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Heldrake... Yay or Nay?


Are you a fan of the Chaos 40K Heldrake Model?  

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Would have prefered to have seen something more like the Helblade.


Why? We have the HelBlade for that....


Forgeworld is not Official, and far from accepted in every gaminggroup.

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Would have prefered to have seen something more like the Helblade.


Why? We have the HelBlade for that....


Forgeworld is not Official, and far from accepted in every gaminggroup.


Forgeworld is official, it just suffers from random prejudice amongst different gaming groups and people who want to play with ForgeWorld models just accept that for some reason.

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Would have prefered to have seen something more like the Helblade.


Why? We have the HelBlade for that....


Forgeworld is not Official, and far from accepted in every gaminggroup.


Forgeworld is official, it just suffers from random prejudice amongst different gaming groups and people who want to play with ForgeWorld models just accept that for some reason.


I'm not sure what the requirement for "official" is, but if it's not in the Codex, or in a WD-update, then it's not "official" in my gaminggroup.

Some of us do have Forgeworld-units, but we always ask for our opponents consent before we use it, we don't automatically assume that we can bring whatever we want from FW.

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I think the inclusion of any of the new warmachines is situational depending on your armylist. I feel that I have been able to write a very threatening gunline type army which makes use of guard allies (1pt more for the ability to rapidfire AND use orders? Yes please) & uses heldrakes to clear out the backfield because my "main" force will be too concerned with sitting still & gunning.


I also have an aggressive mid-field control type of army which makes use of a couple of maulerfiends to help push the threat of charges on turn 2. This list utilises a "rhino rush" force to push firepower into the midfield coupled with combined T2 assault threats from maulerfiends & biker squads.


I do not belive the heldrake or any other demon engines slot nicely into any list, and much like Typhus can be very powerful if your list is built around using their threats.

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I like the model. It looks pretty cool, plus compared to most other flyers/vehicles it can be customized in terms of posing and such. I don't have one of my own yet, but since I'm starting to buy some Chaos stuff (right now I only have the DV stuff, with a Battleforce and Khorne Lord on Juggernaut on order, plus I can of course use my Templar stuff, mainly vehicles, as proxies) I'll definitely get one eventually. And they certainly don't seem to be too bad on the gaming aspect either. Yesterday I faced C:CSM in a 1250pt tournament with my Templars, and the two Heldrakes just tore me apart as I had no Skyfire stuff :)


By comparison not really sold on the Defiler and Mauler/Forgefiend thingies, at least from a model looks viewpoint. But even on the Heldrake I'll admit the price is a bit high, so I might not get more than one at least in the near future.

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holy cow... that's awesome!


on topic: I think the helldrake doesn't fit most armies in terms of looks, but maybe that's just me. I won't get it though.


To bad that's like a $140 model. I'm not willing to pay that much for a Heldrake, just to make it look better.

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I'm not sure what the requirement for "official" is, but if it's not in the Codex, or in a WD-update, then it's not "official" in my gaminggroup.

Some of us do have Forgeworld-units, but we always ask for our opponents consent before we use it, we don't automatically assume that we can bring whatever we want from FW.


The asking got removed years ago, hence modern FW all comes with a '40k approved' stamp for non-Apoc stuff. It's been listed in Standard Bearer and everywhere else as as official as it gets for years now. If your group requires it to be in the codex so be it, but that's not an official rule (albeit it was in 3rd/4th).


Small tournaments mostly allow it, larger ones mostly not, but for reasons of number of books the TO/judges need to buy and know, nothing else. FW stuff is all deliberately costed 10% above codex as policy, and far less broken stuff has come out of FW in the last 5-6 years than GW (I can think of 2, and neither is Vendetta or 5th GK level). I've never yet had a problem with FW in a friendly game, nor in GW stores - in fact they encourage it, and most staffers have some.


Back to the original point, if GW had remade a FW unit in different form it would have been a complete waste of space. Sometimes they bring FW into the codex, usually with a buff or points reduction (Tau and IG have had a lot of this last codex), and I'll admit I thought there was a fair chance Hell Blade and DreadClaw would be in it this time. They are both still fully useable though, and the Hell Blade just got a chunk of it's points in the IAAero updte for 6th, precisely to make it more useful for the AA issues everyone's facing.


I'm glad they decided to bring in something different, to give us more choices. I have all of the above, and run none of them currently, but I'm glad we have the option!

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I like the model. The only downside is customisation - all the joints fit exactly where they are supposed to go with no options to pose the model. If I want to run 2 of them I'll end up with 2 identical looking models which you can understand with a tank but with something that is supposed to me "living" it doesn't exactly work.


The same is true of the Mauler/Forge fiend.

You can cut the pegs off the joints in the fiends to put them in new positions, it said as much in the WD.
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