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monstrous creatures shooting 2 weapons

mark mark mark

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hi, just wondering if anyone could help. i really liking the new rules for monstrous creatures. i have a winged hive tyrant with a strangle thorn cannon and was wondering if i could fly oner a unit and use vector strike then shoot the cannon at them then use a psychic shriek?? i know this is a which fire attack which is a shooting attack classed as assault 1 but as a tyrant can fire 2 weapons. is this legal????


help please???

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Rules for vector strike say you count as having fired a weapon in the following shooting phase. So you can get any of these options:


1- Vectro strike and gun

2- Gun and Gun

3- Psychic Shooting + vector strike

4- Gun and psychic shot

5- 2 psychic shots (assuming you can fire 2 powers a turn)


Any other combination is invalid, because you get 2 "firing actions" , of which any guns, vector strikes, and psychic shooting attacks all count as.

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Also remember that a Vector Strike is done with the original strength of the model performing it, no modifiers, so it's not too great against anything that's not infantry.


Also, welcome mark mark mark, I hope your stay is most enjoyable.

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thanks DarkGuard. the Vector strike is ok i agree only against marines or light vehicles. think the plan is have 2 winged tyrants flying round the board with strangle thorn cannons and psychic scream. theres only about 2 weapons in the entire game that have sky fire. i know other flyers van take them down but i think its a pretty good tatic. what do you think?
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I believe the latest FAQ concerning grounded test for flying MCs only requires them to be hit, rather than wounded in order to have a chance of taking S9 hit to the face. See that guard blob thats so popular as allies these days? 60+ shots will roll enough 6s on pure averages to ground you, and then you'll get nuked by everything else in the army.


Not saying its a terrible idea (tyrannids only have so many good ideas to start with), but its got some definite weak points.


Also, B&C sticks to power armor. Tactics for tyrannids probably should find another forum, else you risk the wrath of the Moderatii.

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Also, B&C sticks to power armor. Tactics for tyrannids probably should find another forum, else you risk the wrath of the Moderatii.


Very true, I only mentioned the Vector Strike there mark mark mark because I know some people still misunderstand the rule. Don't worry though, we'll let this one slide, you know now. :D

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I believe the latest FAQ concerning grounded test for flying MCs only requires them to be hit, rather than wounded in order to have a chance of taking S9 hit to the face. See that guard blob thats so popular as allies these days? 60+ shots will roll enough 6s on pure averages to ground you, and then you'll get nuked by everything else in the army.


Not saying its a terrible idea (tyrannids only have so many good ideas to start with), but its got some definite weak points.


Also, B&C sticks to power armor. Tactics for tyrannids probably should find another forum, else you risk the wrath of the Moderatii.


You only take one grounding test per unit's shooting. The Guard blob can hit as many times as they like, the FMC still only takes one Grounded test, failing only on a 1 or 2. FMCs are still completely viable.

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I believe the latest FAQ concerning grounded test for flying MCs only requires them to be hit, rather than wounded in order to have a chance of taking S9 hit to the face. See that guard blob thats so popular as allies these days? 60+ shots will roll enough 6s on pure averages to ground you, and then you'll get nuked by everything else in the army.


Not saying its a terrible idea (tyrannids only have so many good ideas to start with), but its got some definite weak points.


Also, B&C sticks to power armor. Tactics for tyrannids probably should find another forum, else you risk the wrath of the Moderatii.


You only take one grounding test per unit's shooting. The Guard blob can hit as many times as they like, the FMC still only takes one Grounded test, failing only on a 1 or 2. FMCs are still completely viable.

Which is why you take the Platoon, but don't blob them...

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sorry for sounding like a total noob but whats a "blob"

The IG Platoon unit can either be fielded as its individual 2-5 Infantry squads or combined into a single 20-50 man "blob" Squad.

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