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Soul Hunters as Slaanesh Bikers?


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As long as they have something that can be vaguely passed off as the bolters, I'd say you're good to go. Maybe add a few more armour plates, to explain the 3+ save on a model with less armour than your average Ork. I was planning to do the same with some Seekers, although I think I'll definitely have to pick up a box or two of those, as I like to use as many different sorts of Icons as I can in my army, so this will give me another potential two. Plus, I'm going for a more... well, "semi-feral" is the closest I can describe it, look to my warband. They're Slaaneshi, but they don't care at all for the decadence and artistry, just the dominance. This kit fits that perfectly. Slaaneshi, but not too aristocratic, if that makes sense.
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I'm not sure about the concept of the unit, regular mortals riding demons?


It's been happening forever: Juggernaughts, Discs, Archaeon, generic lords on slaanesh daemon steeds, etc. Bout time Slaanesh got a cavalry unit.


Just waiting for my unit of disc riders.

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I used Seekers in place of Bikes with the last codex. It shouldn't be a problem. You don't even need to model the twin linked bolters, just call them daemonic gaze or something.
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  • 4 weeks later...



After seeing this it is decided. Tomorrow I'll go and buy me some seekers for my guys to ride upon! ;)


EDIT: BTW that is one kick-ass lord/sorcerer on steed, too.



EDIT2: It has begun. The first biker should be finished (that is built) tomorrow. I'll post pics.

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