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Typhus, Cultist Zombies, 2 FOC in 2k+ games.


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Just a quick question. Can Typhus nominate a cultist unit to become zombies in the second force organization chart? Rules for Typhus says in the same army but does not mention in the same FOC. Unless there is something in the main rule book the does not allow this then I might have missed it.
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well first of all for this to be a problem you would have to take more then 6 full units of cultists and he does say army in his rule as other stated .

Actually for this to come into question you have to bring a second Primary Detachment and bring even a single unit of Cultists in the second Primary Detachment, can Typhus's special rule 'Plague Zombies' target that unit of Cultists in the Force Org Chart that he(Typhus) is not part of.


Second: Yes, because any and every unit that is brought in the same Army List are part of the same Army, regardless of what Primary Detachment they're in. Unlike Chaos Lords and Sorcerers, who's entries in the army list section specify that 'If they are given a Mark of Chaos the following units become Troops choices in the same Primary Detachment as that Lord and/or Sorcerer'. Typhus' ability doesn't restrict the Cultist units being made into Plague Cultists in the same Primary Detachment as him, simple any unit in the same Army as him.


In short, yes, you can nominate ANY unit of Cultists in either Primary Detachment as Plague Zombies if you bring Typhus because his special rule specifically states army and not the same Primary Detachment as him.

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A second FoC isn't a second detachment. 2k+ just opens up a second FoC for unit purposes.


They put that in there so that Typhus can't make Plague Zombies in an allied detachment when you're playing something else as your primary army.


There are two types of detachments, primary and allied. Your primary detachment is your main army, regardless of the number of FoCs.

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if you could somehow get mr talley man in there that could be pretty crazy. since as jeske pointed out his ability would not work on your second "army"


Plus the tally does not work on zombies. They do not have the MoN.



:) aww there goes that idea.


interesting due to that wording im inclined to change my position and go with two detachments of zombies. although you would still need another HQ for your compulsory choice. Maybe do a MoN Mace Lord? Almost suggested DP but he would be the only big thing out there unfortunately.

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