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Chosen Berzerkers


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I was considering a unit of chosen with lots of special close combat weapons, but realised they would cost almost the same as an equal number of termies. True, they get one more attack each and can sweep, and also fit into a land raider/rhino, but the termies are so much more resilient, and much better at overwatch (a small advantage I know).


Maybe the trick with Chosen is not to tool them up? Maybe give the champ a power weapon and the squad a powerfist + some special weapon and just use them as CSM+?


I dunno, they are hard to make into anything useful. As maybe tolled up and lead by a Dark Apostle, in a Land Raider? That would hurt... except enemy Termies, who would either shrug off the attacks that land before they get to swing, or get to swing at the same time as the AP2 weapons.

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and hth termis are efficient ? termis are on top at first second and last glance . +2sv means fewer of them die . all power weapons means that with any mark or markless they kill more . moving on to the land raider matter. termis can take a LR as a dedicted transport and chosen not . this means a chosen+LR set up not only takes up more points [a lot more points if you take twice as many as you would termis at higher points cost] , but also use up a hvy slot .


This argument doesn't make much sense... You switch between assuming the chosen don't have upgrades (and thus aren't as killy) or do have upgrades (and thus are more expensive).


I assume you're comparing 5 chosen with power weapons (165 points) to 5 basic terminators (157 points). Yes, the Chosen are slightly more expensive, but they also deal 5 more power weapon attacks in CC and can sweeping advance. So they'll hit harder in close combat, though they aren't as survivable as the terminators. Seems a fair trade off to me.


You do have a valid point on the dedicated Land Raider, though.

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I dont get it . how is it vicious. you can take termis get the same power weapons adn a +2sv . chosen are in no way able to be either a base of a deathstar or a deathstar counter/killer unit . they are high cost [when geared to do hth] meq , that will struggle against anything but the most basic of squads. and being a high cost unit to deal with basic stuff is never good.


True, but I don;t know if the question/discussion was ment to be competative or not. It can be fun, which is an aspect to some battles to.


Personally I run chosen for the quantity of special weapons.




It is rather nice to get multiple meltas/plasma guns and an extra non "ACCEPT ANY CHALLENGE, NO MATTER THE ODDS!!!shift1" power weapon in a non 10 man unit. Damn shame you can't make 1 units of Chosen troops (or have them as retinues for Lords...) for normal Unmarked Lords, with that limit being lifted if you take Big A (sorta like Death Company). I'm lobbying for that 'round here, because I really, really want to convert a squad of chosen with the New-Hotness Raptors.

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It is rather nice to get multiple meltas/plasma guns and an extra non "ACCEPT ANY CHALLENGE, NO MATTER THE ODDS!!!shift1" power weapon in a non 10 man unit. Damn shame you can't make 1 units of Chosen troops (or have them as retinues for Lords...) for normal Unmarked Lords, with that limit being lifted if you take Big A (sorta like Death Company). I'm lobbying for that 'round here, because I really, really want to convert a squad of chosen with the New-Hotness Raptors.


Nothing wrong with a little proxing. I am willing to use Angron for my World Eaters as Abaddon, might do an Heresy World Eater army even :D!



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