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new fortification in wd!

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I'm not good enough with converting, but challenge anyone here to make the new fortification, depending on rules, points, and playability, to serve Khorne. Skulls, torsos, and body parts making the trenches ala 300 stye. The movie or graphic novel. I think it would be epic!
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All of the terrain if way over priced. If is ran the company I'd actually do this stuff way different. Instead of these all plastic kit I'd make kits composed primarily of detail parts and templates for things like walls and little tutorials on making pipes and the like. Maybe modes for doing green stuff brick facing and such.
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All of the terrain if way over priced. If is ran the company I'd actually do this stuff way different. Instead of these all plastic kit I'd make kits composed primarily of detail parts and templates for things like walls and little tutorials on making pipes and the like. Maybe modes for doing green stuff brick facing and such.


Brick facing is fairly easy to do with foam board, use an old paint brush with the bristles stripped out, shape it to brick shaped, and push it into the foamboard making indents for your bricks/cobbled streets. Picked up that tip from a military modelling magazine years ago.


I actually think some of the terrain is reasonably priced for what you get, the aegis, the woods, lots of the fantasy terrain, plus as has been stated, its all about paying for time saved for other things! :)

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I'm sadly going to have to agree. Even though I could make grossly detailed terrain, I just don't have the desire to sit down and do it. The guy who does it for a living and made it mass producable to look nice for everyone did a good thing for me.


Not to say that they aren't overcharging here, since they likely are overcharging by quite a bit once you get to the "mass production" phase. The fact that there is such a huge overhead on these is what allows that, though.

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