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spawn look alikes?

Brother Nathan

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being iron warriors and therefore disliking fleshy mutations i wouldn't actually use a spawn model, but thanks to the boon table ill likely need something. so i was thinking about what i could use as an alternative and was thinking that if i was playing sons as i once intended i could use some of the tomb kings stuff, such as prince apothesis or ushabti or the likes(slightly 40k ished) night lords some of the vampire counts monsterositys could work etc. because im iron warriors im thinking of converting some random bits of machines and marine armour parts or something like that. but thats just y limited quick thoughts, what can you think of as im sure theres better and more options than im thinking of...
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Man, you must not like capital letters.



You can use anything for a spawn.


- Juggernauts

- Plague Toads (from FW)

- Necron bits on flesh

- Maulerfiends

- Dark Eldar Talos Pain / Cronos Parasite Engine

- Dark Eldar Grotesque

- Many more


I think the beauty of the Spawn is that they are not bound by what a Spawn should look like, in short: Make something you like! Hope you can find some inspiration in the above mentioned models.

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Maybe those AdMech lookalikes from HiTech: http://hitechminiatures.com/null/product/p...ong/null/null/5


I'm planning on using them as Dark Mechanicum terminators "allied" to my warband, but maybe they fit for a IW lord "mutation" - they are for 40mm bases as well.


There's those oblits-lookalikes as well: http://hitechminiatures.com/null/product/info/75 - but they have flesh mutations, so...

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Maybe those AdMech lookalikes from HiTech: http://hitechminiatures.com/null/product/p...ong/null/null/5


I'm planning on using them as Dark Mechanicum terminators "allied" to my warband, but maybe they fit for a IW lord "mutation" - they are for 40mm bases as well.


There's those oblits-lookalikes as well: http://hitechminiatures.com/null/product/info/75 - but they have flesh mutations, so...


LMAO, and than I find this one:




XD One is called Bon(n)er? Why?! God why?!


But yes, cool models.

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I will being using the Renegade Ogryns from FW for my Spawn.


They go in perfect with my FW Renegade guard (cultists).


Also any "Mark" except i suppose tzeentch is explained by the combat stims.. rage for khorne, pain suppressants for nurgle, speed for slannesh.

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Chaos hounds perhaps? I've been thinking about this too. Can't really think of too many ideas for my Night Lords though other than the generic VC monsters.

Throw a few hounds together and you could make some twisted chaos cerberi . . .

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Kit bash any number of regualr marine parts together on some greenstuff. I'm think about a Space Marine Centipede...


EDIT: and as far as 'Chaos Spawn Look Alikes", I plan to make sure no two chaos spawn look alike. That is kind of the point.

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