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Daemon Weapon Question for Generic Lords


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The point stands though that there are no hordes in 40k that warrant the inclusion of a 200 point HQ tooled up specifically to tackle them

IG blobs that tar pit us and are more or less fearless due to comissars ? bikes dont like those units and maces help against them .

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The point stands though that there are no hordes in 40k that warrant the inclusion of a 200 point HQ tooled up specifically to tackle them

IG blobs that tar pit us and are more or less fearless due to comissars ? bikes dont like those units and maces help against them .

2-3x35 man zombie units?


What we do have problems with is elites. The melee elites and HQs of many other factions just walk all over our own melee elites, supposed specialty of our faction notwithstanding, especially those with 2+ saves, and the blinding axe provides a much more effective tool against that weakness while also being very, very effective against hordes just by accident, because most of our stuff is.


You run into your own arguement there. Why take 200pts of tooled up dude with axe to deal with elites, when you can take 200pts of other stuff (3 obbies, forgefiend) to deal with elites.


If you are trying to close combat opposing elites, you're doing something wrong.


We are chaos. we don't pick fair fights. Dust off and nuke them from orbit.

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The point stands though that there are no hordes in 40k that warrant the inclusion of a 200 point HQ tooled up specifically to tackle them

IG blobs that tar pit us and are more or less fearless due to comissars ? bikes dont like those units and maces help against them .

2-3x35 man zombie units?



Then you're required to take Typhus. I think an IG blob would still roll through cultists pretty quickly, maybe a little slower as zombies but still.

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