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Helldrake rule redesign

Master of fact

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Me and my friend both play chaos and play friendly games.


Having read the helldrake fluff and rules we have decided to re write the rules for a laugh.


In my opinion dropped the ball with this unit. I think it should be a monstrous creature/flyer.


What stat lines would you give it. All ideas welcome.

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Do you mean a flying monstrous creature? Or some kind of hybrid? Because I feel like the whole Daemon Engine thing with 5++ Inv, It Will Not Die, and vector striking kind of captures that hybridisation pretty well.


From a rules perspective, I think it's better that it's a flyer in order to differentiate it from, for example, a daemon prince.


What I would like to have seen would be at least one option for putting additional weapons on it, e.g. a heavy bolter, reaper autocannon or multi-melta or some such thing. Its firing output really pales in comparison to pretty much every other flyer in the game except the for the nightscythe, which is a mere dedicated transport.

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What I would like to have seen would be at least one option for putting additional weapons on it, e.g. a heavy bolter, reaper autocannon or multi-melta or some such thing. Its firing output really pales in comparison to pretty much every other flyer in the game except the for the nightscythe, which is a mere dedicated transport.


The thing its honestly lacking is the option to give the heldrake two heads, how badass would that look? The whole model would practically scream amazing centrepiece to a tzeentch army. Plus two baleflamer shots would be brilliant, and I'd happily pay more points for that option.

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that fact that flying monstrous creatures can fall if they are hit kinda screws them over too much though, fliers are just better because of this. saying that would have preferred something more akin to the forgeworld chaos fliers...
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that fact that flying monstrous creatures can fall if they are hit kinda screws them over too much though, fliers are just better because of this. saying that would have preferred something more akin to the forgeworld chaos fliers...
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What I don't like about the Heldrake (apart from the model itself) is that if you enter Hover-mode with it, it's hit as easily as a regular vehicle. It's just hovering there, taking the punches. Where's the scary, sentinent metallic, firebreathing (Baleflamer) beast then? :S


Imo it should have stats like a Walker as well. Nothing fancy, but something like WS3, S7, I3, A2, for those rare occasions it enters Hover-mode.

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Oh man imagine multiple heads on that thing, that would be a great centerpiece for my AL army. :unsure:

I think they captured it pretty well with the rules it does have. Although can someone point me where to find the definition for "It will not die"?

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Base gear; 2 hades Autocanon.

Options; can buy a Baleflamer for +15pts


Can be Dedicated to a Chaos God;


-Dedicated to Khorne, the Heldrake makes 1D6+1 Vector Strikes +20pts

-Dedicated to Tzeentch, The Heldrake can rethrow his Vector Strikes +20pts

-Dedicated to Nurgle, the Heldrake's can rethrow his "It will not Die" rule +20pts

-Dedicated to Slaanesh, the Heldrake has the Airial Acrobat rule +20pts(not too sure about this one)

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Base gear; 2 hades Autocanon.

Options; can buy a Baleflamer for +15pts


Can be Dedicated to a Chaos God;


-Dedicated to Khorne, the Heldrake makes 1D6+1 Vector Strikes +20pts

-Dedicated to Tzeentch, The Heldrake can rethrow his Vector Strikes +20pts

-Dedicated to Nurgle, the Heldrake's can rethrow his "It will not Die" rule +20pts

-Dedicated to Slaanesh, the Heldrake has the Airial Acrobat rule +20pts(not too sure about this one)


If you could mark any of the Daemon engines or the hellbrute, I'd be willing to take them.

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Base gear; 2 hades Autocanon.

Options; can buy a Baleflamer for +15pts


Can be Dedicated to a Chaos God;


-Dedicated to Khorne, the Heldrake makes 1D6+1 Vector Strikes +20pts

-Dedicated to Tzeentch, The Heldrake can rethrow his Vector Strikes +20pts

-Dedicated to Nurgle, the Heldrake's can rethrow his "It will not Die" rule +20pts

-Dedicated to Slaanesh, the Heldrake has the Airial Acrobat rule +20pts(not too sure about this one)


For the same basecost as now?

In that case I can only say "Wow, I'm glad you're not a developer".

A Heldrake with 2 Hades-cannons and a Baleflamer at 185 pts would be quite broken.

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Why?, a Forgefiend for 175pts also have 2 Hades cannons base.


You replace the fact that he is a walker to a flyer, and the Deamonforge with Vector strikes, they are the same.


Now yeah you can make it a 180+185 base cost.


Fliers are much harder to kill. it would have to be at least 220 points base to have that loadout.

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You replace the fact that he is a walker to a flyer, and the Deamonforge with Vector strikes, they are the same.


Being a Flyer is a massive boost over being a walker.

Also they both have Daemonforge.

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Base gear; 2 hades Autocanon.

Options; can buy a Baleflamer for +15pts


Can be Dedicated to a Chaos God;


-Dedicated to Khorne, the Heldrake makes 1D6+1 Vector Strikes +20pts

-Dedicated to Tzeentch, The Heldrake can rethrow his Vector Strikes +20pts

-Dedicated to Nurgle, the Heldrake's can rethrow his "It will not Die" rule +20pts

-Dedicated to Slaanesh, the Heldrake has the Airial Acrobat rule +20pts(not too sure about this one)


For the same basecost as now?

In that case I can only say "Wow, I'm glad you're not a developer".

A Heldrake with 2 Hades-cannons and a Baleflamer at 185 pts would be quite broken.


Watch out, GW is trolling these threads looking for ideas to make people buy their crappy new models.

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