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IA: The Ash Knights

The Ash Knight

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The Ash Knights Space Marines Chapter

Space Eagles



Formally the Space Eagles, the Ash Knights trace their gene seed back to Roboute Guilliman. However it was the Raven Guard successors who took to training the fledgling of the 25th founding. This was a tactical decision, in order to provide a support chapter utilizing the Raven Guards tactics but with the lee way of having a higher recruitment success. Of course there was much in the way of political skepticism and sometimes strenuous relations between the two chapters. However the chapter was founded, with the basic resources provided by the Adeptus Mechanicus, the blessing of the Ultramarines and some of the finest covert assault warriors. Many stakes were invested in the Space Eagles and they were watched with interest and trepidation.

As the Space Eagles were originally intended to be as mobile as their Raven Guard predecessors they were not restricted to a single home world. Instead they were to be fleet based with a single system, Idemus, to draw recruits from. The first two score of recruits were placed under the tutelage of eight veterans and a single captain. Much of the time the recruits were scattered across the Imperium, serving to support other chapters.

It took over three centuries for the Space Eagles to mature in strength. The veterans who trained them had long since fallen on the battlefield or returned to their chapter. Only one remained, taking the post of Chapter Master to guiding Space Eagles. Up until this point the Space Eagles were fragmented, deployed only as squads rather then full companies. Eventually at the behest of their Chapter Master they were gathered in their home system of Idemus and once again sent among the stars as full companies. The greatest victories of the Space Eagles occurred when they gathered in greater numbers, crushing foes with swift devastating strikes.

The Burning

<<To be further detailed>>

It was during the 12th Black Crusade that the Space Eagles were put to the test. They were one of the Chapters mobilized to prevent the Chaos fleet from breaking through. Their entire fleet were dispatched to blockade a route where traitor fleets were approaching from outside the Eye to assist in the assault. It was this conflict that devastated the Chapter. Although they drove off their foe, their Chapter Master was one of the causalities. With vengeful fury the decimated Chapter pursued their foes to the edge of Imperial space and beyond the light of the Astronomican.

Ash Knights


It was here that the final confrontation took place. On the surface of the once green planet, christened by the Ash Knights as Phoenix, the eternal foes met. It was here where the Space Marine fleet was crippled and their quarry annihilated. With no way to return or communicate they were trapped, expecting that they were to die having completed the Emperor's Will. When the remnants of the supposedly destroyed Space Eagles returned in an obscure systems with no obvious method of transport they first encountered suspicion when they mentioned little of what transpired after the defeat of the Chaos Marines, only that the Emperor intervened. Once being proved free of taint they were never far from the inquisition's sight.

Returned to Idemus they began the long and difficult task of rebuilding in a new beginning and restructuring. They were resurrected by the Emperor from a creeping doom for a purpose. In that spirit the Lord Chaplain suggested of the reforging of the Space Eagles as the Ash Knights. Those who had survived the Battle of Phoenix concurred and so it was that a new chapter emerged from the ashes of the old.

Home System

Idemus is a system located within the Segmentum Obscurus, although a reasonable distance for the Cadian Gate and the Eye of Terror. They are one of the chapters to be called upon in its defense. The system is comprised of only three planets and a large number of sizable asteroids, many of which are mining and/or penal colonies and as such not the main population pools from which recruits are drawn.

The raw materials in the system are mainly transported to the Forge World of Idemus I. The Adeptus Mechanicus and Ash Knights maintains cordial relations and some of the planets production is channel to the Chapter in exchange for the defense the fleet provides. At any time a component of the Chapter's fleet remains in system, although there have been times where the entirety of the Space Marines' might has been required.

Idemus II and III are sister planets. Locked in a binary orbit around the youthful yellow star. They are waterlogged hot houses, with over 87% of the surface consisting of rain forest and jungle. The lands here have never been tamed by the natives nor the Imperium. Even orks are known to be present on their surfaces, hidden the inhospitable terrain among beasts each and every bit as vicious and dangerous as the green skins. It is from these planets and their resourceful, nomadic residents that the Ash Warriors find the majority of their recruits.

Combat Doctrine

The Ash Knights, reemerging from their unintended exile were far different in doctrine to the Space Eagles raised under Raven Guard tutelage. This change has been shaped over time but the near annihilation of the Chapter was particularly profound in effect. Much still remains of their heritage and their tactics are still akin to those of the Raven Guard.

The Ash Knights favor the devastating surgical strikes that epitomizes the Raven Guard. However the Space Eagles were created to be more then just a duplicate of the Chapter. Instead their strikes are focused around securing a victory despite losses that could severally damage slower recruiting chapters. Their intentions are not to whittle down foes with precise infiltration or guerrilla tactics, it is to use the same methods to deliver singular devastating strikes to the hearts of their enemies. Surgically removing the heart of the cancer and purging the remains. It is for this reason the Ash Knights have a larger contingent of assault detachments, thunder hawks and drop pods. Many early initiates spend large amounts of time battling alongside the Hawk Lords, White Scars and Raven Guard to refine these skills.

Of course such tactics have their disadvantages should the initial strike should fail. The Ash Knights trained their marines in rapid deployment tactics from initiation and this applies to Devastator squads, intended to immediately follow up an assault with greater firepower. Following The Burning more emphasis was placed upon a stronger defensive option while adhering to the belief that the best defense is a good offense.

Prior to the 12th Black Crusade the Space Eagles served at the behest of other Chapters and the Imperium. They would be pointed to a target and unleashed like hounds of destruction. Many of these requests were from the Chapters of both the Ultramarine and Raven Guard descent when threats arose that were far more suited for the vastly mobile Space Eagles. Once their goal was in sight the Space Eagles would pursue it doggedly until their foes were obliterated from existence. Other detachments were often attached to strike groups, a more permanent fixture in a long campaign or crusade.

Again, The Burning altered much of who the Space Eagles were in their resurrection as the Ash Knights. While much of their tendencies to assist when called upon remain they are far more independent than they once were. The Ash Knights would actively seek out foes, notably the arising threats of the Necrons and Tyranids and hunt them to the point of near suicide. In the same way they tend to avoid conflict with the youthful T'au and the dying Eldar. How the Chapter balances and times these occurances is unknown. On some occasions the Ash Knights would mysteriously deploy in numbers in uncontested systems, only to be waiting when their foes arrive. Suggesting that the leadership is privy to somewhat suspicious sources of information. The inquisition has yet to pry, due to the Knights' extensive relations and on more then one occasion the Chapter has aided an inquisitor. Veterans are often volunteered to serve in the Death Watch and the Ash Knights' targeting of Xenos makes their recruits somewhat favorable.


While a Codex adhering Chapter the Knights' experiences have caused small deviations in the structure of their leadership and companies, mostly being titles specific to the Chapter. The Chapter Master heads a council that makes joint decisions on the Chapter's actions. The members of these council are those trusted most by the Chapter Master and have proven themselves. Both the Librarians and Chaplains of the Ash Knights have a notable amount of status relevant to typical chapters and work closely and somewhat secretively with the council. Each member of the council is given a title of honor as drawn from the past and agreed upon by the men they lead.

Currently those upon the council are the pivotal survivors of the Burning and a veterans that have been instrumental in later campaigns. A portion of the Chapter's military might is reserved for deployment at the request of council members only and serve as the equivalent of an additional veteran company albeit a much smaller one. This Pheonix Company is also mostly survivors of the Burning and a number have declined to recolor their armor, living icons of the Ash Knights' history.

List of notable council members

  • Theros Kevan - Lord of Ash - Once the Company Master of the the 3rd Company he led the Space Eagles after the death of their first Chapter Master. Theros himself butchered the Chaos Champion that had commanded their foes during The Burning.

  • Sevaris - Lord Immortal - Sevaris was the Emperor's voice to the 3rd Company, as Theros's most trusted ally he was part of the strike group that killed the Chaos Champion. During the conflict Sevaris's breast was torn asunder, only his ancient suit or armor and faith in the Emperor kept him alive. Even unable to fight he still voiced the Emperor's encouragement. His title is a reference to his unwillingness to die and his loyalty to the Emperor. Chaplains under his command and a cadre of marines trained under him dub themselves the Immortals.

  • Adius Lucian - Librarius Vigilus - Adius was previously under careful observation preceding The Burning, upon suspicion that he had opened his mind to the denizens of the warp intentionally. However above Phoenix he provided warning of the psychic and demonic assault on the Space Eagles' vessels in orbit. If not for his actions the orbital battle may have been lost. Any suspicions of taint have been proven false upon returning to Idemus, yet he has gained unusual abilities in the interim. Only the Council and Librarius know of the source and purpose of these abilities.

  • Uteir Lucian - Xenos Vigilus - Biologically the brother of Adius, Uteir shares none of the psychic curse. He has distinguished himself as a warrior of impeccable skill and strength. His aptitude lies in the logical understanding of his foe in order to better annihilate them. He is the main adviser on combating and defeating Xenos, this skill he passes on directly to initiates. His skills are greatly in demand, having served a long tour of duty with both the Death Watch and alongside other chapters as adviser.

  • Syran - Phoenix Company Master - Syran has a history littered with blood and carnage that extends back to the earliest years of the Chapter. He is the revered personification of the Chapter's tactics and battle spirit. It would be folly to omit him from the council or the battlefield. Despite being encased with the armored sarcophagus of a dreadnought Syran still insists on deploying at the forefront of any engagement.


From inception it was always uncertain as to which primach should be the patron of the Chapter. Although there was pressure from the founders for the Space Eagles to see Corax as their figure head. Yet it was decided that the Primachs were ultimately servants of the Emperor. So it was that while both primarchs are revered as mighty warriors in is the Emperor who is the spiritual leader of the chapter. While they see the Imperium as the hands and tools of the God Emperor they do not confuse it as His will. So while they will serve and defend the Imperium's glory as the creation of the Emperor they will stand steadfast against those who wish to see its destruction.

They believe the Emperor is still in action from Golden Throne, manipulating events to further serve the his will. They try to see his hand in everything, acting as they believe He guides them. They do not condemn their foes by their existence, merely their actions against the Imperium. Of course all Xenos are a potential threat and treated with suspicion. While the Ash Knights are not above using whatever they can for achieving the Emperor's will they are aware of the politics involved which could damage the Imperium further in the long term.

Following The Burning the Ash Knights have become somewhat more zealous in their actions and beliefs. They understand their salvation as the Emperor's intervention for a greater purpose. This idea of rebirth, redemption and destiny has ingrained itself in every aspect of their Chapter. Indeed there is a belief among a few that they will be instrumental in the resurrection of the Emperor, while the leadership neither confirm or deny this they certainly believe themselves to play a pivotal role in the future of the Imperium.


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Decent start. Something that struck me... are you aware your Ash Knight color scheme looks like the Jamaican flag?


It took over three centuries for the Space Eagles to mature in strength. The veterans had long since fallen on the battlefield or returned to their chapter. Only the Chapter Master remained, guiding the Space Eagles. Up until this point the Space Eagles were fragmented. Never acting as complete companies, let alone a Chapter. Eventually at the behest of their Chapter Master they were gathered and dispatched in much larger war bands to where they were needed the most. While there was notable successes in smaller groups. The greatest victories of the Space Eagles occurred when they gathered in greater numbers.


Whole paragraph riddled with incomplete sentences, or sentences that perhaps have periods where they should have commas.


It was here that the final confrontation took place


Where? ..and why? The previous paragraph mentions them blockading a Chaos fleet and chasing after them. Where is it they are forced to make planetfall and why? Also, what was this "lush" (instead of "green") planet's name prior to Phoenix? And how/why were they cut off from their fleet. Also, why isn't the planet green anymore?


When the remnants of the supposedly destroyed Space Eagles returned in an obscure systems with no obvious method of transport they first encountered suspicion when they mentioned little of what transpired after the defeat of the Chaos Marines, only that the Emperor intervened.


Bwuh?? That begs a better explanation than "Emprah magic foo-foo made me do it."


Also, why do/did they change their name from Space Eagles to Ash Knights?


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