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cultists released.

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As expected, better make your own cultists.


The fun thing is, you know other mini producers will make some good stuff so GW misses out on good money again.


Way to go!


I decided to interrupt the articles I've been writing on the Chaos codex and write some thoughts on Plague Zombies after the FAQ was released and included a couple of alternative options to the DV cultists for Plague Zombies. I bought some of these off of eBay and it came out to about $.50 per mini after the currency conversion. The minis in the eBay auction seem to be the best for subbing in, as they can count as both Cultists and Plague Zombies and the weapons look like they can easily be identified as their appropriate DV Cultist counterpart.


As for Plague Zombies, you can check out Mantic Gamez zombies which comes out to be about $1 per model, but can only function as zombies.


I also bought a Bag O' Zombies on Amazon for $10. It comes with 100 zombies, but they are definitely smaller than a cultist and aren't nearly as cool looking. You can stick them on a 25mm base to make them close to the appropriate height, but I doubt they'd fly in a tournament.


It appears that there are definitely other mini producers that had great cultist models before DV and the new codex was even released and I can imagine that until GW releases a decently priced box, other mini makers will step in and rake in the cash from CSM players looking to field a ton of cultists and zombies.


edit - I don't think I broke any rules by linking to those sites, since they aren't mine. If that's not kosher around here, then I apologize and I'll keep it in mind for the future.

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I actually am looking forward to this little Cultist release.


I run 2 squads of 20 cultists and own 2 DV sets. My problem currently is that I have 2 champions with shotguns and 2 of the other champion that I have to use because I don't have any other models. One purchase of this set will fix my champion problem, 2 boxes will enable me to swap out my flamers and stubbers should I feel the need (which I just might do because they are hardly used in most games).

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  • 2 weeks later...

hey guys, sorry for the noob question, but i've googled, and searched this forum to no avail...


does this 5 man cultist box come in resin? or metal?


If it comes in resin, is it relatively easy to chop their heads and legs off (I'm currently doing Ad-mech/Void Dragon)?



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Because a box of cultists make more financial sense than deffkoptas.


As to multimelta no they never made a multimelta option but they DID make a dreadnought


The 5 cultists are not a stop gap either. They are a beginner clip together box. The imperium has 3 marines and 5 guard. Chaos had 3 chaos marines and now they have 5 cultists.


Having said that I don't know if there will be a second wave however financially it will make sense

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Because a box of cultists make more financial sense than deffkoptas.


As to multimelta no they never made a multimelta option but they DID make a dreadnought


The 5 cultists are not a stop gap either. They are a beginner clip together box. The imperium has 3 marines and 5 guard. Chaos had 3 chaos marines and now they have 5 cultists.


Having said that I don't know if there will be a second wave however financially it will make sense

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Because a box of cultists make more financial sense than deffkoptas.


As to multimelta no they never made a multimelta option but they DID make a dreadnought


The 5 cultists are not a stop gap either. They are a beginner clip together box. The imperium has 3 marines and 5 guard. Chaos had 3 chaos marines and now they have 5 cultists.


Having said that I don't know if there will be a second wave however financially it will make sense


How do you figure?


Making new kit


Making moulds for new kit


Making packaging and shipping




Dark Vengence, a box that will be in stores for 5 years


A box of 10 Cultist would probably be about 20 pounds DV is 20 cultists++ for 60 pounds people would still buy DV and they would have taken all these costs for what?

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I'm hoping for a multi-pose box in 2nd wave to add more variety of poses but in the meantime I am happy with this new box of 5 snap fit Cultists.


Like other I have bought 2 boxes giving me 10 more guys to add to my 40 from 2 DV Boxsets. Will give me bit variety in way I set up my squads allowing me to swap out excess champions when I combine squads.

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Why do people not look better and notice that these 5 cultists are the same from the Dark Vengeance box.


Most likely these 5 will be similar to those 3 man marines/ 3 chaos marines / 5 man ig/ 5 eldar or 5 gaunts snapfit box guys for E 7.50-.

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Why do people not look better and notice that these 5 cultists are the same from the Dark Vengeance box.


Most likely these 5 will be similar to those 3 man marines/ 3 chaos marines / 5 man ig/ 5 eldar or 5 gaunts snapfit box guys for E 7.50-.

Is anyone disputing that?

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It's a bit disappointing, even if not surprising, that they're just DV models in a new box. I'm into WH40K as much or more as a miniatures hobby as a gaming hobby, so I do like to get some variation. No such luck for cultists it seems. Similar problem with the Chosen, as I'd need to add some non power-weapon ones, but really the only option for that that looks like the rest of the Chosen are the two guys already in the DV set, and they're already identical. So all non-power weapon Chosen would look the same! Regular CSM are just so plain compared, they really stick out if you put them in a Chosen squad.
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It's a bit disappointing, even if not surprising, that they're just DV models in a new box. I'm into WH40K as much or more as a miniatures hobby as a gaming hobby, so I do like to get some variation. No such luck for cultists it seems. Similar problem with the Chosen, as I'd need to add some non power-weapon ones, but really the only option for that that looks like the rest of the Chosen are the two guys already in the DV set, and they're already identical. So all non-power weapon Chosen would look the same! Regular CSM are just so plain compared, they really stick out if you put them in a Chosen squad.

Yep. That's why I am hoping eventually for a multipart Chosen box to add more variety of poses plus include rest of Chosen options.


That, a new box of better CMS and new box of Noise Marines would be perfect 2nd wave for me.


And yes I know that new box of Cultists are same poses from DVD. That is why I ordered couple of boxes to boost my DVD squads and give me options of combining squads without using excess Champion figures.





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