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QUestion of Etiquette


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So I had a game last night with someone I had never really played before.


We go through the whole first date type of introductions, set up the board, roll for deployment/mission, roll for table sides and who goes deploys first.


I won the roll and chose to go first, thus deploying first. I finish setting up and he I see him get wide eyed at my 10 footslogging Terminators and of the stuff he had out I see him take one of them (Techmarine w/thundercougerfalconbird aka "Thunderfire Cannon") and go into his bag and replace it with a Vindicator.


I out of curiousity ask what happened and he said "I saw all your terms and since these are set up with the same price, I figured my Vindy would be better".


Now I didnt say anything right away, but after the game (that I won) I told him that I thought "it was poor form" and that the game had started and to change an army list at that point is unnacceptable.


I wasnt rude, I didnt yell, everything was still friendly, but am I wrong in my line of thinking or was it indeed poor form?

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So I had a game last night with someone I had never really played before.


We go through the whole first date type of introductions, set up the board, roll for deployment/mission, roll for table sides and who goes deploys first.


I won the roll and chose to go first, thus deploying first. I finish setting up and he I see him get wide eyed at my 10 footslogging Terminators and of the stuff he had out I see him take one of them (Techmarine w/thundercougerfalconbird aka "Thunderfire Cannon") and go into his bag and replace it with a Vindicator.


I out of curiousity ask what happened and he said "I saw all your terms and since these are set up with the same price, I figured my Vindy would be better".


Now I didnt say anything right away, but after the game (that I won) I told him that I thought "it was poor form" and that the game had started and to change an army list at that point is unnacceptable.


I wasnt rude, I didnt yell, everything was still friendly, but am I wrong in my line of thinking or was it indeed poor form?


Nah, it is poor form. I wouldn`t mind if my opponent asked me if he wanted to do such a stunt (alright, it would still irk me a bit), but it makes his possible victory less worth in my eyes.

It`s different if it`s a friendly between good friends obviously, because then you often want to play the most balanced lists against each other most of the time, since you want a mutual good game. But between strangers it is indeed bad form.

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Haha, list tailoring after the battle has already started? Yeah, I'd call shenanigans. You were right not to over-react, but you should just calmly tell him to put the vindi down or you will switch out your termies for a bunch of oblits. You can't keep 'raising' each other with unit trade-ins to counter each other or you will be there all day. :(
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So I had a game last night with someone I had never really played before.


We go through the whole first date type of introductions, set up the board, roll for deployment/mission, roll for table sides and who goes deploys first.


I won the roll and chose to go first, thus deploying first. I finish setting up and he I see him get wide eyed at my 10 footslogging Terminators and of the stuff he had out I see him take one of them (Techmarine w/thundercougerfalconbird aka "Thunderfire Cannon") and go into his bag and replace it with a Vindicator.


I out of curiousity ask what happened and he said "I saw all your terms and since these are set up with the same price, I figured my Vindy would be better".


Now I didnt say anything right away, but after the game (that I won) I told him that I thought "it was poor form" and that the game had started and to change an army list at that point is unnacceptable.


I wasnt rude, I didnt yell, everything was still friendly, but am I wrong in my line of thinking or was it indeed poor form?


Nah, it is poor form. I wouldn`t mind if my opponent asked me if he wanted to do such a stunt (alright, it would still irk me a bit), but it makes his possible victory less worth in my eyes.

It`s different if it`s a friendly between good friends obviously, because then you often want to play the most balanced lists against each other most of the time, since you want a mutual good game. But between strangers it is indeed bad form.


Yeah, felt like it. Certainly irked me, but i guess it is okay for some people. If we play again I am going to be a child and write my list up after he deploys :(


"Ohh..You only have a single AA gun in your entire list, meet my two Hellturkys!"

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He pulled a last minute list-tailor move, AFTER you had set up???

That is bad sportsmanship imho.


Glad to know I didnt think incorrectly.


As I said I didnt say anything at the moment, I waited until after I had spanked his ass to let him know I thought it was "poor form".

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He pulled a last minute list-tailor move, AFTER you had set up???

That is bad sportsmanship imho.


Glad to know I didnt think incorrectly.


As I said I didnt say anything at the moment, I waited until after I had spanked his ass to let him know I thought it was "poor form".


oh, LOL! It was after SETUP! :(


Edit: Good to know that you beat him :P

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He pulled a last minute list-tailor move, AFTER you had set up???

That is bad sportsmanship imho.


Glad to know I didnt think incorrectly.


As I said I didnt say anything at the moment, I waited until after I had spanked his ass to let him know I thought it was "poor form".

So you still won right? Well, when victory comes despite poor sportmanship on your opponent's part, that makes it all the sweeter.

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No that's pathetic. Really bad. I wouldn't play someone like that again.


BUT, that system could actually be used as a fun meta-game. You could bring 2-3k's worth of units, all with their values handy, and take it in turns to add a unit to your list. So it would be harder to hit the limit dead-on, but you would end up having armies designed to slaughter each other.

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He pulled a last minute list-tailor move, AFTER you had set up???

That is bad sportsmanship imho.


Glad to know I didnt think incorrectly.


As I said I didnt say anything at the moment, I waited until after I had spanked his ass to let him know I thought it was "poor form".

So you still won right? Well, when victory comes despite poor sportmanship on your opponent's part, that makes it all the sweeter.


Yeah I won. He also had some incredible rolls or it would have been a straight up whoppin. Screamers with FnP and It Will Not Die (Sorcerer casting Endurance on them) are a bitch to deal with.


Stole initiative


First 9 scatters on (4)plasma cannons & (5)frag missiles all hit


4 point blank meltagun shots at a LR and did nothing (Calgar was in it and wanted them to footslog so my oblits could pepper them up a bit)


He rolled up possibly the best warlord trait against my list (though I didnt see the roll, he just said what he got), all of my reserve rolls were -1. As I was running daemon allies this was a big deal.


It looked like I was in for a beat down until my turn two when the Screamers and Fiends I had allied with both wiped out two units EACH (Multi Charge).

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It's poor form, but people can end up with really weird habits (this isn't even the weirdest I've seen) from whatever their usual gaming community was when they learned the game, so letting him know that what he did was bad form in a calm and rational manner after the match was over was the correct way to handle it.
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No that's pathetic. Really bad. I wouldn't play someone like that again.


BUT, that system could actually be used as a fun meta-game. You could bring 2-3k's worth of units, all with their values handy, and take it in turns to add a unit to your list. So it would be harder to hit the limit dead-on, but you would end up having armies designed to slaughter each other.


LMAO I like that idea a lot actually, would be an awesome setup and would lead to very odd game play.

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After he pulled out his Vindy, what prevented you from pulling out a squad of Oblits?


You guys could have kept going back and forth until you had two totally different armies on the table than what you started out with! It could have been really fun! Oh wait... all of that is typically illegal.

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I will say that other than that starting thing of swapping stuff out, it was a very fun and competative game. He ran a very top of the line list and played it very well.


He was also very sportsmanlike and nice other than that starting swap out. After the game when I mentioned it he seemed a bit surprised as if he had no idea it was wrong to do. I honestly think he didnt see it as an issue and maybe him and his friends do that type of thing constantly or something.


I do not get in many hyper competitive games anymore, so it was a bit refreshing to face something like that. I enjoy the normal casual stuff most of the time, but it always feels good to be pushed and challenged.





You never dissapoint good sir!

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In all fairness, it was Excessus who picked up on the joke first. ;)


Yeah, from your description it sounded like some sort of weird gaming club habit. The kind of thing maybe an older player who was a bit of a cheater once did, but then younger players who didn't know any better picked it up thinking it was normal behavior. Something for gentle correction, rather than irate rants. The way you handled it resulted in a good game, and potentially more good games in the future, just blowing up at the guy would have lost you an opponent for no good reason, and possibly built a reputation as 'that guy who takes the game way too seriously and flips out for no good reason'.

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Honestly, it's poor etiquette on your part for not drop-kicking him in the face.

Uh, because garnering an assault charge over a game of toy soldiers is a good idea . . . ;)

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He pulled a last minute list-tailor move, AFTER you had set up???

That is bad sportsmanship imho.


only way to make it worse would be to play khan not deploy the cannon and inform you on turn 2 that he is rolling to check if the vindi is coming out of reservs. Almost as bad as it gets . I run in to stuff like that a few times . worse offender was in a germany . Played my friends csm [way way way back in 3ed] all star cannons etc Then he wanted to play me I said ok . dude deploys the same army and informs me after my turn 1 [as you I won roll and went first] that all starcannons are scater lasers .



well some people are like that.

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Lol, yeah, that's known as cheating, refer him to the bit in the brb where it says he has to have a written up army list before the game starts..... Still, kudos on beating him and on handling it in a mature manner, I'm not sure I'd have been able to be so restrained! :)
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Honestly, it's poor etiquette on your part for not drop-kicking him in the face.

Uh, because garnering an assault charge over a game of toy soldiers is a good idea . . . :)


I was going to but with the difficult terrain of Chic-Filet between him and I, I failed my assault range and instead ate my delicious yet homophobic chicken sammich!



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