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I'm getting more and more interrested in trying a Warpsmith for my comming games.

They seem abit redundant, but fun to use none the less, and against other marines they're quite killy.


Granted, they will never be as killy as a Chaos Lord, nor give you an edge in the "psychic-game" like a ML(3)-Sorc does, but they still doesn't seem that useless.


I'm toying with the idéa to have one with a Plasma Pistol, AoDGlory, VotLW and most likely with Mark of Nurgle, in a unit of Plague Marines. For 160 pts he's not exactly cheap, but he does bring some funky utilities to the table:

- One BS5 Melta and Plasma-shot at 12"

- The ability to repair his transport (Rhino), or any other vehicles on 4+.

- A funky get's-hot-curse if there is no suitable target for his melta/plasma

- The ability to hold his own in combat except against the most killy HQ's/MC's with his 2+/5++, T5 and 5+ WS4 S5 AP2 attacks.

- Lowering the coversave of a terrain piece.


What's the general opinion on his Curse? Can he be inside a Rhino and curse a vehicle within 18", without using any of the hatches? It doesn't need LoS.


Other idéas on how to pimp out a Warpsmith?

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Is Shatter Defences meant to be done in secret? Or do Scouts & Infiltrators know what piece of terrain he has shattered?


Personally, I think he's ok. A bit gimmicky but more survivable for a 2W model than I first thought. Would seriously consider him if I went Fiend heavy, in that case I'd give him Plague Marines as an escort, or if points were low just Plasma CSMs with VoTLR/IoV in a Rhino.




PS. It says 'roll to hit using BS' for his curse so I guess he'd have to stick his head out of a rhino hatch since you can't roll to hit without LOS.

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If your really trying to min max points, its difficult to choose him over other options. However, I have played him and he is alot of fun. I didnt have any chance to use his curse and its really only useful on vehicles with alot of shots (like crusaders, dakka preds and such). I ran him with a CSM khorne marked squad with icon of wrath. He was equipped with Aura, MoK and AxeOBF. This means on the charge he gets 7 attacks at str 7 ap 2 at I4. If he gets charged you get some nice overwatch and 6 attacks at str 6 ap2 I4 which is solid. He is basically in terminator armor with aura but can also sweeping advance. He killed alot but its a little pricy still for a 2 wound model. Also his WS being 4 hurts a little as with axe it goes to 3(3 isnt too bad though as you still need 4s to hit anything up to WS7)
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Not sure if its necessarilly the best use of point, but the guy is not useless.


I ran one against Guard, and exchanged his pistol with burning brand, and he worked wonders then. Short and long range flamer combo with melta gun on top isn`t that shabby.

My opponent didn`t own any fortifications, so his abillity to reduce cover alone, was awesome against guard blobs (I scorched them badly with that brand to the point where I felt mean).

So with the Brand, he is a decent support HQ. Without the Brand, I am not so sure about him and doubt I would field him.(if he had 3 wounds, i would love him and exchange his axe with a black mace, but he is no great melee fighter with 2 wounds, though he can deal some moderate hurt))...

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I ran one against Guard, and exchanged his pistol with burning brand, and he worked wonders then

how is this different from taking a lord or sorc with brand ? if anything it only proves that IG build around cover/aegis and the stand up order , suffer from no cover weapons a lot .


its a bad HQ not worth taking . even when we open extra slots for HQs it is still better to run other HQs even naked just for fearless and power weapon because they are cheaper then him .

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I ran one against Guard, and exchanged his pistol with burning brand, and he worked wonders then

how is this different from taking a lord or sorc with brand ? if anything it only proves that IG build around cover/aegis and the stand up order , suffer from no cover weapons a lot .


its a bad HQ not worth taking . even when we open extra slots for HQs it is still better to run other HQs even naked just for fearless and power weapon because they are cheaper then him .


It`s decent in a support squad of the type that you do not expect to engage the enemy with, but true, not having fearless is a :sweat:

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I have played him and I quite enjoy him. I gave him brand and set him in some cover with a 2 flamer plague marine squad on an objective.


i'll be honest and say a nurgle sorceror would have been better, but he added some interesting aspects to the match for me. Plus the model looks great (replaced his bolt pistol arm with vulkan flamer arm to represent brand. I think it added nicely to his look.)

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I gave him a run recently in a tryout with a friend, and I have to say I was damn well impressed by him. my friend likes to play with Nids mostly swarm nids with gaunts and stealers and tervigons etc, to try him out I tossed him in a squad i built with him in mind in hopes as a group they would preform better then expectations, the unit was suppose to be for a general all round use but against my friends Tyranids... they preformed expectionally well, felt kinda bad honestly, the unit was 9 Chosen Chaos Space Marines with 3 meltas and 2 flamers as well as a Champion with a power fist.


I suppose i went a bit points heavy on him giving him a lot because hey i felt, hey why not, I'm giving him a try lets make him a little over the top. So my warpsmith had Sigils, MoTzeentch, Burning Band, Gift of Mutation, and i think a combat familiar he was around 200 points by the end, crazy i know but oh well. When it came to playing i was lucky in that i got mechanoid to give him +1 to his armour save which made him laugh and my friend dispair when i said that gave him a 1+ save that only ap1 weapons can get rid of. (haven't seen anything that tells me i'm wrong there *shrugs* even the local GW staff says it works but as always in games workshop games a 1 still fails to save. sadly the best my friend had was some Monsterous creatures who were ap2, so I suppose he could have held up against them but he was never given the chance.) Even though i rolled that, I knew the unit itself would be a big...'squishie' as some would say, so as soon as i could I ran them up and hid in some 'regular' trees (they haven't tried to kill my guys yet!)got em there just in time as the first unit of gaunts came at em.


I know i may be basing my works off of only 1 game so even i don't take it as this will always happen but having the smith really help keep that squad alive, my friend most likely should have noticed charging the squad was the best choice of options laid out for him as a. they were in Difficult terrian to slow down there charges,which made a couple of his charges fail when he needed them in and b. was trying to charge a unit that during overwatch as we understood it which how the rules were written dropped 3d3 normal flamer hits, 1d3 burning band hits, 3 melta shots and lastly 8 bolter shots. In the end we both had fun though and were both rather impressed, more so when the Warpsmith cut down his Broodlord while in a challange, then laugh when he gets a 13 on the d66 roll and earn nothing for it.


i say give em a try, do what ya want and get your own opinion of the Warpsmith. I personally enjoyed using him so i plan to throw mine in my alpha legion army in a squad next to Huron so i can hopefully get the most of all them flamer templates and other fun stuff(like infiltrating!). if he dies he dies such is life its a game I play to do at least decently but mostly to have fun.


Cheers, David.


p.s. ya that chosen chaos squad was expensive but man... felt so worth it in that game *laughs*

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When it came to playing i was lucky in that i got mechanoid to give him +1 to his armour save which made him laugh and my friend dispair when i said that gave him a 1+ save that only ap1 weapons can get rid of. (haven't seen anything that tells me i'm wrong there


Page 2 of the rulebook says of Armour Saves:


All but one of the characteristics are rated on a scale from 0 to 10. The odd characteristic out is Armour Save (Sv) which can run from 2+ through 6+ to - (for models with no Armour Save).


And even more relevant, page 19 of the Big Rule Book:


Some models gain additional benefits from rules that may increase any of their saves by +1 or +2 or even more. However, no save (armour, cover, or invulnerable) can ever be improved byond 2+. Regardless of what is giving the model its save, a roll of 1 always fails.


Emphasis in bold is original to the text.

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In addition to what -Max- said, you (Davidkits) wrote this:


. So my warpsmith had Sigils, MoTzeentch, Burning Band, Gift of Mutation, and i think a combat familiar he was around 200 points by the end, crazy i know but oh well.


Warpsmiths can't have a Sigil of Corruption, he's not allowed to take Special Issue wargear.

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In addition to what -Max- said, you (Davidkits) wrote this:


. So my warpsmith had Sigils, MoTzeentch, Burning Band, Gift of Mutation, and i think a combat familiar he was around 200 points by the end, crazy i know but oh well.


Warpsmiths can't have a Sigil of Corruption, he's not allowed to take Special Issue wargear.

That seems stupid, the guy in charge of maintainging/making our stuff, does not have access to it?

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hmm my bad could have sworn he could have. *laughs* looks like i'm gonna be owing my friend an apology and buying him a beer or something, XD we both missed that I guess i got used to all the other hqs and such getting those items and just determined the Smith did the same *shrugs* oh well. thank you to both Max and Minsc for that! lets me know both that i can't boost my armour and also about the invul I'm terribly sorry. I think i can see where everyone around here got the 1+ save botch as well even myself with everyone playing alot of fantasy lately *shrugs* but again thank you to both of you I'll write a note for myself to make sure to not do that again! @.@ now i really feel bad for how that game went with my friend...
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hmm my bad could have sworn he could have. *laughs* looks like i'm gonna be owing my friend an apology and buying him a beer or something, XD we both missed that I guess i got used to all the other hqs and such getting those items and just determined the Smith did the same *shrugs* oh well. thank you to both Max and Minsc for that! lets me know both that i can't boost my armour and also about the invul I'm terribly sorry. I think i can see where everyone around here got the 1+ save botch as well even myself with everyone playing alot of fantasy lately *shrugs* but again thank you to both of you I'll write a note for myself to make sure to not do that again! @.@ now i really feel bad for how that game went with my friend...




He`s your friend. You both probably had a good time. Not even a minor deal :Elite:


Just remember to inform him laterz...

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The only characters who can take a Sigil are sorcerers and lords.


Apostles and Smiths can't take them (Apostle gets one automatically though, but he can't take blight grenades, for example).


Daemon princes can't take them.


Everyone else has fixed wargear.


Just like they decided, for whatever reason, that even though Mounts are Chaos Rewards, not Special Issue Gear, the Smith and the Apostle can't take them (because they can't take bikes or jump packs either).

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The only characters who can take a Sigil are sorcerers and lords.


Apostles and Smiths can't take them (Apostle gets one automatically though, but he can't take blight grenades, for example).


Daemon princes can't take them.


Everyone else has fixed wargear.


Just like they decided, for whatever reason, that even though Mounts are Chaos Rewards, not Special Issue Gear, the Smith and the Apostle can't take them (because they can't take bikes or jump packs either).




Bane of Dreams is telling me that I can` field a +2 armour tech priest weighting in on a mere flimsy 600 kilos (before jump pack is added) with flamer and melta gun and burning brand of Doom as a raptor chief :P


Lol, now that would have been fluff-wise questionable :Elite:

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The only characters who can take a Sigil are sorcerers and lords.


Apostles and Smiths can't take them (Apostle gets one automatically though, but he can't take blight grenades, for example).


Daemon princes can't take them.


Everyone else has fixed wargear.


Just like they decided, for whatever reason, that even though Mounts are Chaos Rewards, not Special Issue Gear, the Smith and the Apostle can't take them (because they can't take bikes or jump packs either).




Bane of Dreams is telling me that I can` field a +2 armour tech priest weighting in on a mere flimsy 600 kilos (before jump pack is added) with flamer and melta gun and burning brand of Doom as a raptor chief :P


Lol, now that would have been fluff-wise questionable :P


I'd rather have him with my bikers. 2+ 5++ w/ 6T, adds a 3rd melta to my squad. Would be so nice. How he stays up with all those tenticles? No clue.

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I'd rather have him with my bikers. 2+ 5++ w/ 6T, adds a 3rd melta to my squad. Would be so nice. How he stays up with all those tenticles? No clue.


Too bad he can't be on a Bike either. :tu:

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I'd rather have him with my bikers. 2+ 5++ w/ 6T, adds a 3rd melta to my squad. Would be so nice. How he stays up with all those tenticles? No clue.


Too bad he can't be on a Bike either. :tu:


Aye. Was sayimg I wish we could. Be so fun.

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I'd rather have him with my bikers. 2+ 5++ w/ 6T, adds a 3rd melta to my squad. Would be so nice. How he stays up with all those tenticles? No clue.


Too bad he can't be on a Bike either. :(


Aye. Was sayimg I wish we could. Be so fun.



But...would look slightly odd :P


In the fluff, these things are not light weight at all, and in the Dark heresy RPG, they tend to be very, very immobile indeed (the tech priests rigged for combat that is)


Having said that, I would love for it to be better for its points obviously, but from a fluff perspective I am rather happy that they cant have wings, jump packs or bikes.


IMO the warpsmith should have been STR 5 and T 5 and/or 3 wounds and definatly Fearless. That would have been fluffy, and would have fixed it in many ways. Doesnt matter if it would cost more, as long as it worked a bit better. Alas, this is wishlisting :D

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Not having access to the the bulk of the armory is just shamefully stupid. If anything, this guy should have extra options of weird, daemonically powered arcane wargear, but no.. Even if the Warpsmith weren't such a bad value for the points, I'd shun it for that reason alone.
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Not having access to the the bulk of the armory is just shamefully stupid. If anything, this guy should have extra options of weird, daemonically powered arcane wargear, but no.. Even if the Warpsmith weren't such a bad value for the points, I'd shun it for that reason alone.


Eh, I dont think its that bad a all. But it`s definatly not optimal. But with the burning brand its quite okay.


I am going to use it for the subjective reason that I find the model itself to look absolutely awesome :cuss

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I could see some value in him running in a rhino with plague marines. It takes care of fearless and he helps provide some extra special weapons and assault help.

I'm sure you could use him to help protect the plague marines from AP3 weapons as well.

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I could see some value in him running in a rhino with plague marines. It takes care of fearless and he helps provide some extra special weapons and assault help.

I'm sure you could use him to help protect the plague marines from AP3 weapons as well.


Interesting. Yes, he would definatly add something to that squad in terms of shooting output.


Still finds it mindboogling that a Tech Priest (in the fluff, no one is more fearless than those, with the exception of Khorns mad host) lacks fearless

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