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Rhino rush...

Circus Nurgling

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I realized that with the increase of nightfighting rules, dropping rhinos means we decrease access to cheap and disposable spotlights for that first turn.

Just something to consider.


That's a very good point.

Does the vehicle need to actually "hit" the target with one of its weapons in order to enlight it?

If I'm not mistaken the rule book says a vehicle with a spotlight can use it after it fired its weapons. Does it mean the vehicle fire its weapon then it decide to enlight any visible unit or does it enlight the unit it hit?


In that case the range of the rhinos standard weapons will limit the spotlight effectiveness since the vehicle has to move 6" to fire with 24" weapon. It's not a terrible range but the other option is fare more useful...



No, that rule ensures that the shots fired by the vehicle using the searchlight do not profit from the searchlight. Also you can only illuminate a target that you can see.


My question was not: Do the shots fired by the vehicle using the searchlight profit from it? but Do we have to illuminated ONLY the target the vehicle hit or can we choose to illuminate another unit or even the same unit if we didn't hit?

It obviously the shots fired by the vehicle cannot benefit from the searchlight since we can activate it after the shots have produced their effect.


Oh sorry, I misunderstood. But since there's no specification in the rule text I guess you could illuminate whatever you want?


Don't worry about the misunderstending :)

I suppose untile they make a FAQ on this issue we can assume we can illuminate whatever we want , provided the vehicle can see it. The rules does not state it has to be the target we hit.


The searchlights can make rhinos very useful under several circumstances, then.

We have a 50% chance to get night fight rules in act during the first turn or a less chance to get it later during the match.

Not to mention the Necron stormlord lists.... the problem here is Necron gauss weapons will glance the rhinos to death but they still have 24" rapid fire weapons. The ability to illuminate a target and hit it with Oblits or other heavy weapons with not cover bonus from night fighting is still very interesting...

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Rulebook says: "If a vehicle has a searchlight, it can, after firing all of its weapons, choose to illuminate its target with the searchlight."


I'm pretty sure that if the rules would be written to allow you to illuminate any unit you can see with the rhino, it would say "any unit in its LoS" rather than "its target" which to me implies the target the rhino just shot at.


My question however would be - what happens when you fire a Land Raider at two different targets? Pick one, or illuminate both?

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i find myself moving firmly into the foot slogging camp. in 4th edition the rhino wall was an annoyingly effective tactic and perhaps will rear its head again in 6th, but they are even less survivable then they were then. considering all of the negatives now, i would much rather use the rhino points to buy two extra dudes and walk

i have been switching out melta for plasma , but now i depend on termies or bikes or raptora for melta., which is an interesting change (okay, termkes are not a change, but it is a big departure from 5th not to have melta everywhere..

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first blood. Hull points. ongoing inability to stick an HQ in our mechanized troop squads without dropping a special weapon. Assault nerfs. Rapid fire weapons shooting at full range while moving. Most especially the transport nerfs.


No, I don't see rhino rush as a viable thing anymore.


Very much this. Rhino rush is dead. That doesn't mean a couple of Rhinos for non-assault troops is bad though.


Rhinos are no longer assault vehicles, and by that I meant you don't use them to charge balls-first into the enemy.


They do however give you extra mobility and protection from AP3 templates. Basically they're good for Bolter marines but not for Assault marines.


And this.

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