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new fortification in wd!

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Its not really a chaos thing, per se, but might be interesting for those planning on using lots and lots of cultists/traitor guard allies. Its huge too, but you'd expect that with an estimated price tag of £100. I wants, but cannot affords....




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Its huge too, but you'd expect that with an estimated price tag of £100.


Meanwhile, the price of corrugated cardboard and glue remains steadily affordable...


Having trenches and bunkers available to add to lists for points would be cool, definitely a boost for Cultist troops needing to hold objectives.

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^^ lol, yeah, scratch building is definitly cheaper, but tbh if its gonna take me ten+ hours to make something to a simmilar effect, I'd rather just take the hit to my wallet, and have the ten+ hours extra free time. :P


Used to be really tight and build everything like that, but a) I kinda sucked at it, I really wasn't a CDT kinda kiddy at school, and :P I bought a realm of battle board a few years ago, and honestly, it does look amazing to game on with Gw terrain on it.

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I'm all for scratch-building terrain, but there's something to be said for the visual narrative when you have the GW stuff out there. As hornywingythingy said, sometimes, the effort involve isn't worth the money I'd save. I tried putting a bastion together. It's functional, but I bought an imperial strongpoint because having 2 bastions and 3 aegis defense lines for $90 was less than I valued my time at.


Now, making ruins? I love making ruins.

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hello there reinforced trench whose only rule is to always give cover , even if other rules negate it .


You would almost think a new unit had been released capable of turning marines in cover into baked potatoes, and they wanted to nerf said expensive new unit, with an even more expensive fortification, to stop the marines pouting...... But only after people had bought said new unit.


Jesus, that's pessimistic, even for me.....

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hello there reinforced trench whose only rule is to always give cover , even if other rules negate it .


Lol. Sometimes I find you a tad too narrowminded, despite your obvious knowledge, but this statement of yours made me grin and laugh in a very good way ^^

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Lol, people are actualy going to spend money on that?


No, they're going to scratch build it so their gunlines can ignore our heldrakes (and sonic weapons, if they're guard, I guess). Hopefully nobody actually bought any of those.


Also, aren't there a number of options that cause self injury with 'ignores cover' in our book, that if we were fighting in such a trench we'd get nonsensical cover saves against?


Special rules that exist to ignore special rules that exist to ignore special rules is just absolutely terrible game design. Just... really stupid.

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Lol, people are actualy going to spend money on that?


No, they're going to scratch build it so their gunlines can ignore our heldrakes and sonic weapons. Hopefully nobody actually bought any of those..


Also, aren't there a number of options that cause self injury with 'ignores cover' in our book, that if we were fighting in such a trench we'd get nonsensical cover saves against?


Special rules that exist to ignore special rules that exist to ignore special rules is just absolutely terrible game design. Just... really stupid.



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I have to be honest....



My first initial thoughts when I see these fortifications is just a question: Do the Games Developers really think that Codex Imperial Guard is in dire need of such awesome buffs?


Honestly, I dislike fortifications in general. It covers and negates certain inbuilt weaknesses some armies have for balance purposes. Why? Why are fortifications a good thing for the game at all?


Anyway, that was my "gripe of the day"...

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I can tell you why it's a good for those who don't play at stores with their own terrain: People are far more likely to bring and use terrain if they can pay for it and guarantee it on the table. Then you get tables with actual painted terrain and not just, you know, stacks of books for hills and oblong cutouts of pizza box tops with 'forest' or 'rubble' written on the top in sharpie.
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I can tell you why it's a good for those who don't play at stores with their own terrain: People are far more likely to bring and use terrain if they can pay for it and guarantee it on the table. Then you get tables with actual painted terrain and not just, you know, stacks of books for hills and oblong cutouts of pizza box tops with 'forest' or 'rubble' written on the top in sharpie.


Thats point, but it is kind of completly irrelevant in regards to what I said. I was speaking about game balance, not aestetichs.

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You askes why it was 'good for the game', not why it was 'good for game balance'. 40k is 60% aesthetics, anyway, so something good for the aesthetics is good for the game.


Seriously, why do you have to be so absurdly obstanate? I clearly mentioned game balance with Imp Guard, so your response makes no sense. Not that it is important, but come on, here your obviously just out to argue just for the sake of arguing.


I wrote this: "I have to be honest....



My first initial thoughts when I see these fortifications is just a question: Do the Games Developers really think that Codex Imperial Guard is in dire need of such awesome buffs?


Honestly, I dislike fortifications in general. It covers and negates certain inbuilt weaknesses some armies have for balance purposes. Why? Why are fortifications a good thing for the game at all?


Anyway, that was my "gripe of the day"...


And yet you manage to claim that I was not speaking about game balance???? Seriously, man. Come on...

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hahaha that's cynical as hell but... yeah it's going to be this, isn't it.

well Ig has to play with something now that most tournaments baned the landing pad from being used.


Do the Games Developers really think that Codex Imperial Guard is in dire need of such awesome buffs?

yes. they wouldnt make stuff like that , if they didnt want IG stuff to sell more.


Why are fortifications a good thing for the game at all?

they make your army better. in some cases like bastion for a storm lord flyer build without it blocking LoS and being untargetable without people inside it the army would be a lot less flexible

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Lol, people are actualy going to spend money on that?


Probably. I bill my time at $130 an hour so you tell me whether spending four or five hours building and painting some scenery is a better deal than spending ca. thirty seconds ordering "that" online.

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hahaha that's cynical as hell but... yeah it's going to be this, isn't it.

well Ig has to play with something now that most tournaments baned the landing pad from being used.


Do the Games Developers really think that Codex Imperial Guard is in dire need of such awesome buffs?

yes. they wouldnt make stuff like that , if they didnt want IG stuff to sell more.


Why are fortifications a good thing for the game at all?

they make your army better. in some cases like bastion for a storm lord flyer build without it blocking LoS and being untargetable without people inside it the army would be a lot less flexible


Fair answer. I think they should have been way more careful though. Aegis defence line etc. is arguably overpowered when chosen by Imp Guard, and therefore maybe shouldn`t have been created at all.


Bastion on the other hand, serves its purpose well in many various armies (as does aegis, but it is frankly too good for imp guard IMO).


Imp Guard sell more? I know you are always the cynic when it comes to GW, but do you (not saying that your wrong, mind you) seriously think that? I would have thought that game balance, and thus selling more of every armies models would be better marketing than focus on one single army, so I am very sceptical. I have always been of the belief that it was a fairly popular army, though I may be incorrect there, as its only a "feeling" I have after having met a large number of Norwegian Imp Guard players, and I hardly know how popular they are on a global scale.

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Game balance took a backseat to in-studio pet armies two editions ago. That's why you see a lot of love for IG, SMs, and the Apple Dumpling Gang of the weirdo Space Marine-eqsue Codices and not so much for other armies.


Personally, the addition of fortifications seems to me to be GW having figured out a way to shoehorn all their backstock Cities of Death/Planetstrike terrain into regular 40K. While I've always been a proponent of the Patton school of opinion on fixed fortifications being monuments to the stupidity of Man, it's going to be very difficult to ignore them on the field. I'm just hoping tournament organizers ban them from lists because things will be immensely annoying with terrain placement if they're in.

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I know you are always the cynic when it comes to GW, but do you (not saying that your wrong, mind you) seriously think that?

dont see any cynicism in this . I doubt you think that GW wants to sell fewer IG models .


I would have thought that game balance, and thus selling more of every armies models would be better marketing than focus on one single army, so I am very sceptical.

check who the focus group is for GW . they dont care or care little about people that may start thinking about game balance . they wouldnt have made flyers the way they are now when armies had 0 anti aircraft other then 1 fortification and their own or ally flyers. new guy starts buys army , the more stuff there is to pick the bigger chance that he will buy stuff .

I have always been of the belief that it was a fairly popular army,

but its old . hard to make new people start them up when they and their friends that are just starting talk only about 2-3 last armies and sm.

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I know you are always the cynic when it comes to GW, but do you (not saying that your wrong, mind you) seriously think that?

dont see any cynicism in this . I doubt you think that GW wants to sell fewer IG models .


I would have thought that game balance, and thus selling more of every armies models would be better marketing than focus on one single army, so I am very sceptical.

check who the focus group is for GW . they dont care or care little about people that may start thinking about game balance . they wouldnt have made flyers the way they are now when armies had 0 anti aircraft other then 1 fortification and their own or ally flyers. new guy starts buys army , the more stuff there is to pick the bigger chance that he will buy stuff .

I have always been of the belief that it was a fairly popular army,

but its old . hard to make new people start them up when they and their friends that are just starting talk only about 2-3 last armies and sm.


Fair enough and all logical answers I guess.

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Either way, that is an expensive kit. I'm not sure I'll be using that anytime soon. Looks kinda cool though.


Speaking of terrain, you know what I'd like? Bunkers. Like a mini version of the bastion. Maybe they start with a basic gun and you can add on from there. Make them AV12/13 or something like that.

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Lol, people are actualy going to spend money on that?


No, they're going to scratch build it so their gunlines can ignore our heldrakes (and sonic weapons, if they're guard, I guess). Hopefully nobody actually bought any of those.


Also, aren't there a number of options that cause self injury with 'ignores cover' in our book, that if we were fighting in such a trench we'd get nonsensical cover saves against?


Special rules that exist to ignore special rules that exist to ignore special rules is just absolutely terrible game design. Just... really stupid.



Its getting very Magic the Gathering isn't it? I'm still hoping they FAQ the MURDER SWORD to ignoring/negating Eternal Warrior for the target (which makes sense...it nearly killed a Primarch...)


I made something similar to that (got the inspiration from either the Battle Missions or the Planetstrike book, I forget which) for my Tau, with foamboard and such. It was very crude, the Earth Caste would think it crafted by Orks, but it got the job done. I'm in the process of making some Zone Mortalis like bulkheads, which is a fun thing to make up a couple pieces every once and a while, when I'm not painting or building/converting my Chaos and Tau (I've only played them together twice now, and I'm trying to keep them distinct and separate unless we go again at a "Throw all our stuff against the wall and see what sticks" Apoc game)


I am not good at scratch building. I've been teased for my efforts, but I bought the foamboard and plasticard and I didn't want to just throw it away, and the neices and nephews don't get many school projects where they need either. If I get my printer working, I intend to print out patterns and see about making some Plasticard Landraiders (if I only get Rhino capacity Landraider-so be it, but I'm not dropping 60-80 bucks on one.)


Rules aside, GW makes some damn cool looking kits, and some of the scratch building I"ve seen on the net make me feel like an idiot child.

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