And if we disregard the people who are arguing about the librarian dreadnought (I'm on the side that it's a librarian), assuming it can take powers from the rule book, which one would you take and why?

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Looks like I unchanged something by mentioning the Furioso Librarian :)


Tbh its silly debates like this that always follow rule changes... I dont see this beeing an issue in a friendly gaming atmosphere. If someone pulls this during a tourney call the judge and unless hes a very biased RAW person I dont see him giving the "you cant use powers part" any ground...

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My $0.02 is why do people care about this? The codex powers are so much better suited to a Furioso Libby anyway. I mean what happens when you roll Iron Arm or something like that - you can only exchange one power for the primaris so you are potentially left with something useless. Wings/Shield or Shield/Rage are much better combos for a dread depending on whether you pod or jump across the board.


For the record, I think he probably counts as a librarian and could use book powers. But why you'd want to is another question...

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You generate Warp Charge each turn. Since a "turn" is always a player turn unless otherwise specified, you get to use Wings and Shield without issue.


Oh! Actually I have to agree with you! First I tried to prove you wrong by getting the rule book, but when I read the rules again it seems like I'm the one who is wrong!

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My $0.02 is why do people care about this? The codex powers are so much better suited to a Furioso Libby anyway. I mean what happens when you roll Iron Arm or something like that - you can only exchange one power for the primaris so you are potentially left with something useless. Wings/Shield or Shield/Rage are much better combos for a dread depending on whether you pod or jump across the board.


For the record, I think he probably counts as a librarian and could use book powers. But why you'd want to is another question...


Again, since the FAQ includes Mephiston in the list of Blood Angels Librarians, even though he obviously doesn't have the "Librarian" profile or have the word Librarian anywhere in his army list entry, I have to think that the FAQ is referring to any member of the Librarius (including Furiosos).


As for why, half of the Div powers are fantastic on a Dread (4++? Reroll all to-hit and to-wound? force enemy rerolls?) and Prescience can help both the dread himself or whatever units he's near (which are probably on the front line).

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You generate Warp Charge each turn. Since a "turn" is always a player turn unless otherwise specified, you get to use Wings and Shield without issue.


Oh! Actually I have to agree with you! First I tried to prove you wrong by getting the rule book, but when I read the rules again it seems like I'm the one who is wrong!


It's almost as if I know what I'm talking about :P ^_^

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