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Rhynns Black Legion


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Welcome to my "Call of Chaos" WiP thread.


I joined to get the much needed motivation to finally paint something. I play 40k for more than a decade and still don't own even one painted minimum army. Hopefully this will change during the next months.


I'll post some initial pictures after i find a nice place to upload them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Rhynn, have you been lost in the warp? You doing ok? If not, then best wishes. But if so, get updating! Abaddon is ever compassionate to his brothers who have been waylaid by adversity, but he still demands that they show the strength to rise above it, and if he finds you have been slacking, well, let us say that there is no room for slacking in the Black Legion! If you require image hosting services, I use both flickr and photobucket, and have had little problem with either. As Colossus mentions, the B&C also has file hosting, as does Heresy-Online, which is finally back up and running.


Again, if something's happened, then best wishes getting through it, but if not let's at least see some assembly progress!


Black Black Black!


We are Returned!

  • 3 weeks later...

I'm back and i even managed to make some pictures.

@malisteen: It's autum, flu time, so the whole family got ill one by one. I realy thought about converting to nurgle and his Deathguard. ;)



So this is basicly the fist half of my vow.

The basic CSMs are actually part of a ten men squad. The others are already in progress so they can't count for the vow. Still, they are a legal troop choice on their own.

Recent changes where giving the AC power sword instead of his fist then changing the sword to a maul. Finally i added a new member with bolter to the team so i'm able to switch the icon bearer of the other half out if needed.

The terminators are members of two termicide squads who look better together than in their own teams. I had to spray the champion black again because i already started painting him a year ago. I took the chance to change his normal CSM power sword for the tip of a chaos knight lance. While the old sword looked a little bit to small for a terminator i'm quite happy with the new one.

The power maul is also a new addition. I had to rip off the arms of two terminators to make this change happen. (A word of advise here. I've done this four times now and it at least left a hole on the terminators side. One time the whole side including the trophy rack broke. While everything was repairable it's nothing a would have done with fully pinted models.)

So, that's all for now. Now it's time to actually paint something :D

*edit* fixed the linking

First batch looks good, I'm looking forward to the second batch! Glad to hear you passed the trial of the plague without falling to the worship of Nurgle. The gods of chaos are the tools of the Chaos Marines, not the other way around!


I had a hickup in my own update schedule for November as well, due to forgetfulness rather than family affairs, but my stuff's up today, and today's Sunday, so maybe we'll see some more from you as well?


We Are Returned, indeed. ;)

I started with the teminators. Normally i paint all areas with the basic colors and then start shading and highlighting. Now i try to finish one color completly before going to the next.

I only managed to paint all silvery metal parts with good old Boltgun Metal and shaded them with a black wash.


The friendly looking guy in the middle is the units champion.


Here's a better view of the sword.

Next step is to highlight them with the brightest silver i own. Then i start with the gold parts on the shoulder trims and some armour details.

  • 5 weeks later...

I didn't update anything in december due to kids, wife or me being ill. While i still managed to do a little bit of painting i'm way behind my schedule now. January looks like it will be a busy month at work so i won't be able to do much painting.


So i have to admit defeat.


At least for the call. I still try to paint everything so i'll still post an update when i made some progress.


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