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Mutilator Bomb?


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I saw another poster mention this in a thread, and did not see a thread dedicated to these blokes.


With building my army I have maxed out my fast attack choices, and chosen chaos space marines/ cultists as the bulk of my force, ignoring elite options due to price.



I am considering taking 2x single mutilator's, with MON.


This gives me a deep striking 2+ 5++, T5, W2 friend that can pop down, then tie up back field elements. Double chain fist, powermauls, can make friends with any armor, and lighting claws, power swords, etc, make friends with any infantry. Obviously you dont wanna be charging any blobs, but against Dev's? Long Fangs? Riflemen dreads? May not be too bad for only 61 points a fellow.



Thoughts, comments, ideas for the use of Mutilators fully welcome.



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They suffer somewhat from the same problems that warp talons do in that deep strike means you can't assault, and it's an assault only unit. In most cases, you'd be hoping to distract the heavy weapons for 1 turn with this stunt, and it may very well only distract 10 bolter shots.
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