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Hi everyone i'm a seasoned gamer (add salt and pepper joke here) i live in Lowestoft UK and play most GW systems except LOTR. ive been playing for about 20 years now give or take. i love painting and building army list although my tatics sometimes let me down. i have quite a few questions about the new ruls so im hoping to find some answers and maybe improve my tatics a bit.


i have 3-4 k vanilla marines and the same nids and for fantasy i have 2k empire and 2-3k darkelves


i think my trouble is i unintentionally make to fluffy armies!!


i just like taking stuff what i like to use rather than what plays well?????

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yes Messor. i done a tournament recently and had my ass handed to me 2 out of 3 games i took a master of the forge and 5 dreads in a 1500 point list. first game was against daemons. managed to scrape a draw!! second was agains a green tide!!! 180 orks and gazgull. that went really bed for me!! third game was against daemons again and the 2 tooled up daemon princes just took me apart!!!

i think tournament bring out the worst in player. all they are putting the list together with one thing in mind. not to have a good game just to smash the opposition!!

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