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Daemon Weapon Question for Generic Lords


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Ok so I was all excited to give my chaos lord a daemon weapon now that I got hold of dark vengeance and the chaos codex, but from what I can tell, it's only available to named characters that have them listed as wargear, with the exception of the two specific chaos artefacts. Unless I missed something, I'm guessing this means there is no way for a generic chaos commander to get a daemon weapon that isn't an axe or mace, correct? Kinda sucks, since if I want to use a figure straight out of the box as my chaos lord I need to use either the chosen sergeant or axe dude as my lord instead of the commander model.
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Hah didn't notice that restriction till now either, the axe is for rage beasts only. Well poop, one would think an army with "Chaos" in the name would get more variety.
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Because it is junk? :P


1. you have to be in melee to use it (duh)

2. the character that wields it has to be in melee against the character it works against.

3. it only works against one target and that target has to be a character.

4. It is not even a guaranteed kill against said character.


Too situational, too gimmick'y, too specialized.

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Brother Nihm, might I refer you to the challenge rules, which Chaos lords have to use in combat, and can grant them special bonuses, and satisfies all of the requirements you listed?


I can definitely see you passing up an item like that for a shooty force, but for winning challenges its not bad. And winning challenges with Chaos is a good thing.

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Why would you ever pass up on the Murder Sword?


Maybe because it is the most overcosted piece of :P in the codex?


@Calnus - Yeah challenges are big for us but honestly if you're facing a guy with a murder sword are you really going to steer your warlord into it's path? The only reason you would is if you knew you were going to win, IE you have 3++ and possibly EW. At that point the chaos player is just wasting his points and an HQ.


@Arikel - Yeah they're the only options available to your average chaos lord but that's what counts as is for. You could use them as one of SCs with their special weapons or just use the sword as a "counts as black mace". After all, daemon weapons are supposed to take many different forms.

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Why would you ever pass up on the Murder Sword?


Maybe because it is the most overcosted piece of :) in the codex?.

I said Murder Sword, not Black Mace. :)


Uh the black mace is pretty good, so I don't know what you're talking about there....

AP 4 for one. :P


Yeah, it rocks on DPs, but I'd never give it to a Lord or Sorcerer.

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Why would you ever pass up on the Murder Sword?


Maybe because it is the most overcosted piece of :tu: in the codex?.

I said Murder Sword, not Black Mace. ;)


Uh the black mace is pretty good, so I don't know what you're talking about there....

AP 4 for one. :P


Yeah, it rocks on DPs, but I'd never give it to a Lord or Sorcerer.

And yet most of the time, all it needs is one hit to get through.


One. :)

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Why would you ever pass up on the Murder Sword?


Maybe because it is the most overcosted piece of :cuss in the codex?.

I said Murder Sword, not Black Mace. :P


Uh the black mace is pretty good, so I don't know what you're talking about there....

AP 4 for one. :P


Yeah, it rocks on DPs, but I'd never give it to a Lord or Sorcerer.

And yet most of the time, all it needs is one hit to get through.


One. :D


Correct. One hit is all it takes to remove 33% of the forces near your model no matter if they have Eternal Warrior, refuse the challange, accept with a lower ranked marine or anything else. Too bad the power sword does not work that way. All you need is one hit to get through.


One. :)

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AP 4 for one. tongue.gif


Yeah, it rocks on DPs, but I'd never give it to a Lord or Sorcerer.

If you do not understand the difference of power level and use in a chaos army between a weapon that doesnt work and a weapon that is a solid choice [good anti blob weapon . good anti meq . ok vs stuff with non +2 sv] , then sadly we cant help you .

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Why would you ever pass up on the Murder Sword?


Looks like quite the inferior weapon to my eyes, in particular in comparison to the Black mace and the Khorne Axe, which are pretty clearly better weapons.


IMO Murder Sword should have been much cheaper.


Why would you ever pass up on the Murder Sword?


Maybe because it is the most overcosted piece of ;) in the codex?.

I said Murder Sword, not Black Mace. :P




This is the most Pure Awesome weapon we have in the `dex! It is unrivaled except by Khorne lords with axe, and the cost is quite okay on that one ;)

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I'd have been all about the murder sword as a daemon weapon. Similar utility to the blinding axe, similar points value.


*Nods* Would be a nice choice then, and you would not be gimped if you could not chase down the enemy character and so on. But as it is now, I feel the Murder Sword is a dud choice in anything below 2K where you have 2 primary detachments, and so could possibly justify taking it, if you already had the mace/axe and so on.

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I don't know. The more points you're fielding, the harder it is to track down any specific dude. A dual power weapon combo (either sword/axe or mace/axe) is cheaper and more versatile, while good old fisticlaws is only, what, 5 points more? and just was way better. Both of those options eat your pistol, but still. The murder sword, fun or cool as it might be, is just a bad, bad weapon, and the awesome dark vengeance chaos lord with that killer daemonic sword really deserved better.
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3. it only works against one target and that target has to be a character.


Actually it works against everyone as long as you're in base contact with the target.



Its still crappy though.


Yeah but since you must issue/accept challenges, that's kind of a moot point as any wounds caused by it are still only going to the character it's named for, right?

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I know it's crazy but if you are wanting to use the DV guy with the sword why not just proxy it as the Axe of Blind Fury.

Very few people out there will be anal enough to stop you from using a 'Sword of Blind Fury' if you state it before the game.


Just explain to them that it truly is an axe but the powers of the warp are twisting the perceptions of their fragile mortal mind.


However, do NOT try this on your wife/girlfriend/husband/boyfriend unless you want to be smacked.

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