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Heldrake... Yay or Nay?


Are you a fan of the Chaos 40K Heldrake Model?  

186 members have voted

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I'm just curious what you guys think of that model specifically.


Let me just say I'm not talking about the rules... the rules seem very cool (I have yet to field test the unit.)


For me the model seems good, and well executed. I just can't wrap my head around this being a 40K unit. So what I'm planning on doing is using my old Forgeworld Warp Talon until I figure out if I want to do one of these up.


Part of me thinks they gave this a very.... 'fantasy look' to possibly sell it to the fantasy masses as well. To me it looks like an archaic fantasy model. Typically the 40K stuff looks like it could have been imperium at one time, or perhaps a conventional war-vehicle with a heavy dose of Chaos... like the HelTalon for example.


What do you guys think?

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It has some potential, the baleflamer can burn out entrenched squads while hitting fliers with its uber vector strike and great durability. I would need to see some more battle reports.


That price tag is the biggest drawback though. Especially when it wont be on the table for about half the game. If it were about 15-20 pts less than it is then it would almost be a no brainer.

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Like it, ordered one with some finecast obliterators today off my lgs, which is all I'm really after to finish off my csm for the time being.


On a side note, after the soul grinder moved to fantasy, I wouldn't be entirely surprised to see the heldrake in the next woc book for fantasy/the wd update for them in the next wd. I don't think its fantasy enough for fantasy, but I'm of the same opinion on the soul grinder.

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I feel ambivalent. I like the concept, but the execution just... I don't know. The head and neck don't seem to fit with the rest, the whole thing doesn't feel 'warped & daemonic' enough for a daemon engine (check out the hellbrute for something more along the lines of what I was hoping for in that regard). The wings are ok, but the scribbly lightningy stuff just feels kind of blah. Like "I didn't know what to put here, so... scribbles!" . The engine exhaust, the stubby legs... Then again, I have seen one conversion/repose of the thing that I really liked (by the same guy who did that kick ass abaddon conversion, you know the one). So I guess its not unsalvageable.


Meh. Just meh. I don't dislike it, but I sure don't like it either. I'm not undecided, but I guess that's the closest in this poll to 'meh', so that's what I voted.

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Apologies for quoting myself,


The Dragon,


The Gods DAMNED Dragon. :down:



A flying Daemon Engine, sure. Only - what is wrong with the Helltalon?

Oh wait, FW did that one..


So, as a designer you are tasked with making a new and unique flier for Chaos? and you go for a frigging DRAGON? Get out of my 40K!



They dropped the ball on that one, hard.



My 2 Kraks



Edit: Mmmm just thought of something.

What about a corrupted/daemonic eagle or similar bird of prey instead?

It would build on something iconic already present in the game (the Imperial Eagle's twisted imagery)


I would have accepted that.

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It's funny you mention the Helltalon Nihm, cause that's what I'm using.


At this point, I'd rather order a second Helltalon rather than field a Heldrake. Cost non-withstanding I just can't seem to sell myself on the concept.

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Rulewise I like it. I don't consider it that overpriced, it's more a fact of other fliers being underpriced.

It feels underwhelming, but don't forget to Vector Strike it each turn if you can: D3+1 S7 AP3 hits can really -really- hurt.

I've used both the Baleflamer and the Hadescannon version, and both work.


Modelwise however, I hate it.

If someone got an alternative model for about the same price to use as count-as, please share.

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hthe model is ok, but compleatly dosent fit in with my view of the iron warriors forces fliers. id prefer to try its wings on one of the other 40k fliers or something. the corrupted eagle is a nice idea, though chaos havent used that symbol yet so they may not at all and destroy such symbols and turn them into dragons. i dunno but it just not my cup of tea for my force but i might maby possibly do one for another force...
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Like it, ordered one with some finecast obliterators today off my lgs, which is all I'm really after to finish off my csm for the time being.


On a side note, after the soul grinder moved to fantasy, I wouldn't be entirely surprised to see the heldrake in the next woc book for fantasy/the wd update for them in the next wd. I don't think its fantasy enough for fantasy, but I'm of the same opinion on the soul grinder.


Eh, we might not have much time to wait, the next wocbook is out next month so I hear.

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Its a must have in EVERY army

i had the same doubts about it and then i compares its versatility to the havocs which I would have used instead

heldrake = 170pts

5 havocs with missile launchers and flakk = 175pts


against infantry

bale flamer VS Frag missiles

hand down the easy to hit with easy to wound with marine slaying flamer


Against Vehicles

Vector Strike VS Krak and Flakk

the vector strike combines the AP of Krak with the strength of the Flakk making it fantastic against anything that isn't a monolith or a land raider it also hits automatically making its average BS a non-issue.



Wounds VS Daemon, it shall not die, armor 12 and flyer

its hands down the Heldrake. its a flyer with one of the highest fly vehicle armors. and on top of that it never needs to jink and can regain hull points and cant be assaulted so your safe from terminators . what can kill havocs template weapons and assault troops things that cant touch the Heldrake



im not going to say but the heldrake wins

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I like the model. The only downside is customisation - all the joints fit exactly where they are supposed to go with no options to pose the model. If I want to run 2 of them I'll end up with 2 identical looking models which you can understand with a tank but with something that is supposed to me "living" it doesn't exactly work.


The same is true of the Mauler/Forge fiend.

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I think as a kit the model is ok, I see some real structual weak points that will nee reenforcing. Also for the build options $75 is the "Are you high!?!" price. As a unit it works and would be a good addition to any Army but I'd personally brice out makking my own from dragon and Tyranadon toys first before bying the GW kit just because of the price.
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I think the model is pretty great, and now that I have read through the rules, (other then 'it will not die') I think it's a pretty solid unit. Agreed 20 points less would be a no brainer, but it's pretty cheap, and with no options, you don't get stuck sinking more points into it.

I'm planning to add one to my AL army, to give me some anti aircraft. Sure there might be better AA I could get, but I already have all 3 heavies filled up, and I just want to field that thing. :)

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It's an AV 12 flyer, that's automatically almost worth 200 pts right there.


Don't compare till to Vendettas, those are just stupidly underpriced, and not ment for this edition of 40k. (at least not with that pricetag.)

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Seen this thing win too many games on it's own not make it a near auto-include. So dangerous. That stupid flamer template that you get to place anywhere on the board when it comes in, that's S6 AP3 and can potentially re-roll wounds.


I like the model more after seeing it in person. At least it has back feet, which was something I wasn't sure it was going to have.

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I think that the model's aesthetics are at odds with the rest of the range, but it is difficult to find a better unit for cleaning off those hard-to-reach objectives. Might have to make a Nurgly flier in the coming months.
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