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QUestion of Etiquette


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Interesting, Smurf.


What I thought was a quick question asking us if this was deemed normative and socially acceptable, has now turned into a Saga worthy of ages long gone by :D


Serious stuff, toy soldiers :)



Mighty Smurf, son of Smurfus, son of Smurfa, who was the daughter of Smirfus, who again built the famed vessel Smurf Foam at Smurf bay, later lost at sea outside the Smurfnies isles; met and defeated the famed warrior Cheatus, despite the dishonourable way Cheatus chose to make his stand. So Ivar Smurfspeaker sings in the poem "Smurftide":


"Our hero the Smurf gallantly strode, from his seahorse to unseat, the Cheater at Games. Foemen attacks, from hidden view, before unseen weapons are hoisted to view. The grass it glittered, in steel unfurled, but mighty Smurf cursed the name of Cheatus to Gods, plowing straight forwards he laughed. Cheatus the Coward, let arrows fly, but protected by Gods, our Smurf shall carry the day. Blooded by wounds bleeding, Smurf assaults his foe; men following in tow, their lord brought them here. As grass bends before the giants, axes and shields clash in songs of valiant battle. Lo behold, how they ran that day. Cheatus head in hand clasped, will to fight was slayed at last"


As we can read from this ancient poem, the battle was hard fought, brutal, and some say (though never to the ears of the Smurf), unexpected.

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Interesting, Smurf.


What I thought was a quick question asking us if this was deemed normative and socially acceptable, has now turned into a Saga worthy of ages long gone by :P


Serious stuff, toy soldiers :Elite:



Mighty Smurf, son of Smurfus, son of Smurfa, who was the daughter of Smirfus, who again built the famed vessel Smurf Foam at Smurf bay, later lost at sea outside the Smurfnies isles; met and defeated the famed warrior Cheatus, despite the dishonourable way Cheatus chose to make his stand. So Ivar Smurfspeaker sings in the poem "Smurftide":


"Our hero the Smurf gallantly strode, from his seahorse to unseat, the Cheater at Games. Foemen attacks, from hidden view, before unseen weapons are hoisted to view. The grass it glittered, in steel unfurled, but mighty Smurf cursed the name of Cheatus to Gods, plowing straight forwards he laughed. Cheatus the Coward, let arrows fly, but protected by Gods, our Smurf shall carry the day. Blooded by wounds bleeding, Smurf assaults his foe; men following in tow, their lord brought them here. As grass bends before the giants, axes and shields clash in songs of valiant battle. Lo behold, how they ran that day. Cheatus head in hand clasped, will to fight was slayed at last"


As we can read from this ancient poem, the battle was hard fought, brutal, and some say (though never to the ears of the Smurf), unexpected.



Epic and teaented Irons sage. Good play, Sir, good play!

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Interesting, Smurf.


What I thought was a quick question asking us if this was deemed normative and socially acceptable, has now turned into a Saga worthy of ages long gone by :P


Serious stuff, toy soldiers :Elite:



Mighty Smurf, son of Smurfus, son of Smurfa, who was the daughter of Smirfus, who again built the famed vessel Smurf Foam at Smurf bay, later lost at sea outside the Smurfnies isles; met and defeated the famed warrior Cheatus, despite the dishonourable way Cheatus chose to make his stand. So Ivar Smurfspeaker sings in the poem "Smurftide":


"Our hero the Smurf gallantly strode, from his seahorse to unseat, the Cheater at Games. Foemen attacks, from hidden view, before unseen weapons are hoisted to view. The grass it glittered, in steel unfurled, but mighty Smurf cursed the name of Cheatus to Gods, plowing straight forwards he laughed. Cheatus the Coward, let arrows fly, but protected by Gods, our Smurf shall carry the day. Blooded by wounds bleeding, Smurf assaults his foe; men following in tow, their lord brought them here. As grass bends before the giants, axes and shields clash in songs of valiant battle. Lo behold, how they ran that day. Cheatus head in hand clasped, will to fight was slayed at last"


As we can read from this ancient poem, the battle was hard fought, brutal, and some say (though never to the ears of the Smurf), unexpected.



Epic and teaented Irons sage. Good play, Sir, good play!



It`s called lack of sleep (really couldn`t sleep), first cup of coffe, reading and being bored. Stuff happens then :)

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Honestly, it's poor etiquette on your part for not drop-kicking him in the face.

Uh, because garnering an assault charge over a game of toy soldiers is a good idea . . . :P


I was going to but with the difficult terrain of Chic-Filet between him and I, I failed my assault range and instead ate my delicious yet homophobic chicken sammich!





THIS is why we need a "facebook-esque" Epic button for posts here!!


Still laughing.....




Edit: and for Sages epic saga from the coffee realm... seriously Epic!

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I just checked and breaking the rules/performing an illegal move/cheating is considered bad form in most cases... Except games like cheat... Where cheating/breaking the rules is allowed unless you get called out on it.


I don't see an issue with switching your lists around between games. I used to do this all the time, and I did it not knowing who I would be fighting next... I just liked to mix it up. However you should have your list sorted before the game and once the game has started it is in theory too late. I do feel this isn't a big deal in a friendly game is someone asks. Say is someone runs a fairly week fluffy list and then they realise you have a no mercy, no remorse list... It might be more enjoyable for both of you if you allow them to switch it out for another.

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I would actually thank the guy for making it easier for me instead of complaining about it, Thunderfire cannon have t7 and get a cover save easier than that av tank. Its not realy cheating if he shoots himself in the foot.


Yeah, it was a terrible swap out. When he said "oh I wanted to swap out the Thundercougarfalconbird out for my Vindicator because you are running so many Terminators" I was in shock that he would do something like that after I had finished deploying. Then I sorta laughed inside cause I know the Techmarine would have been a much better choice with Daemon allies deepstriking in.


Instead the Obliterators killed it on my first turn and he never even was able to take a single shot with it (was out of range of anything his first turn) :P


He still did it with the intention and thinking that the Terminators were the key to me winning, when in fact the CSM force is only there to provide shooting support and to kill the few things that can easily destroy Daemons as they come onto the board. That Techmarine may have lived behind an Aegis Defense Line, would have at least taken more fire than two lascannon shots from my Oblits.

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Honestly, it's poor etiquette on your part for not drop-kicking him in the face.

Uh, because garnering an assault charge over a game of toy soldiers is a good idea . . . :P


I was going to but with the difficult terrain of Chic-Filet between him and I, I failed my assault range and instead ate my delicious yet homophobic chicken sammich!





THIS is why we need a "facebook-esque" Epic button for posts here!!


Still laughing.....




Edit: and for Sages epic saga from the coffee realm... seriously Epic!




Thank you sir!

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I would actually thank the guy for making it easier for me instead of complaining about it, Thunderfire cannon have t7 and get a cover save easier than that av tank. Its not realy cheating if he shoots himself in the foot.


Something being legal/fair or not is not based on how successful it is.

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I would actually thank the guy for making it easier for me instead of complaining about it, Thunderfire cannon have t7 and get a cover save easier than that av tank. Its not realy cheating if he shoots himself in the foot.


Something being legal/fair or not is not based on how successful it is.



You missed the point, sigh.

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I would actually thank the guy for making it easier for me instead of complaining about it, Thunderfire cannon have t7 and get a cover save easier than that av tank. Its not realy cheating if he shoots himself in the foot.


Something being legal/fair or not is not based on how successful it is.



You missed the point, sigh.


I got the point of the first sentence (a point that has been made by a few people, including the original poster), but the second sentence did not seem to have one.

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I would actually thank the guy for making it easier for me instead of complaining about it, Thunderfire cannon have t7 and get a cover save easier than that av tank. Its not realy cheating if he shoots himself in the foot.


Something being legal/fair or not is not based on how successful it is.



You missed the point, sigh.


I got the point of the first sentence (a point that have been made by a few people, including the original poster), but the second sentence did not seem to have one.


If you attempt to kill someone and fail because you are a bad aim, that doesnt make you any less of a murderer, it just also makes you a failure :(

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I would actually thank the guy for making it easier for me instead of complaining about it, Thunderfire cannon have t7 and get a cover save easier than that av tank. Its not realy cheating if he shoots himself in the foot.


Something being legal/fair or not is not based on how successful it is.



You missed the point, sigh.


I got the point of the first sentence (a point that have been made by a few people, including the original poster), but the second sentence did not seem to have one.


read the quote from my other post.

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Switching units in your army after your opponent has deployed his units isn't just bad sportsmanship, it's cheating.

(Can you imagine him trying to do this at a tourney?)


A way to circumvent this is to show eachother your armylists before the game starts, preferrably at the same time (like giving eachother a piece of paper where everything is listed.)

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In my gaming group, this isn't something that happens much. We might proxy a model here and there, but we generally clear it ahead of time.


If I'm playing another grown adult, I expect some level of adult behavior. Seeing a list and swapping something out after deployment isn't adult behavior. Of course, I'm not going to fly off of the handle and go off on him, but I'm not going to allow it, same point cost or not. If they get all indignant about it, then they can find someone else to play.


I'm glad that the OP won. I'm not glad that I now want to buy more Chaos Daemons. My wallet hurts from adding to my chaos army.

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In my gaming group, this isn't something that happens much. We might proxy a model here and there, but we generally clear it ahead of time.


If I'm playing another grown adult, I expect some level of adult behavior. Seeing a list and swapping something out after deployment isn't adult behavior. Of course, I'm not going to fly off of the handle and go off on him, but I'm not going to allow it, same point cost or not. If they get all indignant about it, then they can find someone else to play.


I'm glad that the OP won. I'm not glad that I now want to buy more Chaos Daemons. My wallet hurts from adding to my chaos army.


Yeah man, Daemons are the bomb! (Get it...Bomb...Daemonbomb???)

Got my Screamers painted up and such and I really hope they do not renerf them in the next codex so that my investment becomes trash :P These guys currently are just incredible. I think in our game they killed a unit of Sternguard, two combat squaded Tact Squads, and a three man unit of Attack Bikers.


The Fiends ate most of the fire from his shooting phase and managed to live through it all, they killed a single tactical squad and then died to some overwatch fire the next assault phase lol


The Herald of Khorne on a Chariot did very well for himself. Cleaned up everything and was near impossible to hurt once I cast Endurance on him, between FnP and It will not die he just stood his ground and would not go away. He also was pretty kill to the base marines.


The Plaguebearers killed the quad gun sitting in the defense line. Was kinda awesome, thought about wielding it but then realized they are BS0 :P

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Allow me to repeat myself. It's cheating, period. Why? Because a TFC is 100 points. A bare Vindicator is 115 points. He was overpointed.


To be fair, he may have pulled something else off that I do not know of. He didnt say anything UNTIL I actually asked what he was doing, then he gave me the speel about the Vindy being better than the Thundercougarfalconbird.


Though he may have just as well been over a bit, but that is fine, he would have needed another 250pts to really have a chance at beating me. . .

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah it's cheating but the guy sounds nice enough and probably had a few bad habits from his gaming group. No need to be giving him character traits he very likely doesn't have. If he was a dirty cheater he would have known what he was doing and put his thunderfire back on the table as he'd been called out. Instead he thought very innocently he was allowed to do that. Kind of like how you forgive your grandparents for being racist sometimes. No malice at all; they just don't know you can't say that word anymore.


In my experience anyone who tends to do such things tends to be AN unexperienced player anyway. You'd have a better time playing somebody with a few bad habits than the super RAW guy who breaks your meganobs while checking you haven't stolen a fraction of an inch. Not bitter.


I rarely change my lists for weeks until I see a weakness that needs to be filled. I wouldn't have made such a change to my list until I had seen how the thunderfire cannon works so I question how much of an advantage changing a list last minute can give you.



As Daemon player I know they are better than vindicators anyway. They would have murdered your fiends.

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