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Dark Vengeance Chaos Force - BLACK LEGION


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Thank you guys - I appreciate your feedback.


Helbrute is finally done. result is below:














some more pictures of the chosen:














this project is done for now. What's next - I have no idea...

those are some of the best looking black Legion minis I have seen in a long time, nice colour on the black. I could use help on that :), and that hellbrute...that is just stunning, I can't wait to see more of them, just keep them coming brother!


EDIT: by any chance could you give up your secret formula for that black, since I could use that for my marines in the future, please help a brother marine out! thank you in advance


- ColdWinter

Very nice looking Black Legion Chosen there, I am currently in a pickle on what colour to paint my chosen, was considering Black legion myself. Also love the bases they add real character to the models :D


could i just ask whats your recipe for the gold on the chosen?



Thank you guys ^_^


and to answer your questions:


Painting Black: it is very simple – chaos black undercoat followed by layer of black mixed with a little drop of any grey colour to lighten it a bit. then first highlight of grey/black in ratio 50/50. Final highlight of pure light grey colour (astronomicon grey)


Painting Gold: well, it is more complexed. I use different shades of brown paints mixing it with pigments, matt varnishes and mediums. I will give you just the names of paints that i used in following steps:


1. shining gold + scorched brown (basecoat)

2. shining gold + ochre/brown/black pigments + matt varnish + glaze medium in different ratio for each layer - i put 3 to 4 layers

3. shining gold + rotting flesh

4. snakebite leather + scorched brown + glaze medium

5. snakebite leather + glaze medium

6. snakebite leather + skull white (drop) + glaze medium

7. skull white final highlight


hope it helps

Can't thank you enough for that black recipe, now I'm going to have to try it out as soon as possible since I have some colours laying around ;), can't wait to see more of your brother I have feeling Abaddon has chosen you as his champion. Keep us updated!


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