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Librarian Powers


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Ok - If I understand this correctly I have indeed been playing this wrong.


To check I have understood do you agree that a Librarian in a 6 turn game will get 12 warpcharge points? An Epistolary gets 24? (I have been playing it as 6 and 12)

That's correct. A psyker generates warp charge at the beginning of each player-turn.


Most of the time it doesn't matter, since any Charge not used by the end of each player-turn is discarded. It pertains to using Shield of Sanguinius and Wings of Sanguinius however; a Mastery1 Librarian can cast both to full effect.

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Ok - If I understand this correctly I have indeed been playing this wrong.


To check I have understood do you agree that a Librarian in a 6 turn game will get 12 warpcharge points? An Epistolary gets 24? (I have been playing it as 6 and 12)

That's correct. A psyker generates warp charge at the beginning of each player-turn.


Most of the time it doesn't matter, since any Charge not used by the end of each player-turn is discarded. It pertains to using Shield of Sanguinius and Wings of Sanguinius however; a Furioso Librarian can cast both to full effect.


It matters a lot when you want to activate that forceweapon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, back on the rails again:


The generic 100 point Librarian has become a staple in a lot of BA lists, mine included. I used to rock Unleash Rage as my force multiplier and

Shield of Sanguinius as my protection.


So... New powers... yay?


Divination rocks (particularly Prescience). However, pretty much much everything else in Divination is A) worse and :tu: also cast during your turn.


Long story short, what's your strategy for rolling 2 Psyker powers? Is there another Primaris your going for all the time, another power your trying to get and a Primaris you settle for? Or do you aim for Prescience, roll with it, and say screw the rest?


Added thought. I hate randomly generated powers and wasting a warp charge during my opponents turn. Mephy will always keep his three, and my Furioso Librarian will still get Shield and Wings, as well. The added mobility is too vital to their efficiency to sacrfice.

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Long story short, what's your strategy for rolling 2 Psyker powers? Is there another Primaris your going for all the time, another power your trying to get and a Primaris you settle for? Or do you aim for Prescience, roll with it, and say screw the rest?
If you are going for a Shooting Support Librarian, then you should roll twice on Divination IMO, no questions asked.


Now Melee Support Librarian gets interesting; Prescience is a given but if you really really need two attempts for Forewarning, 'throwing away' your second dice to hope for that 4++ can be just so clutch versus some opponents.


For further thoughts on Jump Pack Melee Support Librarians (NO OTHER TYPE) then feel free to read here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...howtopic=258972



OH and GW, if you're listening...... I would pay 50pts to be able to choose my Librarian's two BRB Powers. He'd still be Mastery 1.... just that I'd pay 50pts no questions asked.

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So, back on the rails again:


The generic 100 point Librarian has become a staple in a lot of BA lists, mine included. I used to rock Unleash Rage as my force multiplier and

Shield of Sanguinius as my protection.


So... New powers... yay?


Divination rocks (particularly Prescience). However, pretty much much everything else in Divination is A) worse and B) also cast during your turn.


Long story short, what's your strategy for rolling 2 Psyker powers? Is there another Primaris your going for all the time, another power your trying to get and a Primaris you settle for? Or do you aim for Prescience, roll with it, and say screw the rest?


Added thought. I hate randomly generated powers and wasting a warp charge during my opponents turn. Mephy will always keep his three, and my Furioso Librarian will still get Shield and Wings, as well. The added mobility is too vital to their efficiency to sacrfice.


I wouldnt say everything else in divination is worse, far far far from it. I use my libby defensively, put him with with a 4 missile launcher devi squad with a sang priest behind a ADL, yes its a expensive unit but in every game I have used them they have earned their points back, why? Divination thats why.


Prescience re roll miss's, enough said


Foreboding, never used it to be honest but 4 krak missiles at normal BS plus how ever many bolters at rapid fire at normal BS, thats a lot of dead MEQ units.


Forewarning, 4+ invul save, perfect against demons or other templates that ignore cover saves


Misfourtune, very good as you curse one unit then concentrate your all fire on them, killed 6 bikers in one shooting phase at a tourny few weeks back


Perfect timing, now this I love, given how many ADL and terrain there are in many games this is the best power you can get when running ML's, See that thunderfire cannon, dead, see that quad gun, dead. AP3 and no cover saves it worth its weight in gold, devi's behind a ADL doing the same as you?, only roll to wound then they are dead.


Precog, no good


Scriers Gaze, 3d6 for reserve roll for my SR's?, yes please.

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Would I be correct in thinking that Shield works against Overwatch fire?


You would be incorrect. Shield of Sanguinius is cast in the opposing shooting phase and lasts only for that phase, its not a rulebook style blessing. Hence its not active in your turn, when you'd be eating overwatch fire.

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Cheers :D


Now for another question for you guys. Drawing inspiration from this thread, what are you top five Psychic powers this edition for your Blood Angel force?


(As for me, I have yet to use the BRB spells...)










Perfect timing/warp time (tie)


Notice a pattern when it comes to discipline? :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
I have, on biomancy, got iron arm (str and toughness of 9 plus eternal warrior) warp speed, intivative 10 and attacks 8 base and life leech i had, he was a monster!


That's a very nice combo but sadly he only gets 2 powers! I think the FAQ basically neutered using Mephiston with anything other than his default powers on a regular basis. Despite being level 3 and knowing 3 codex powers he only gets 2 powers if you roll them from the book. Plus he doesn't have access to Wings if you use the rulebook powers, which greatly decreases his mobility. I think I prefer S10, rerolling 1's to hit and wound and with a jump pack to any combination of powers that he could pick from the rulebook, let alone ones that rolled randomly.

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IMHO Misfortune is a better power then Precience (obviously you can't build your list around it b/c its a random powers) but if given the choice I would take Misfortune over the Primaris power because it allows multiple units to benefit from the effect instead of only one, its basically Null Zone but better since its all saves not ++ saves


I also think Scryers Gaze is often written off by lots of players, the ability to roll 3 dice and pick is powerful reserve manipulation, and if you have DoA jumpers your rerolling that... if you can't get the reserve roll you want on 6 dice your screwed any way...

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IMHO Misfortune is a better power then Precience (obviously you can't build your list around it b/c its a random powers) but if given the choice I would take Misfortune over the Primaris power because it allows multiple units to benefit from the effect instead of only one, its basically Null Zone but better since its all saves not ++ saves


I also think Scryers Gaze is often written off by lots of players, the ability to roll 3 dice and pick is powerful reserve manipulation, and if you have DoA jumpers your rerolling that... if you can't get the reserve roll you want on 6 dice your screwed any way...

Agree with you about Scrier's Gaze completely. I wrote it off as well, before I was playing a Raven. Now I keep it nearly everytime I get it. Excellent Raven arrival control is just great.


I disagree only slightly for Prescience vs Misfortune. Misfortune is mostly better, but there are times (mostly melee based situations) where Prescience is better.


Reason is Quantity of Dice Affected, which is true for all forms of Force Multiplication.


For multi-unit shooting situations, you will usually affect more dice with Misfortune (ie opponent save rolls = more dice total than any single unit's to-hit rolls). In melee, usually it begins with one unit versus one unit. In that case, you will affect more dice by re-rolling your hits rather than opponent rerolling saves.


Always re-roll the most dice possible, whether yours or his. If you crunch the mathammer, it seems to come out close to even. But you have to remember how the "to hit to wound to save filter-system" works. You will stabilize your observed deviation in comparison to the expected outcome when you re-roll the most dice possible.

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hmmm Scryers Gaze


Was ruled It was a useless power in a tourny the other month!, as it says you roll for reserve rolls at the start of the turn, but you cannot cast any powers until the start of the movement phase (blessing), and powers only last until the end of the next player turn. I do get both sides of the arguement but why would GW do a power which is useless is beyond me!!

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This power makes it obvious that you cast blessings and maledictions BEFORE reserves rolls, this argument is beyond stupid and the organizers were clearly absent when the emperor dealt out common sense...


CAG mentions a point that many people maybe don't quite recognice: Rerolling makes the outcome of your rolls a lot more predictable. It's also one of the reasons why I like FnP so much, it will happen a lot less frequently that huge numbers of your marines die due to bad dice. Being able to accurately predict how many wounds you will deal/how many models you will lose makes your planning a lot easier.

The same with malediction, your opponent is a lot less likely to save his terminators thanks to lucky 2+ streaks if he has to reroll it.

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I also always have trouble deciding on my 2nd power....


Precience is a given but some of the other powers in that tree arent.... Really good. Lat game I was stuck with power 6 "rerolls myseterious terrain and reserve rolls" :lol:


With that list I had NO reserves and we NEVER roll for mysterious terrain as we think its... And even if I did... Dont you roll for reserves before anything else? ;)

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This power makes it obvious that you cast blessings and maledictions BEFORE reserves rolls, this argument is beyond stupid and the organizers were clearly absent when the emperor dealt out common sense...


CAG mentions a point that many people maybe don't quite recognice: Rerolling makes the outcome of your rolls a lot more predictable. It's also one of the reasons why I like FnP so much, it will happen a lot less frequently that huge numbers of your marines die due to bad dice. Being able to accurately predict how many wounds you will deal/how many models you will lose makes your planning a lot easier.

The same with malediction, your opponent is a lot less likely to save his terminators thanks to lucky 2+ streaks if he has to reroll it.


Re-rolling does make things more predictable, but we already get a great tool for re-rolling Reserve rolls: Descent of Angels. Since you can't re-roll re-rolls, the power that affects reserves is fucntionally useless with regards to JP units entering play. This decreases it's over-all value with respect to the Blood Angel codex. (as always, there are exceptions).

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