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Alternate Greater Nurgle Daemon model

Lamenter 40K

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With the new Chaos Marine codex it's got me thinking of doing an army that I've wanted to do for a long time, a Nurgle themed Marine/Daemon list. I really dig the Forgeworld model but came across this while browsing through Kickstarter (damn that site, I've spent a ton of money on there in the last few months).


What do you guys think? It's kinda tall and I'm not sure how tall the Forgeworld model is (haven't seen one in real life). When I saw this though I instantly thought of the Soul Drinkers novel Phalanx. In the novel the ship is overrun with daemons and the Imperial Fists have to grudgingly side with the Soul Drinkers to fight off a horde. There's a greater daemon that's described that seems to match this model (not sure if it was the inspiration or not).




I'm not affiliated with Scary Beard Productions or Adam Richards (the company and guy doing the Kickstarter). I don't want anything to think I'm a shill for the company. I just thought it was a pretty cool model and wanted some opinions on it.


Here's a link for the Kickstarter page: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/188907...chaos-miniature

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I hear you. I'm not that great of a sculptor and I'm a big fan of squids and octopi so this model really struck me as cool. If I had a complaint it's with the face. I don't like the bloated chin. That's just a personal thing and doesn't stop me from liking it overall.
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The Forgeworld Nurgle Greater Daemon model is $166.50 roughly plus shipping. This one is $90 with free shipping.


I imagine it could retail in the $120 range and stay competitive. I have seen third party stuff that costs more than GW stuff, but that seems silly to me. Third party stuff should be a cheaper alternative than official stuff.

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I like it. I'm not perfectly sure about its face, but I really like it. I'd like to know the actual size of it though ... and I think 90 bucks is quite a bit of money, although I respect that they might not be able to sell it off for less at this stage.


I find the pillars more intriguing though. I'll seriously consider to get like 6 of them when the sculpting has been done.


Cheers, JT

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Sculpting is done. And the kickstarter page says its 8" tall. So it's massive. He has a picture on his Facebook during a game of 40k and it looked impressive.


I agree on the face though. I think it's the chin I'm not super thrilled with. It's not enough for me to say no, but there's a little something I can't put my finger on. Not a game breaker though.

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I can see your point, but I do think the 8" includes the measurement to the top of the axe which it is holding above it's head. It looks to be about 2" higher than the top of the head. So perhaps 6", 2" taller than the FW model. That doesn't seem so bad. I can't see the extra difference making much impact in a friendly game. Probably not something you would want to bring to a tournament if that concerns you though.
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