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The Blood Suns' Scroll of Engagements

Father Mapple

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Hello Battle-Brothers,


I am still in law school, which still eats up the majority of my time, but I finished a "half-class" that didn't last the whole semester, so I've found more time to schedule games. So I hope this will be a little list of my achievements and battle reports that I can post for other Blood Angels players to either learn from, but more likely just be entertaining. Currently, I'm typing them all up as I go to participate in the DakkaDakka World Campaign, which you can read about here: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts...t/0/469742.page


Also, older battle reports, my old campaign that fizzled out last year, and just stuff I think about can be found on my Warhammer blog here: http://iterativewarhammer.wordpress.com/


I played a friend at my house last weekend, and took some time to write this up. I hope you enjoy!


Chief Epistolary Saint Michael and his strike force of Blood Suns met a raiding Dark Eldar force in an intercept operation on the world of Namba. Knowing that the cunning Dark Eldar would rather not meet a superior force head on, Saint Michael led a force of fast moving jump infantry with support elements directly into the middle of the evil Eldar contingent, scoring a victory for the Imperium at a heavy cost.


1850 Points 40k Battle

Crusader Mission - 5 Objectives

Anvil of War Deployment - Short Table Edges


Blood Suns List

Librarian + jump pack + Divination powers: Prescience and Precognition

Furioso + frag cannon and heavy flamer + Drop Pod and locator beacon

2x Sanguinary Priests + jump packs + power weapons

3x Assault Squads with power weapons, melta bombs on the Sergeant, 1x with double flamer, 1x with double meltaguns, 1x with one of each

Baal Predator + TLAC + HB sponsons

Vanguard Vets + 2 Melta bombs + power weapons + power fist

Predator + LC + AC turret

Stormraven + TLAC + TLMM


Dark Eldar List

Duke Sliscus (the 3+ poisoned guy and deep striking raiders)

7x Kabalite TrueBorn + Raider + Splinter Cannons

2x Squads of 10 Kabalite Warriors + Splinter Cannons + Raiders + Dark Lances

2x Squads of Wyches + Hekatrix + agonizers + Raiders with Dark Lances

3x Squads of 5 Reaver Jetbikes + 1 Heat lance each

3x Ravagers with Triple Dark Lances


My Warlord power was to add +1 to charge ranges within 12" of my warlord.

His gave units within 12" of his warlord move through cover.

We didn't use mysterious objectives.


He won first turn and deployed around a Fantasy-tower/bastion with the 4 Raiders, reserved Sliscus, and hid the Ravagers behind them. Then strung the bikes out in waves around the formation.


I deployed with 3 Assault Squads with the 3 ICs spread between them along the front line. Baal and Predator stayed just out of 48" range of his Ravagers, but within that range of the raiders. Vets and SR reserved.


Then I stole the initiative!


My First Turn:

Drop pod came down and the Dreadnought stipped a hull point off a Warrior Raider and broke apart a Wyche raider, killing 9 of them in the explosion, only the Hekatrix surviving. I jumped Assault squads forward to just outside of his rapid fire weaponry, half of them taking cover in a ruin (so he could only get single shots out of the raiders with troops). Baal was outside TLAC range so heavy bolters shot up bikes. TLAC predator shot some.


His first turn:

He destroyed the Furioso and the Drop Pod (knowing I would have used it for the Vets) and then proceeded to focus fire and fly-over with the jet bikes all at the Assault Squad with a Priest and double flamer. The lone Wyche from the Raider explosion moved into the building and sat in the parapets. She was able to throw a haywire grenade down and blow up the Furioso... :P This wyche would later become the bane of my existence.


My Turn Two:

I assaulted the bikes and wiped them out my 2nd turn, when everything came in. This was probably a mistake, since it kept my guys from getting across the board, and I spent roughly 900 points taking out 300 of his... but I didn't want to lose my Predators! Vets deep struck in my own deployment zone with no open targets on his side of the board, which meant they took 3 turns to get into combat in his deployment zone and missed the charge against the bikes.


His Turn Two:

Two bikes made it back to his side of the board, which would become the OTHER bane of my existence. He continued to shoot so much stuff at my other Priest Squad after wiping out the first Priest Squad. The Duke came down about mid-board and despite having lots of snap shots, didn't do much to the 2nd Priest Squad either.


My third turn:

I consolidated the Priest and Librarian into the remaining full strength assault squad, and moved the surviving 4 in the other squad towards the Duke. The Vets jumped into the middle of a big mess of Raiders, unsupported, with only 3 or 4 left. I shot most stuff at the Duke's Raider, killed many of the Trueborn in the blast, then in the shooting phase killed the Duke, meaning i didn't get to assault anything. I also blew up the other Wyche Raider which hadn't made it over yet, stranding his wyches in a piece of terrain they kept trying to run over. The Stormraven blows up one transport or Ravager per turn from this point on.


His Third Turn:

He shot tons of stuff at me again. He had a single Splinter Cannon warrior run towards the objective, a group of 5 other warriors run for the objective, and the Wyches trying to run away from the objective and engage the veterans, but they didn't make it.


My Fourth Turn:

I have the Vets assault the Wyches, but they get wiped out after killing a couple. Shooting kills the group of Warriors and the single one. The leftover Assault Squad jumps close to the Tower/Bastion out of sight, where the remaining Wyche stands on an objective out of sight due to the high parapets, so I can't even shoot her or charge her, so I run to get close. The Libby and Priest Squad move up to do something similar, but are out of range to get to grips with anything.


His Fourth Turn:

He does move a lone Reaver, the leftover Hekatrix, and the Ravager close to the squad of just 4 marines, Librarian, and Priest, blowing the Priest away with concentrated, from the flank, Dark Lance. I fail one of the Look Out, Sir! rolls, leaving the Librarian and a single melta gunner. Then he charges with the bike and the Hekatrix, or put one wound on the Libby and kill the melta gunner. I fail to connect with the Librarian at all.


My Fifth Turn:

The two leftover marines jump on top of the objective the Hekatrix left. The Baal moves up closer to the Librarian's combat to get shots on the Wyches. I shoot all my Dakka at the Wyches and Warriors standing on the objective, where he makes an absurd amount of 6+ cover saves from Going to Ground and Feel No Pain saves (gained from killing the Vets) to leave 2 Wyches there. Stormraven blows up the remaining transports and a Ravager. The Librarian kills the Hekatrix, and the Bike doesn't connect, so they're locked in combat still.


His Fifth Turn:

With his last remaining troops Gone to Ground, all he can do is move and shoot a Ravager. His last Ravager blows up the Baal Predator with a Penetrating shot. He rolls the distance of the explosion, which comes up maximum, and catches the Librarian who is in the assault but not the jetbike. The Explosion wounds! The Librarian tries to shield himself from the blast while trying to dodge a mad Dark Eldar Reavers' close combat attacks at the same time... and... catches a fragment of front armor to the face, dying instantly. My warlord died to a Penetrating lance shot to a vehicle 5.5 inches away from him, which rolled a 6 for the maximum distance for the explosion, rolled over a 4+ to wound, and then failed his 3+ armor save. WONDERFUL HAPPY UNICORN DANCE OF PLEASURE!


If it hadn't been for the leftover single Wyche and the leftover single Reaver, the Librarian would have been ok. Lesson learned: even a single model can make a huge impact later in the game.


After we get done laughing (him) and moaning in grief (me), we then have to call the game due to time (it was past 11PM, having started set up around 7PM) and so we assess the very bloody damage.


End of the Game Tally:

We each held one objective.

I got First blood

Neither got Linebreaker.

We both got Slay the Warlord (although one luckily, and the other through cowardly collateral damage).


5-4 Victory to the Blood Suns.

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