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Whispers from the Warp


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Like many before me, I come before you seeking your help and advise. I have so many ideas burning through my brain that I thought it would be prudent to get help from fellow "traitors" such as yourselves


Idea One: Build and paint my models following the Iron Warriors legion (A personal favourite of mine but something I have done before)


Idea Two: Build and paint my models in the colours of Huron's Red Corsairs - This would be based around the idea that Huron has managed to full fill his dream of building his Chapter into a full sized legion and now instigate those ideas into his operations. (A simple excuse to use the generic legions list in Betrayal) This would allow me to create conversions for "counts as" weapons or units or even adding a dark mechanicum aspect to the weapons designs.


Idea Three: Stick with the chaos codex and build an army based on the Sanctified - Rather then based them on the lexicanum version, I would go with the colour scheme outlined in Siege of Vraks pt3 and theme them around a chaos templars kind of army with tabards and dangling icons to represent their dedication to khorne.


Idea Four: Still running with the chaos codex and khorne but rather then the Sanctified these would be a khorne version of Space Wolves with plenty of pelts and dangly what nots but have spawn model repped with skin wolves from Forge World with one converted to represent my lord should he become a spawn.


There is plenty of inspiration on here for me to draw from so I won't really need links to other peoples armies. I just need to kick in the right direction to get the ball rolling again.


Your help is appreciated Brothers



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I would say a mix of idea 2, 3 and 4. Khornate pirates with pelts, in whatever colour you want. They could be part of Hurons forces, which seem to number in legions territory.


This way you can make a squad of Khornate Space wolves, a squad of more templar-looking CSM, and use the CSM codex, or the new legions list from FW if you want to.


Each CSM warband is unique, made up of squads of marines with their own back story, united around their particular leader. Even a warband drawn solely from one of the great legions (like my WB) have their own personal quirks. A unifying paintjob can work wonders for tying different ideas like these together, and will enable you to work on models you find inspiring, instead of doing the same conversions over and over again.

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