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Heldrake Conversion


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Hi there guys! I'm planning a Heldrake conversion as I absolutely loathe the model GW makes. But to be able to plan accurately (the whole "measure twice, cut once" idea), I need some help. Can someone who already has the model provide the following measurements:




A - Tip of the tail to tip of the snout

B - Tip of the tail to tip of the wing

C - Tip to tip of the wings (wingspan)

D - Tip of the wing to the shoulder


If possible, can I also get two more measurements:

1 - Tip of the nose to the tip of the tail of a Space Marine Stormtalon

2 - Base to the tip of the "vertical arms" of a Space Marine Drop Pod



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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll post the height of the drop pod a little later, & should be able to give a fair indication of the storm talon (only have the parts i needed...)


I too am looking at doing a heldrake conversion, if AekoldHelbrass or someone would be able to post the distance between the two semi-circle "shoulder" bits (both height & width) and the lowest ring of the "neck", that would be amazing!


Basically I'd like to stick the stormtalon cockpit at the front... it measures 37mm accross & 35mm high.


Edit (as promised!):

The vertical arms of the drop pod are 143mm

The total length of the stormtalon (minus guns) is approx 125-130mm


Hope this helps, I'd like to see what you come up with as I too am doing a heldrake conversion.

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