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Greetings, Brothers!

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Hello, all!

So, not only am I a new member to the board, but I'm also new to the Space Marine army. Well, as a collector, anyway. I've been playing xenos filth in 40k for a good decade or so and pottering about in the hobby since '96, but this is the first time I've tried a power-armoured army. What made me change my mind? Well, firstly the delicious minatures that came with the Dark Vengeance box- I'd been having a bit of a lull in the hobby since finishing my Orks a few years back, but those Terminators just drew me back in! (Well, that and the allure of an army that can actually shoot straight and make armour saves was just too much to resist!)

The Swords of Korhal started out as a painting project, but having played a few games with them, I'm definately interested in fleshing out my list and learning some new tactics, so I hope to get some expert advise from you guys!




This is a preview of some of my models on the (rather cluttered) painting table- I'll definately upload some more of the full army, hopefully with a more suitable background at a later date!


Anyway, hope to talk power armour with you guys soon!

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Hail and welcome to B&C, brother! And might I say, holy crap those look good. Very nice work indeed. The DA subforum will be very pleased to have you on board. :cuss
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