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Plague Tide.


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As of this moment I have enough plague marines to realize the dream of a pure infantry plague marine based army of hard as nails troops. I know Mortarian was certainly not stupid when it came to defeating his enemies but I wonder if beyond the competitive environment an army based soley on nurgle infantry could live up to being that indominatable and unrelenting mass of death that creeps up field. I think it would epitomize the earth-like playstyle I've read about for the arrmy. Mechanizing beyond walkers is out of the question for the sake of theme.


So, is the tide of plague marines much like the black tide plausible? Can it be more effective at winning a war of attrition even against numerically superior foes and heavy ordnance? Could the general purpose approach of the plague marine make this experience exceptionally dull? I'm curious as to the overall opinions on this strategy.



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Well, plague marines are dead 'ard- between fearless, high toughness and blight grenades they are very good at blunting enemy offensives and they can withstand hordes of weaker opponents (str 3 need '6's to wound). Plague marines don't like ordinance, though. High-strength weapons negate their higher toughness, and even though most artillery will allow FnP rolls, 5+ is too unreliable.


That being said, this is the edition to try out a floot-slogging horde. Metal bawkses are dangerous, and tend to stunlock their occupants (as well as yield easy 'first blood' points). I think Mortarion's tactics will become popular!

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Im going with all foot sloggers, PMs, cultists and Walkers or Termies. THis puts a TON (for a chaos player) of troops on the field. only problem (?) is things with a high armour value. Maces/ fists and melta seem to fix that though. My fried plays GK and is actually concerned about playing me!!!
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It works I been running sense new dex came out.

All PM mix with epid is nice boost. To them fnp 3++is huge 3+\3++ is allmost unfair.


But it can be blunted by GK, nid monster mash can be a pain sometimes. But over all PM are soild choice.

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It definitely works. I don't run a single vehicle in my army and I haven't lost a game yet.




Helbrute w/ power flail, RAC

9 Chosen

13 Plagues

21 cultists

21 cultists



nurgle havocs w/ 4ML's


2000 pts


I screen my plagues and chosen with my blocks of cultists and run them across the field as quickly as possible while shooting everything i can get in my sights. havocs are amazing, forgefiends are ungodly, and smart opponents are leery of firing at helbrutes because they then have a pretty good chance of double tapping in reply. All of my troops are ferociously resilient, and the cultists give cover saves to all my infantry, allowing me to take a 5+ twice. I actually finish some games without losing a single kill point. As you can see, that entire list is only 10 KP's. Kill point games are pretty much a no-brainer for me. Oh, and heldrakes are unutterably amazing. I'm totally in love with that unit now. The only thing I'm debating is trading my helbrute for a maulerfiend, as both have performed very well for me, but I'm still up in the air on it.

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1) They all use the vehicle rules.


2) They are all listed in the vehicles section on the summary page.


3) Whilst the Heldrake and ForgeFiend are daemon engines, the Helbrute most definitely isn't. It's just a renamed Dreadnought. Note it doesn't have the Daemon rule, nor Daemonforge rule. It doesn't even have an option for Possession which a basic Rhino does (which does make it a Damon as far as GK are concerned for example). As such, Helbrute has the least claim to being a Daemon Engine of any vehicle in the codex, below Rhinos, Raiders, Preds and Vindicators...


Frankly I think that's just making things up to suit your preferences. I've no problem with people playing whatever they want, but saying no vehicles when you have 3 is patently false. Saying you meant Daemon Engines when only two are, is still wrong. But whether something is a vehicle or not is very simple, and a matter of rules, not interpretation. Those three are all vehicles.

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..Mechanizing beyond walkers is out of the question for the sake of theme...



Maybe compgeek1602 meant no transport vehicles as opposed to no vehicles, he has 2 walkers and a flyer.


I've always been a fan of rhinos, often using 3 and a landraider as my transports. With the advent of 6th my landraider is more vulnerable to dying from glancing hits, but I need something to transport my palanquin lord, and when it comes to footslogging I only feel comfortable doing it with terminators ;)


In the 3 games I've played I've given up first blood due to losing a rhino, so I can see the point against them.

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Maybe compgeek1602 meant no transport vehicles as opposed to no vehicles, he has 2 walkers and a flyer.


I think you're probably right. Which is a world apart from what he said, hence my point.


In the 3 games I've played I've given up first blood due to losing a rhino, so I can see the point against them.


Rhinos with Plagues want hiding behind BLoS terrain or holding in reserve mostly. And that's fine. They aren't there for damage dealing, but surviving and scoring objectives.

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